Linux system call execute

Execute system calls directly

Provided a user is authorized to access something, how can he execute a system call directly, like geteuid() — get effective user ID (it’s just an example) from bash, how could I do it?

Invoking a system call directly involves loading one or more registers with values and executing an assembly instruction. You’re not going to be able to do that directly from bash.

The most straight-forward way would be to write a small C program. Are you asking for a way to do this in pure Bash?

1. Why not use the library call wrapper — geteuid() — to the syscall — sys_geteuid() — in Linux? 2. Why do you want to use a syscall directly?

I do wonder what the purpose behind this is? It doesn’t make much sense to manually make the system calls e.g. for copying a file, since you could use cp or cat directly. (And that’s not even very hard to do on the system call level.) Is there some specific operation or system call you have in mind, or is this just about how system calls are made in general, or something else?

Why do you ask? Are you looking just for id command, or are you wanting to add a new system call into your kernel and asking how you would use it? Is the question specific to geteuid or generic to all system calls of syscalls(2)? Please edit your question to improve and motivate it!

2 Answers 2

User-space kernel-space communication via system calls is done in terms of memory locations and machine registers. That’s way below the abstraction level of shells, which operate mainly with text strings.

That said, in bash, you can use the plugin to get through the text-string abstraction down to C-level granularity:

$ . $ dlcall -r long geteuid long:1001 

For this particular operation though, it would be much simpler, more idiomatic, and more efficient to simply use bash’s magic $UID variable.

$ echo "$EUID" #effectively a cached geteuid call 1001 

To get the uid, write your own C program (or some shell plugin, if your shell accepts them; FYI zsh can have plugins, called modules.) or more simply run the id(1) command.

For other syscalls (listed in syscalls(2)), it is the same: use some program (or some builtin or some plugin) doing them. That program could be directly coded in assembler and would use SYSCALL or SYSENTER machine instruction to do the system call, or (and much more often) it would use your C standard library and use the function from libc doing that syscall. Executables don’t need to be obtained from C source (for example, busybox is coded in assembler, the Scheme bones compiler don’t use any libc). However, your libc is a cornerstone of your system.

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System calls changing some changeable and inheritable property of processes should be shell builtins (like cd for chdir(2), ulimit for setrlimit(2), etc. ), because you might want to change the property in the shell process itself (and inherited by future command processes started by the shell). So if cd was a program it would only apply to the shell’s child process running that program.

BTW, system calls make only sense when done from some process. That process can either be the shell process or some child (or descendant) process started by the shell.

Notice that Unix shells are ordinary programs. There are many of them (e.g. zsh, fish, scsh, es, etc . ). It is an interesting exercise to code your own shell (and that can be done simply, see sash for an example; look also this for hints on globbing). Read something about Linux programming. If you are not happy with bash use another shell (perhaps changing your login shell using chsh(1)) or write your own one. Also, GNU bash is -like most other shells- free software. You can study its source code and improve it if you want to.


How to invoke a system call via syscall or sysenter in inline assembly?

How can we implement the system call using sysenter/syscall directly in x86 Linux? Can anybody provide help? It would be even better if you can also show the code for amd64 platform. I know in x86, we can use

__asm__( " movl $1, %eax \n" " movl $0, %ebx \n" " call *%gs:0x10 \n" ); 

to route to sysenter indirectly. But how can we code using sysenter/syscall directly to issue a system call? I find some material . But still find it difficult to figure out.

2 Answers 2

First of all, you can’t safely use GNU C Basic asm(«»); syntax for this (without input/output/clobber constraints). You need Extended asm to tell the compiler about registers you modify. See the inline asm in the GNU C manual and the inline-assembly tag wiki for links to other guides for details on what things like «D»(1) means as part of an asm() statement.

You also need asm volatile because that’s not implicit for Extended asm statements with 1 or more output operands.

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I’m going to show you how to execute system calls by writing a program that writes Hello World! to standard output by using the write() system call. Here’s the source of the program without an implementation of the actual system call :

#include ssize_t my_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t size); int main(void)

You can see that I named my custom system call function as my_write in order to avoid name clashes with the «normal» write , provided by libc. The rest of this answer contains the source of my_write for i386 and amd64.


System calls in i386 Linux are implemented using the 128th interrupt vector, e.g. by calling int 0x80 in your assembly code, having set the parameters accordingly beforehand, of course. It is possible to do the same via SYSENTER , but actually executing this instruction is achieved by the VDSO virtually mapped to each running process. Since SYSENTER was never meant as a direct replacement of the int 0x80 API, it’s never directly executed by userland applications — instead, when an application needs to access some kernel code, it calls the virtually mapped routine in the VDSO (that’s what the call *%gs:0x10 in your code is for), which contains all the code supporting the SYSENTER instruction. There’s quite a lot of it because of how the instruction actually works.

If you want to read more about this, have a look at this link. It contains a fairly brief overview of the techniques applied in the kernel and the VDSO. See also The Definitive Guide to (x86) Linux System Calls — some system calls like getpid and clock_gettime are so simple the kernel can export code + data that runs in user-space so the VDSO never needs to enter the kernel, making it much faster even than sysenter could be.

It’s much easier to use the slower int $0x80 to invoke the 32-bit ABI.

// i386 Linux #include // compile with -m32 for 32 bit call numbers //#define __NR_write 4 ssize_t my_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t size) < ssize_t ret; asm volatile ( "int $0x80" : "=a" (ret) : "0"(__NR_write), "b"(fd), "c"(buf), "d"(size) : "memory" // the kernel dereferences pointer args ); return ret; >

As you can see, using the int 0x80 API is relatively simple. The number of the syscall goes to the eax register, while all the parameters needed for the syscall go into respectively ebx , ecx , edx , esi , edi , and ebp . System call numbers can be obtained by reading the file /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h .

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Prototypes and descriptions of the functions are available in the 2nd section of the manual, so in this case write(2) .

The kernel saves/restores all the registers (except EAX) so we can use them as input-only operands to the inline asm. See What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls (and user-space functions) on i386 and x86-64

Keep in mind that the clobber list also contains the memory parameter, which means that the instruction listed in the instruction list references memory (via the buf parameter). (A pointer input to inline asm does not imply that the pointed-to memory is also an input. See How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used?)


Things look different on the AMD64 architecture which sports a new instruction called SYSCALL . It is very different from the original SYSENTER instruction, and definitely much easier to use from userland applications — it really resembles a normal CALL , actually, and adapting the old int 0x80 to the new SYSCALL is pretty much trivial. (Except it uses RCX and R11 instead of the kernel stack to save the user-space RIP and RFLAGS so the kernel knows where to return).

In this case, the number of the system call is still passed in the register rax , but the registers used to hold the arguments now nearly match the function calling convention: rdi , rsi , rdx , r10 , r8 and r9 in that order. ( syscall itself destroys rcx so r10 is used instead of rcx , letting libc wrapper functions just use mov r10, rcx / syscall .)

// x86-64 Linux #include // compile without -m32 for 64 bit call numbers // #define __NR_write 1 ssize_t my_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t size) < ssize_t ret; asm volatile ( "syscall" : "=a" (ret) // EDI RSI RDX : "0"(__NR_write), "D"(fd), "S"(buf), "d"(size) : "rcx", "r11", "memory" ); return ret; >

Do notice how practically the only thing that needed changing were the register names, and the actual instruction used for making the call. This is mostly thanks to the input/output lists provided by gcc’s extended inline assembly syntax, which automagically provides appropriate move instructions needed for executing the instruction list.

The «0»(callnum) matching constraint could be written as «a» because operand 0 (the «=a»(ret) output) only has one register to pick from; we know it will pick EAX. Use whichever you find more clear.

Note that non-Linux OSes, like MacOS, use different call numbers. And even different arg-passing conventions for 32-bit.


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