Linux stress test disk

Linux stress Command – Stress Test CPU

A performance test will put load on your Linux machine and stress test components like the CPU, memory, and hard drive. The stress Linux command is an ideal utility to put load on a computer and push your hardware to its limits. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and use the stress and stress-ng commands and their various options.

Install stress / stress-ng Command

Install the stress command using the appropriate command below.

$ sudo apt install stress # Ubuntu, Debian $ sudo dnf install stress # Fedora, CentOS, AlmaLinux $ sudo pacman -S stress # Arch Linux, Manjaro

Depending on the tests you’d like to run, you may opt for the stress-ng command instead. You’ll see some of the differences below.

Stress Test CPU

Example 1. You can put load on the CPU by using the -c option.

$ stress -c 1 # 1 process $ stress -c 5 # 5 processes

Use Ctrl + C to stop the process at any time.

As the stress command does its job, you may want to use commands like top or htop in another terminal to monitor the current CPU usage.

Example 2. You can also specify how long you want the load to persist.

$ stress -c 1 -t 10s # 10 seconds $ stress -c 1 -t 5m # 5 minutes $ stress -c 1 -t 1h # 1 hour

Example 3. Use the stress-ng command and the -l option to specify what percentage of the CPU you want to put load on.

$ stress-ng -c 1 -l 25 # 25% load $ stress-ng -c 1 -l 50 # 50% load

Stress Test Memory

With the —vm flag, you can put pressure on the memory. You can also set the memory size to test by using the —vm-bytes option.

Stress Test Hard Drive / SSD

Example 1. With the -d option, you can put load on the disk by writing and deleting repeatedly. The default size is 1GB.

Example 2. If you want to change the default size of the file that’s being written, you can use the —hdd-bytes flag in conjunction with the -d option.


Stress testing

Stress testing is the process of running various work loads on a computer to assess its stability. This is often used to reliably check the stability of overclocked/undervolted hardware and monitor the thermal behavior of the system (e.g. maximum temperatures, throttling, noise levels). There are several programs available to stress test various parts of the system such as CPU, GPU, RAM, and storage, using different types of work loads.

Stress testing tasks

The table below lists some stress testing software based on the kind of test and the overall intensity of the work load. It is important to stress test using mixed loads to verify stability under many use cases.

Warning: Before proceeding, it is highly recommended that users have some means to monitor the system temperatures. See Sensors.

  • 1 The main target of the test, virtually all testing will also involve the CPU and RAM to some extent.
  • 2 Light tests do not push the components very hard (in terms of power/heat limits). These tests are still useful to test how the hardware behaves in lower power levels (P states), in particular for undervolted systems.
  • 3 Realistic tests are based on real world workloads.
  • 4 Synthetic tests are explicitely designed to torture the hardware as much as possible and may not be representative of real world workloads.
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Tip: To ensure the stability of a system, it is recommended to run such tests for a long period of time, from a few hours to a few days, in different temperature conditions. If the room temperature can for example vary significantly between winter and summer time, this is something to be considered.

Updating patches for OpenWRT

A good stability test of a low load workload is to run though updating the patch sets in the OpenWRT project. Follow these steps.

Note: Several dependencies including git and curl are needed, most others should be provided by the dependencies of the base-devel meta package. To be safe, users can always install the metapackage openwrt-devel AUR .

git clone --depth 1 cd openwrt mkdir -p staging_dir/host/bin cp /usr/bin/sed ./staging_dir/host/bin curl -Os chmod +x ./ -v -u 5.15


stress performs a loop that calculates the square root of a random number in order to stress the CPU. It can run simultaneously several workers to load all the cores of a CPU for example. It can also generate memory, I/O or disk workload depending on the parameters passed. The FAQ provides examples and explanations.

To spawn 4 workers working on calculating a square root, use the command:


stress++ AUR is a lightweight stress-testing program written by CodeLog that stimulates the processor by computing the Ackermann function.


MPrime (also known as Prime95 in its Windows and MacOS implementation) is recognised universally as one defacto measure of system stability. MPrime under torture test mode will perform a series of very CPU intensive calculations and compare the values it gets to known good values.

The Linux implementation is called mprime AUR .

To run mprime, simply open a shell and type «mprime»:

Note: If using CPU frequency scaling, sometimes users need to manually set the processor to run with its highest multiplier because mprime uses a nice value that does not always trip the step-up in multiplier.

When the software loads, simply answer ‘N’ to the first question to begin the torture testing:

Main Menu 1. Test/Primenet 2. Test/Worker threads 3. Test/Status 4. Test/Continue 5. Test/Exit 6. Advanced/Test 7. Advanced/Time 8. Advanced/P-1 9. Advanced/ECM 10. Advanced/Manual Communication 11. Advanced/Unreserve Exponent 12. Advanced/Quit Gimps 13. Options/CPU 14. Options/Preferences 15. Options/Torture Test 16. Options/Benchmark 17. Help/About 18. Help/About PrimeNet Server

There are several options for the torture test (menu option 15).

  • Small FFTs (option 1) to stress the CPU
  • In-place large FFTs (option 2) to test the CPU and memory controller
  • Blend (option 3) is the default and constitutes a hybrid mode which stresses the CPU and RAM.

Errors will be reported should they occur both to stdout and to ~/results.txt for review later. Many do not consider a system as ‘stable’ unless it can run the Large FFTs for a 24 hour period.

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Example ~/results.txt ; note that the two runs from 26-June indicate a hardware failure. In this case, due to insufficient vcore to the CPU:

[Sun Jun 26 20:10:35 2011] FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4 Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file. FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4 Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file. [Sat Aug 20 10:50:45 2011] Self-test 480K passed! Self-test 480K passed! [Sat Aug 20 11:06:02 2011] Self-test 128K passed! Self-test 128K passed! [Sat Aug 20 11:22:10 2011] Self-test 560K passed! Self-test 560K passed! .

Note: Users suspecting bad memory or memory controllers should try the blend test first as the small FFT test uses very little memory.


linpack AUR makes use of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) libraries for performing basic vector and matrix operations. It is an excellent way to stress CPUs for stability (only Intel CPUs are supported). After installation, users should copy /usr/share/linpack/linpack.conf to ~/.config/linpack.conf and adjust it according to the amount of memory on the system.


Systester AUR (aka SuperPi for Windows) is available in both CLI and GUI version. It tests system stability by calculating up to 128 millions of Pi digits and includes error checking. Note that one can select from two different calculation algorithms: Quadratic Convergence of Borwein and Gauss-Legendre. The latter being the same method that the popular SuperPi for Windows uses.

A CLI example using 8 threads is given:

$ systester-cli -gausslg 64M -threads 8

Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool

The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool is a tool that verifies the functionality of an Intel Microprocessor by stress testing the CPU. A Fedora Linux LiveUSB ISO images are available. The LiveUSB image allows you to stress test your machine without using your main operating system; such method might be useful in extreme cases especially when dealing with cold reboots/crashes.

Burn the image to a USB stick by using dd or Gnome Disks and then boot the Live CD. Once booted, open the terminal and type the following command to install Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool for 64-bit machines:

Once it is installed, you can run the Diagnostic Tool by clicking on the IPDT Icon that is located on the desktop.


Use MemTest86 (proprietary) or Memtest86+ (GPL) to test your memory (RAM).

  • The GPL version is available on the Arch Linux install image. It can be installed:
    • for EFI systems with memtest86+-efi ,
    • for BIOS systems with memtest86+
    • A reliable source of the version history is the History of MemTest86 section in, in particular the section «2002 — 2004» and following. Notice the proprietary MemTest86 from version 5 through 7 claims to support both BIOS and UEFI, but they simply bundle old and new versions.
    • Allowing tests to run for at least 10 cycles without errors is usually sufficient.

    Writing to an image file

    A good stability test under a low load workload is using dd to format an image. This can be a physical disk or a loop mounted image. The script below uses mounted image and cycles through each core one-by-one. Note that you should adjust the variables in the top of script to match your system. By default the script will run the command just once per core. It can be easily customised to run on known-weak cores rather than scanning all core 0 through n by altering the for loop. Run the script as root.

    #!/bin/bash # define the path to store the image, recommended to be a tmpfs mounted location to avoid read/writes img=/scratch/image.img # define the mount point mnt=/mnt/loop # size of time arg to pass to truncate, make sure you select something less than the free memory on the system # see truncate --help for available options size=40G # defaults to 1 less than the number of virtual cores, manually redefine if desired max=$(($(nproc) - 1)) if [[ ! -f $img ]]; then truncate -s $size $img mkfs.ext4 $img [[ -d $mnt ]] || mkdir -p $mnt if ! mountpoint -q $mnt; then mount -o loop $img $mnt || exit 1 fi fi for i in $(eval echo ""); do echo "using core $i of $max" taskset -c "$i" time dd if=/dev/zero of=$mnt/zerofill status=progress done umount $mnt rm $img


    Parallel compilation using GCC (or other compilers) will generate a heavy load on the CPU and memory. To avoid I/O bottlenecking, compile on a SSD or in a tmpfs.

    A good example would be compiling the kernel: see Kernel/Arch Build System for detailed instructions, run makepkg -sf MAKEFLAGS=»-j$(nproc)» at Kernel/Arch Build System#Compiling.

    Video encoding

    Most video encoders are highly parallel and are designed to use most of a CPU’s capabilities. The example below will encode noise using x265, and discard the result. This will heavily load the CPU.

    ffmpeg -y -f rawvideo -video_size 1920x1080 -pixel_format yuv420p -framerate 60 -i /dev/urandom -c:v libx265 -preset placebo -f matroska /dev/null

    Discovering errors

    Some stressing applications like #MPrime or #Linpack have built in consistency checks to discover errors due to non-matching results. A more general and simple method for measuring hardware instabilities can be found in the kernel itself. To use it, simply filter the journal on a crash like so:

    Multicore chips can also give info as to which physical/logical core gave the error. This can be important if users are optimizing settings on a per-core basis.

    The kernel can throw these errors while the stressing application is running, before it ends the calculation and reports the error, thus providing a very sensitive method to assess stability. Consider the following from a Ryzen 5900X:

    mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 21: Machine Check: 0 Bank 5: baa0000000030150 mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 0 MISC d012000100000000 SYND 4d000002 IPID 500b000000000 mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 2:a20f10 TIME 1625265814 SOCKET 0 APIC 4 microcode a201016

    This chip as 12 physical cores. In this case, CPU 21 can be traced back to physical core 10. Use lstopo from hwloc to print the hardware topology.

    Core 0 = CPU 0 + CPU 1 Core 1 = CPU 2 + CPU 3 Core 2 = CPU 4 + CPU 5 Core 3 = CPU 6 + CPU 7 Core 4 = CPU 8 + CPU 9 Core 5 = CPU 10 + CPU 11 Core 6 = CPU 12 + CPU 13 Core 7 = CPU 14 + CPU 15 Core 8 = CPU 16 + CPU 17 Core 9 = CPU 18 + CPU 19 Core 10 = CPU 20 + CPU 21 Core 11 = CPU 22 + CPU 23

    Note: Numbering can vary based on different CPU model and vendor, but in general both Cores and CPUs start at 0, not 1.


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