Linux swig что это

Linux swig что это

SWIG in essence is a tool to generate code for making C/C++ code available to various other programming languages. These higher level programming languages are the target languages for the SWIG code generator and C or C++ are the input languages. A single target language must be specified when SWIG is run. This results in generating code for C/C++ and the specified target language to interface with each other. SWIG can be invoked multiple times, but with a different target language specified on each invocation. This ability to interface C/C++ to many different target languages is one of SWIG’s core strengths and features. SWIG is very broadly composed of two components. A core component creates a parse tree from the input ISO C/C++ and SWIG directives (extensions to the C/C++ standards). The parse tree is then passed to a second component, one of the target language modules for generating code specific to a higher level language. SWIG supports many different target languages. These target languages are given a status of either Supported or Experimental. This status is provided to indicate the level of maturity to expect when using a particular target language as not all target languages are fully developed. The second part of the SWIG documentation contains a chapter for each target level language. Each chapter will state the status (Supported or Experimental) for that language.

  • It is in a mature, well functioning state.
  • It has its own comprehensive chapter in the documentation.
  • It passes all of the main SWIG test-suite and has a range of working examples.
  • It supports the vast majority of SWIG features.
  • It provides strong backwards compatibility between releases.

The above is a short summary and further details are outlined in the Supported status section in the Extending chapter. The good news is that all the well-known and most popular languages have this status.

A target language is given the ‘Experimental’ status when

  • It is of sub-standard quality, failing to meet the above ‘Supported’ status.
  • It is somewhere between the mid to mature stage of development.
  • It does not guarantee any backwards compatibility between releases.
  • It is in need of help to finish development.

Anyone using an experimental target language is strongly urged to assist with development of the target language module if they wish to use it.

SWIG displays a warning when an experimental target language is used in order to set expectations and emphasize the experimental status of the target language. The usual warning suppression techniques can be used if required.

The above is a short summary and further details are outlined in the Experimental status section in the Extending chapter.

The best way to illustrate SWIG is with a simple example. Consider the following C code:

/* File : example.c */ double My_variable = 3.0; /* Compute factorial of n */ int fact(int n) < if (n /* Compute n mod m */ int my_mod(int n, int m)

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Suppose that you wanted to access these functions and the global variable My_variable from Tcl. You start by making a SWIG interface file as shown below (by convention, these files carry a .i suffix) :

/* File : example.i */ %module example % < /* Put headers and other declarations here */ extern double My_variable; extern int fact(int); extern int my_mod(int n, int m); %>extern double My_variable; extern int fact(int); extern int my_mod(int n, int m);

The interface file contains ISO C function prototypes and variable declarations. The %module directive defines the name of the module that will be created by SWIG. The % block provides a location for inserting additional code, such as C header files or additional C declarations, into the generated C wrapper code.

SWIG is invoked using the swig command. We can use this to build a Tcl module (under Linux) as follows :

unix > swig -tcl example.i unix > gcc -c -fpic example.c example_wrap.c -I/usr/local/include unix > gcc -shared example.o example_wrap.o -o unix > tclsh % load ./ % fact 4 24 % my_mod 23 7 2 % expr $My_variable + 4.5 7.5 %

The swig command produced a new file called example_wrap.c that should be compiled along with the example.c file. Most operating systems and scripting languages now support dynamic loading of modules. In our example, our Tcl module has been compiled into a shared library that can be loaded into Tcl. When loaded, Tcl can now access the functions and variables declared in the SWIG interface. A look at the file example_wrap.c reveals a hideous mess. However, you almost never need to worry about it.

Now, let's turn these functions into a Perl5 module. Without making any changes type the following (shown for Solaris):

unix > swig -perl5 example.i unix > gcc -c example.c example_wrap.c \ -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/sun4-solaris/5.003/CORE unix > ld -G example.o example_wrap.o -o # This is for Solaris unix > perl5.003 use example; print example::fact(4), "\n"; print example::my_mod(23, 7), "\n"; print $example::My_variable + 4.5, "\n"; 24 2 7.5 unix >

Finally, let's build a module for Python (shown for Irix).

unix > swig -python example.i unix > gcc -c -fpic example.c example_wrap.c -I/usr/local/include/python2.0 unix > gcc -shared example.o example_wrap.o -o unix > python Python 2.0 (#6, Feb 21 2001, 13:29:45) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import example >>> example.fact(4) 24 >>> example.my_mod(23, 7) 2 >>> example.cvar.My_variable + 4.5 7.5

To the truly lazy programmer, one may wonder why we needed the extra interface file at all. As it turns out, you can often do without it. For example, you could also build a Perl5 module by just running SWIG on the C header file and specifying a module name as follows

unix > swig -perl5 -module example example.h unix > gcc -c example.c example_wrap.c \ -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/sun4-solaris/5.003/CORE unix > ld -G example.o example_wrap.o -o unix > perl5.003 use example; print example::fact(4), "\n"; print example::my_mod(23, 7), "\n"; print $example::My_variable + 4.5, "\n"; 24 2 7.5

A primary goal of the SWIG project is to make the language binding process extremely easy. Although a few simple examples have been shown, SWIG is quite capable in supporting most of C++. Some of the major features include:

  • Full C99 preprocessing.
  • All ISO C and C++ datatypes.
  • Functions, variables, and constants.
  • Classes.
  • Single and multiple inheritance.
  • Overloaded functions and methods.
  • Overloaded operators.
  • C++ templates (including member templates, specialization, and partial specialization).
  • Namespaces.
  • Variable length arguments.
  • C++ smart pointers.

Most of C++11 is also supported. Details are in the C++11 chapter. C++14 support is covered in the C++14 chapter. C++17 support is covered in the C++17 chapter.

It is important to stress that SWIG is not a simplistic C++ lexing tool like several apparently similar wrapper generation tools. SWIG not only parses C++, it implements the full C++ type system and it is able to understand C++ semantics. SWIG generates its wrappers with full knowledge of this information. As a result, you will find SWIG to be just as capable of dealing with nasty corner cases as it is in wrapping simple C++ code. In fact, SWIG is able to handle C++ code that stresses the very limits of many C++ compilers.

When used as intended, SWIG requires minimal (if any) modification to existing C or C++ code. This makes SWIG extremely easy to use with existing packages and promotes software reuse and modularity. By making the C/C++ code independent of the high level interface, you can change the interface and reuse the code in other applications. It is also possible to support different types of interfaces depending on the application.

SWIG is a command line tool and as such can be incorporated into any build system that supports invoking external tools/compilers. SWIG is most commonly invoked from within a Makefile, but is also known to be invoked from popular IDEs such as Microsoft Visual Studio.

If you are using the GNU Autotools (Autoconf/ Automake/ Libtool) to configure SWIG use in your project, the SWIG Autoconf macros can be used. The primary macro is ax_pkg_swig, see The ax_python_devel macro is also helpful for generating Python extensions. See the Autoconf Archive for further information on this and other Autoconf macros.

There is growing support for SWIG in some build tools, for example CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build manager with built in support for SWIG. CMake can detect the SWIG executable and many of the target language libraries for linking against. CMake knows how to build shared libraries and loadable modules on many different operating systems. This allows easy cross platform SWIG development. It can also generate the custom commands necessary for driving SWIG from IDEs and makefiles. All of this can be done from a single cross platform input file. The following example is a CMake input file for creating a Python wrapper for the SWIG interface file, example.i:


The above example will generate native build files such as makefiles, nmake files and Visual Studio projects which will invoke SWIG and compile the generated C++ files into (UNIX) or _example.pyd (Windows). For other target languages on Windows a dll, instead of a .pyd file, is usually generated.

SWIG is designed to produce working code that needs no hand-modification (in fact, if you look at the output, you probably won't want to modify it). You should think of your target language interface being defined entirely by the input to SWIG, not the resulting output file. While this approach may limit flexibility for hard-core hackers, it allows others to forget about the low-level implementation details.

No, this isn't a special section on the sorry state of world politics. However, it may be useful to know that SWIG was written with a certain "philosophy" about programming---namely that programmers are smart and that tools should just stay out of their way. Because of that, you will find that SWIG is extremely permissive in what it lets you get away with. In fact, you can use SWIG to go well beyond "shooting yourself in the foot" if dangerous programming is your goal. On the other hand, this kind of freedom may be exactly what is needed to work with complicated and unusual C/C++ applications.

Ironically, the freedom that SWIG provides is countered by an extremely conservative approach to code generation. At its core, SWIG tries to distill even the most advanced C++ code down to a small well-defined set of interface building techniques based on ISO C programming. Because of this, you will find that SWIG interfaces can be easily compiled by virtually every C/C++ compiler and that they can be used on any platform. Again, this is an important part of staying out of the programmer's way----the last thing any developer wants to do is to spend their time debugging the output of a tool that relies on non-portable or unreliable programming features. Dependencies are often a source of incompatibilities and problems and so additional third party libraries are not used in the generated code. SWIG will also generally avoid generating code that introduces a dependency on the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). SWIG will generate code that depends on the C libraries though.


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