Linux stick for tv

The best supported DVB-C USB-Stick for Linux / tvheadend in 2018

my journey of finding the right TV Stick for my tvheadend setup finally came to an end.

And to watch and record 2 channels simultaneously I bought 3 of them which are working great.

My DVB-C USB-Stick of choice is now:

I use this 3 channel splitter to connect three of those pctv-sticks —

Somehow it was a long journey and I wasted some money on other sticks which didn’t work with dvb-c or with linux in general.



I read in two places about those sticks, so I got two recommendations about which firmware file I needed. I just installed both and it works great.

So start off by downloading those two firmware files

  • dvb-demod-si2168-b40-01.fw
    • sha256sum: 8507536630d75a316d0719d6b95c04b90c36baa5b457ad457c9bacadafcef134
    • sha256sum: 5bbcfee4a0dbd55ea9d88d6b7d618afed5937a1f02962f14cdf707e108895cf7

    I installed both, but you might only install one

    Copy both firmware files to /lib/firmware

    Update: After figuring out with a reader of this blog why his stick didn’t work as expected we found the following:

    • it seems that dvb-demod-si2168-b40-01.fw is the right and only firmware
    • this file has to have 8507536630d75a316d0719d6b95c04b90c36baa5b457ad457c9bacadafcef134 as sha256sum — check it!

    Run dvb-fe-tool to see supported modi

    Multiple Adapters

    you can use a different adapter by it’s number (default: 0)

    dvb-fe-tool -a 1 # shows adapter 1 dvb-fe-tool -a 2 # shows adapter 2 

    to use a frontend other than 0, you can specify it with -f


    Good Alternatives

    I can also recommend the Suntek MediaTV Pro DVB-C USB Sticks.

    I used it for serveral years — but unfortunatley after I moved I wasn’t able to recieve all channels my TV was able to recieve.

    So this journey began and I was searching for an alternative solution.

    Sunteks drivers work very well with linux, and they have great support for several processor architechtures and the driver runs in the userland!

    So it might also be a great choice!


    Устанавливаем Linux (Armbian) на ТВ бокс

    Если вести речь о энергоэффективных устройствах, то ARM64 архитектура себя отлично зарекомендовала. На рынке существует огромное предложение устройств на данной архитектуре. Но ценник при запросе определенных параметром стремительно растет вверх. Озвучим наши требования: ARM64, 1Gb ОЗУ и 8GB SSD или NAND. Естественно увеличение параметров в большую сторону приветствуется. Обратившись к рынку ТВ приставок — я вижу предложения от 1000р, что в 2-4 раза дешевле плат для разработчиков. Выбор пал на Х96 приставку

    За 1000р я получил ужасный ТВ бокс, но отличный конструктор. Блок питания и клавиатура, а также HDMI кабель шли в комплекте. Прикладываю подтверждение, так как никто не поверит иначе.

    Получив включил, посмотрел на тупящий андроид, выключил. Разобрал.

    В профильной теме Armbian на ТВ бокс находим нужны йобраз и скачиваем. Я скачал Armbian_20.11_Arm-64_buster_current_5.9.9.img.xz

    Заглянув по адресу я вначале купился на bullseye релиз, не прочитав фразу:

    This release started as a copy of buster, and is currently in a state called testing . This means that things should not break as badly as in unstable or experimental distributions, because packages are allowed to enter this distribution only after a certain period of time has passed, and when they don’t have any release-critical bugs filed against them. Please note that security updates for testing distribution are not yet managed by the security team. Hence, testing does not get security updates in a timely manner. You are encouraged to switch your sources.list entries from testing to buster for the time being if you need security support. See also the entry in the Security Team’s FAQ for the testing distribution.

    Позже я поплотился за это и позже решил выделять отдельное время для игр с тестовыми образами. Для более менее стабильных систем я выбрал стабильный образ от debian. Позже мы устанавливаем образ на диск и читаем инструкцию:

    How to run these images on the Amlogic platform .
    Now all images Armbian and LE has all the files for activate the multi-boot. Anything addition to download and copy to media is not required.
    1. Download the image for your device
    2. Unpack
    3. Burn the image on the medium
    4. Configure in the file (uEnv.txt) launch parameters for the desired platform and model (uncomment the desired lines and comment out or delete unused ones)
    If universal multi-upload has not yet been activated on this device, you need to activate it once. There are several options for activating multi-loading.
    — Connect the prepared media to the device and turn on the power, boot into Android
    — Open the app «Update&Backup»
    — Click on «Select» local update and chose the file on the removable media
    — Start «Update»
    — System will reboot twice and start running the system from external media.

    На последних образах изменились правила:
    Pay attention. Starting from version 20.08 (20200814), the configuration order for the used DTB changes.
    Please note that the algorithm for initial configuration of the system for startup has changed. Instead of a file «uEnv.txt», the file «/extlinux/extlinux.conf » is now used. The rules for editing a file remain the same.
    All Amlogic models now need the «u-boot.ext» file.
    Before launching on Amlogic, you must copy or rename one of the existing files «u-boot-*» to «u-boot.ext».
    For s905 (not X) — used u-boot-s905
    For s905x and s912 — used u-boot-s905x-s912
    For s905x2 and s922 — used u-boot-s905x2-s922

    — Теперь устанавливаем образ на SD карту.
    — Открываем BOOT раздел на SD карте и переименовываем файл u-boot-s905x-s912 в файл u-boot.ext(на старых версиях этого делать не требовалось), затем в папке extlinux редактируем файл extlinux.conf (убираем ненужное и раскомментируем нужное). Для своей приставки я использововал meson-gxl-s905x-nexbox-a95x.dtb
    — Вставляем SD карту в приставку.
    -У меня загрузка начинается сразу, но я использую старый образ. Если загрузчик на приставке не обновлен, то заходим в обновление и выбираем обновление на флешке. После его установки первичная загрузка становится с флешки. Но в новых инструкциях рекомендуют зажать кнопку сброса, которая находится внутри разъема AV и включить питание приставки. После того, как на HDMI пойдет сигнал, отпустить кнопку сброса.

    При желании можно установить Linux в приставку и затереть Android, что я успешно и сделал. Если что-то пошло не так, то:


    5 easy steps to Install Linux on Android TV and firestick

    Today Almost every television comes with builtin Android OS, but the problem is that they are only limited for entertainment. But by installing Linux OS like Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian can open up any number of possibilities, and also you can get superuser privileges without even rooting. what you have to do is just follow this article on how to install Linux on android tv and firestick. copy-paste the given commands into the terminal

    Table of Contents

    Now coming to firestick. Firestick is one of the best low-cost streaming device, which runs on android based fire os. But when it comes to browsing you still have a mobile experience. Since none of the browsers provide a desktop-like experience. But by installing Linux you could download firefox, chromium, and many more Linux applications, and also you can use it as a PC.

    In this article, we are going to use 5 apps but they are not sorted in any order

    Install Linux without rooting

    Convert android tv into pc

    Below are common terms which occurs repeatedly in the below methods

    Install Linux applications

    Termux: Termux is a terminal emulator that provides a Linux environment without rooting. it is a free app available on the play store.

    Vnc: virtual network computing is software that enables you to control one computer from another device. usually, it is not secure since it transmits unencrypted data over the network. by running vnc server you can interact with the graphical environment. it provides a desktop-like experience

    SSH : secured shell is similar to vnc but it transfers encrypted data over a network. And it is also faster than VNC

    XSERVER XSDL: It is an android app which is the complete implementation of xserver. It gives various options on display, mouse, keyboard, video, etc

    Desktop environment: While installing Linux on android using any method the most confusing part is selecting the desktop environment, some environments are lightweight, some are resource-heavy but contain many features. below are some common desktop environments

    xfce: This is a lightweight desktop environment with less resource utilization and comes with good features. It is also beginner-friendly

    Lxde: Lxde stands for lightweight X11 desktop Environment is a lest Resouce hungry and faster when compared to others it works well with the devices with least ram

    How to install Linux on Android tv or firestick using userland

    Installing Linux with userland is very easy you don’t need another app it has a built-in terminal. This app is a replacement for the GNUroot which only works on lower versions of android

    It is easier to install Linux on android tv or firestick. For firestick, if you want to get rid of the on-screen keyboard best idea is to install Linux on it. But the performance of firestick is not good as compared to the android tv box. You could convert an android tv box into a PC by installing Linux OS on it.

    Estimated time 25 minutes

    Download Userland for play store

    You can download Userland from Playstore by clicking the link below or directly from the web if your smart-tv doesn’t support apps from play store
    If you installed an alternative app store for tv (Aptoide tv), you can install from it

    Select the required Distro

    UserLand supports 5 distributions namely Alpine, Arch, Debian, Kali, Ubuntu. select the one which you like and give userland storage permission

    Create Username and Password

    after giving storage permission. The dialog will appear asking you to fill the required information, which consists of username and password

    Select the connection Type

    you will get three options to select the connection type. I would prefer SSH. since it transmits encrypted data, you can also choose XSDL if it supports your version. After selecting Required Assets will be downloaded. Don’t worry about which to select, It can be changed later

    Update and proceed by selecting required options

    After downloading assets it will open up a terminal asking for the password that you have created at the begging and press enter. Required files will start downloading. After the process update and upgrade the files and database by entering
    apt update && apt upgrade

    Starting the desktop environment

    This is the last step where you launch the desktop environment
    You need to download any of these apps
    1. VNC viewer
    2. Xserver xsdl
    I am going to use Xserver xsdl since it is faster than Vnc
    First, open the app xserver xsdl and proceed it till a blue screen with white text as shown in above
    Now return to userland without closing xserver app and enter the below command export DISPLAY=:0 PULSE_SERVER=tcp: startlxde & If the above command doesn’t work leave a comment below I will help you


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