Linux start x window system

Install and start Xorg

Goal: Set up a minimal working graphical environment using the X Window System, the i3 window manager, and a terminal emulator of your choice; and help you understand and navigate the choices between window managers, desktop environments, and display managers.

Context: After installing of Arch and logging in, you’ll find yourself in a Linux console running a command-line shell, in which you can interact with your operating system using text-based commands. You’ll need a window system to do much more than that (e.g. run a web browser, use a standard terminal emulator, read PDFs, have windows appear on your screen, etc.). Most anything associated with modern desktop computing requires a window system.

  • ArchWiki: Xorg: the server for the X Window System
  • ArchWiki: xinit: used to start an X session from the login shell after a text-based login
  • ArchWiki: Display manager: a GUI alternative to a text-based login that can also start X
  • ArchWiki: Window manager: manages appearance of windows within a window system
  • ArchWiki: Desktop environment: a bundle of desktop-related software that includes a window manager

Contents of this article

What’s involved

Feel free to skip the introductory theory and skip directly to installing stuff.

Making sense of all the Xs

Note: for most users the technical details in this section don’t matter much once you actually begin using a window system, and you usually won’t think about them or need them from the perspective of an everyday user. But I’m including this section because it might help to have a general idea of what’s going on.

Confusingly, the X Window System, display server, and display server communication protocol are all called X in everyday usage. Wikipedia does a good job of explaining what’s involved; here’s my everyday-language summary:

  • What’s involved: A window system makes it possible for windows, icons, menus, mouse pointers, and other graphical elements to appear on a computer screen and interact with the user. The main component of a window system is a display server. The display server is the connection point between the user and all graphical applications that display their content in a window (e.g. browsers, word processors, terminal emulators, and any other GUI application); these graphical applications are called clients of the display server. The display server and its clients communicate using a display server communication protocol.
  • What happens: The user, via physical input devices (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, etc.), sends input to the operating system kernel. The display server receives this input from the operating system kernel, processes the information, and transmits it to the correct client application. The display server also receives information from its client applications, processes it, and outputs this information as pixels to the computer screen for the user to see.
  • How this relates to X: The X Window System is a type of window system; Xorg is the current implementation of the display server used in the X Windows System; Xorg communicates with client applications using the X display server protocol. All of these things are colloquially called X 🙂 Note: the only established alternative to the X Window System is Wayland. Wayland may well replace X in the future, but at the time of writing X is still the de-facto standard for a window system, and the tutorials in thes series all use X.
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Choices: Standalone window manager vs. desktop environment

To get a working window system, you’ll need to install both a display server and a window manager. A window manager controls the appearance, placement, stacking, tiling, etc. of windows, and will usually also provide multiple workspaces. The two common choices are:

  1. install a standalone window manager, or
  2. install a desktop environment, which will include a window manager.

A desktop environment (DE) is a bundle of well-integrated desktop-related software. A DE always includes a (potentially boring) window manager, and might also include toolbars, a dock, status bar, widgets, icons, an application launcher, a terminal emulator, a file browser, etc.

Common DEs include GNOME, KDE Plasma, and Xfce (there are many more); common standalone window managers include Bspwm, i3, and dwm (there are many, many more).

I lied above. You really have three choices, not two:

  1. Install a DE and use its default window manager, which will do the job but might be boring. (Every DE will have a built-in window manager.) Desktop-related bells and whistles will be set up for you without requiring much work on your part.
    Typical DE use case: you don’t want to install and configure its components individually, and don’t mind potentially less customizability, a larger memory footprint, and (*shudder*) a bit more “bloat”.
  2. Install a standalone window manager, then install any desired tool bars, widgets, etc. individually. You get a cool window manager and maximum customizability. This is what I’ll do in this tutorial.
  3. Install a DE and a separate stand-alone window manager, and use the stand-alone window manager instead of the default DE version. In principle you get the convenience of a DE and the full functionality of a cool window manager, but in practice getting a DE and separate window manager to play nicely together is often difficult and best left to more advanced users.

Need help choosing a desktop environment or window manager? You can browse through a bunch of options on Ermanno Ferrari’s excellent desktop customization playlist.

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Choices, choices: Display manager or not?

It depends on how you want to log in. After a standard Arch install you log in by typing your username and password into a text-based console prompt displayed at the end of the boot process. After logging in, you enter a command line shell, and can then issue the startx command to start the X Window System.

A display manager (DM) is a graphical alternative to the login process—it’s basically graphical eye candy. A DM will display a graphical login window at the end of the boot process instead of a text-based console prompt. You’ll usually get a window with GUI text fields for your username and password, and will have the option to customize colors, background wallpaper, etc. You can also configure most DMs to start Xorg automatically after logging in.

My suggestion for beginners: log in using the text-based console and leave a display manager for later—you’ll have fewer things to set up and potentially misconfigure. You can always install a DM after setting up your window manager and/or desktop environment.

Installing Xorg and i3

Here’s the minimal and opinionated window setup I’ll cover on this page:

  • Display server: Xorg
  • Display server initialization: xinit
  • Window manager: i3
  • Status bar: i3bar
  • Desktop environment? No, just i3.
  • Display manager? No, just xinit .


Install the following packages:

sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit i3-wm i3status i3blocks 

Explanation: xorg is a package group—it contains the Xorg display server and a collection of other useful X-related packages; xorg-init is used to start the X Window System; i3-wm is the i3 window manager; i3status and i3blocks provide the i3 status bar.

Starting X

You installed X; now you need to start it—we’ll use the startx program (provided by the xorg-xinit package) to start the X Window System and launch a window manager.

You configure startx ’s behavior through the ~/.xinitrc file. We’ll use the default xinitrc file in /etc/X11/xinit/ as a starting point, and then change it slightly to start the window manager or desktop environment of your choice.

    First make a copy of the default xinitrc in your home directory:

# Copy the default xinitrc from /etc/X11/xinit into your home directory cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc 
# At the bottom of the default xinitrc twm & xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 & xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 & xterm -geometry 80x20+494-0 & exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login 

This code starts the default Tab Window Manager ( twm ), a clock ( xclock ), and a few instances of xterm , which is the default X terminal emulator. The numbers just specify the screen coordinates where the clock and terminals should open. You’ll want to replace the Tab Window Manager code block with the executable of the desktop environment or window manager you have installed and plan on using. Example: to start the i3 window manager, delete the block beginning with twm & and replace it with the single line:

# At the bottom of the default xinitrc exec i3 
sudo pacman -S alacritty # to install Alacritty sudo pacman -S xterm # to install xterm 

Next steps

  • Must-do: learn the basic key bindings for controlling your window manager (if you installed i3, the official User’s Guide is a great resource).
  • Install more packages: consider installing a web browser (Firefox and Chromium are popular choices), an application launcher (e.g. dmenu or rofi ), a media player (e.g. mpv or VLC), and a PDF/document viewer (e.g. Zathura or Okular).
  • Eye candy: install a nice-looking terminal font (Iosevka and Source Code Pro are popular choices), install and/or customize a status bar, set a background wallpaper; customize your shell prompt, etc.
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X Window System Ubuntu

Изображение баннера

Работает, если у Вас X-server gdm, gdm3 или kdm если у Вас что-то другое, просто замените.

Как перезапустить X-server

Перезапустить X-server (предварительно уйдя в консоль Ctrl + Atl + F1)можно командой

Как остановить X сервер

Остановить/Запустить X-server (предварительно уйдя в консоль Ctrl + Atl + F1) можно командой

Если не знаете какой у Вас X сервер, прочитайте статью XSession либо можете попробовать:

/etc/init.d/gdm stop || /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop || /etc/init.d/kdm stop || /etc/init.d/xdm stop || /etc/init.d/lightdm stop

Если и это не помогло попробуйте варианты отсюда


X Window System — оконная система, обеспечивающая стандартные инструменты и протоколы для построения графического интерфейса пользователя. Используется в UNIX-подобных ОС.

X Window System обеспечивает базовые функции графической среды: отрисовку и перемещение окон на экране, взаимодействие с устройствами ввода, такими как, например, мышь и клавиатура.

X Window System не определяет деталей интерфейса пользователя — этим занимаются менеджеры окон, которых разработано множество. По этой причине внешний вид программ в среде X Window System может очень сильно различаться в зависимости от возможностей и настроек конкретного оконного менеджера.

В X Window System предусмотрена сетевая прозрачность: графические приложения могут выполняться на другой машине в сети, а их интерфейс при этом будет передаваться по сети и отображаться на локальной машине пользователя.

В контексте X Window System термины «клиент» и «сервер» имеют непривычное для многих пользователей значение: «сервер» означает локальный дисплей пользователя (дисплейный сервер), а «клиент» — программу, которая этот дисплей использует (она может выполняться на удалённом компьютере).

Система X Window System была разработана в Массачусетском технологическом институте (MIT) в 1984 году.

По состоянию на февраль 2016 года версия протокола — X11R7.7 — появилась в июне 2012 года.

Проект X возглавляет фонд X.Org Foundation. Референсная (или образцовая) реализация (reference implementation) системы свободно доступна на условиях лицензии MIT и подобных ей лицензий.

X Window System часто называют X11 или просто X (в разговорной речи — «иксы»)


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