Linux software with debian linux

Chapter 5. Software available in the Debian system

5.1. What types of applications and development software are available for Debian GNU/Linux?

Like most Linux distributions, Debian GNU/Linux provides:

  • the major GNU applications for software development, file manipulation, and text processing, including gcc, g++, make, texinfo, Emacs, the Bash shell and numerous upgraded Unix utilities,
  • Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk and various related programs, modules and libraries for each of them,
  • TeX (LaTeX) and Lyx, dvips, Ghostscript,
  • the Xorg windowing system, which provides a networked graphical user interface for Linux, and countless X applications including the GNOME, KDE and Xfce desktop environments,
  • a full suite of networking applications, including servers for Internet protocols such as HTTP (WWW), FTP, NNTP (news), SMTP and POP (mail) and DNS (name servers); relational databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL; also provided are web browsers including the various Mozilla products,
  • a complete set of office applications, including the LibreOffice productivity suite, Gnumeric and other spreadsheets, WYSIWYG editors, calendars.
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More than 58100 packages, ranging from news servers and readers to sound support, FAX programs, database and spreadsheet programs, image processing programs, communications, net, and mail utilities, Web servers, and even ham-radio programs are included in the distribution. Other 1000 software suites are available as Debian packages, but are not formally part of Debian due to license restrictions.

5.2. Who wrote all that software?

For each package the authors of the program(s) are credited in the file /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright , where PACKAGE is to be substituted with the package’s name.

Maintainers who package this software for the Debian GNU/Linux system are listed in the Debian control file (see Section 7.4, “What is a Debian control file?”) that comes with each package. The Debian changelog, in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/changelog.Debian.gz , mentions the people who’ve worked on the Debian packaging too.

5.3. How can I get a current list of programs that have been packaged for Debian?

A complete list is available from any of the Debian mirrors, in the file indices/Maintainers . That file includes the package names and the names and e-mails of their respective maintainers.

The WWW interface to the Debian packages conveniently summarizes the packages in each of about thirty «sections» of the Debian archive.

5.4. How can I install a developer’s environment to build packages?

If you want to build packages in your Debian system you will need to have a basic development environment, including a C/C++ compiler and some other essential packages. In order to install this environment you just need to install the build-essential package. This is a meta-package or place-holder package which depends on the standard development tools one needs to build a Debian package.

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Some software can, however, need additional software to be rebuilt, including library headers or additional tools such as autoconf or gettext . Debian provides many of the tools needed to build other software as Debian packages.

Finding which software is precisely required can be tricky, however, unless you are planning on rebuilding Debian packages. This last task is rather easy to do, as official packages have to include a list of the additional software (besides the packages in build-essential ) needed to build the package, this is known as Build-Dependencies . To install all the packages needed to build a given source package and then build said source package you can just run:

# apt-get build-dep foo # apt-get source --build foo 

Notice that if you want to build the Linux kernels distributed by Debian you will want to install also the kernel-package package. For more information see Section 10.2, “What tools does Debian provide to build custom kernels?”.

5.5. What is missing from Debian GNU/Linux?

There is a list of packages which still need to be packaged for Debian, the Work-Needing and Prospective Packages list.


Дистрибутивы / Основанные на Debian


Netrunner — дистрибутив на базе Debian Stable. Использует среду KDE Plasma со свежими обновлениями и некоторыми изменениями.

Nitrux — на базе Debian, NX Desktop


Nitrux — дистрибутив на базе Debian. Использует среду KDE Plasma с кастомизированным оформлением — NX Desktop. Без systemd.

Devuan — Debian без systemd

GParted Live — live-образ для разметки дисков

GParted Live

GParted Live — дистрибутив для разметки дисков в live режиме. Содержит свежую версию программы GParted.

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Q4OS — быстрый, основан на Debian +видео


Q4OS — быстрый и стабильный дистрибутив, основанный на Debian. Не требователен к системным ресурсам. Доступен со средами рабочего стола Trinity и KDE Plasma.

Peppermint OS — веб-ориентированный дистрибутив +видео

Peppermint OS

Peppermint OS — легковесный дистрибутив, основанный на Debian. Использует среду Xfce. Является веб-ориентированной ОС.

Kodachi — анонимный, конфиденциальный дистрибутив +видео


Kodachi — дистрибутив Linux, основанный на Debian/Xubuntu, который обеспечивает пользователю анонимность, сетевую безопасность и защиту от криминалистических действий. Используется как Live-дистрибутив.

SparkyLinux — легковесный дистрибутив +видео


SparkyLinux — легковесный дистрибутив Linux, не требовательный к ресурсам компьютера. Основан на Debian. Имеет редакции с различными графическими оболочками, игровую и мультимедиа редакции, и минимальную без графического интерфейса.

Endless OS — оффлайн дистрибутив +видео

Endless OS

Endless OS — дистрибутив Linux, основанный на Debian, у которого корневая файловая система только для чтения. Дистрибутив не имеет привычной системы управления пакетами, а использует пакеты Flatpak. Не требует подключение к интернет.

antiX — оживит старый компьютер +видео


MX Linux — стабильный и легкий +видео

MX Linux

Parrot Linux — безопасность и анонимность

Parrot Linux

Parrot Linux (ParrotSec) — специализированный дистрибутив Linux, основанный на Debian и предназначенный для тестирования на проникновение и защиту данных. Обеспечивает конфиденциальность при работе в сети.



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