Linux tail команда grep

Using tail -f on a log file with grep in bash script

I’d like to create a script that greps for a specific string in a log file that is being written to. I’d like to take the first result and put that into a variable for later use. This will be used though an SSH connection like so:

ssh '' 'bash -s' < /usr/local/bin/ string 
tail -f /var/log/named.log | grep $1 > $var echo "$" 

That makes sense. When I take out > $var I would have thought it would have at least printed out the find. It doesn't The problem is the file is being written to as I'm grepping for that string. Is there some logic I can add it to make it exit or do I need to think of a different approach?

3 Answers 3

Using a while loop may work for your situation, but be aware that it's not guaranteed to catch every line of the log file. Consider a situation where the log writer includes one action that writes out two lines:

Something bad just happened:\nError xyz on line 22 

It's very likely that your loop will only see the second line when it performs the tail -1 action.

Not only that, but the while loop implementation means your spinning the CPU in a loop, constantly firing off tail commands (take a look at top while the while implementation runs, versus a tail -f ).

This question has some good suggestions if you just want to stop monitoring once the pattern is matched. (Note the concerns of the tail process hanging around.)

This monstrosity is probably not optimal, but it catches every line, uses minimal CPU while waiting for new lines, terminates the tail when it's done, and gives you the flexibility to write in some extra logic (like performing actions based on different matched patterns):

watchPattern=$1 logFile=/var/log/named.log logLine="" while read -r logLine ; do #Do we have a match? if [[ "$logLine" == *"$watchPattern"* ]] ; then #Confirmation message, written to console (for example, not needed) echo "Found a match." #Kill off the tail process (a bit of a hack that assumes one at a time) kill $(ps -eo pid,command | awk -v pattern="tail -fn0 $logFile" '$0 ~ pattern && !/awk/ ') #Get out of here break fi done< <(exec tail -fn0 "$logFile") #logLine will be the matched value echo "match = $logLine" 


Using grep After a Specified Line Number

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1. Overview

When we want to search some patterns in text files in the Linux command line, the grep command would be the first idea.

Indeed, with the power of Regex, grep is good at pattern matching jobs. However, sometimes, we would like to search for some pattern in a file after a specified line number.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to achieve that.

2. Introduction to the Problem

As usual, let’s understand the problem quickly by an example. Let’s say we have a log file:

$ cat -n app.log 1 [INFO] Application started 2 [INFO] Invoking remote API . Successful 3 [WARN] User "Eric" gave wrong password: 5 times 4 [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/aFile 5 . stack trace . 6 [INFO] Application refreshed 7 [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile 8 . stack trace . 9 [WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template 10 [INFO] Default template loaded 11 [WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full

As the output above shows, we have an application’s log file. We’ve used the cat command with the -n option to display content with line numbers.

There are some log entries containing the word “Exception”. If we want to find those entries, we can simply use the command grep ‘Exception’ app.log. It’s not a challenge for us at all.

However, we’d like to add an additional requirement: We need to do the exact search, but only search the lines after the sixth line. That is to say, only lines 7, 9, and 11 should appear in the output.

Next, let’s see how to solve the problem.

3. Using the tail and grep Commands

The first idea to solve the problem is to extract the lines that we want to look at first, then execute grep on those lines.

We can use the tail command “tail -n +x input” to take the lines from the x-th line until the end of the file. So, for example, we can extract lines from line six to the end of the app.log file:

$ tail -n +6 app.log [INFO] Application refreshed [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile . stack trace . [WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template [INFO] Default template loaded [WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full

Next, let’s execute the grep command on the output above to get the required log entries:

$ tail -n +6 app.log | grep 'Exception' [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile [WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template [WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full

As we can see, the command above has solved the problem. We’ve got the expected log entries.

However, sometimes, we would like to execute the grep command with the -n option to print the line numbers of each match. For example, this helps us locate the log entries with “Exception” and take a closer look at the stack trace to analyze the cause. So, let’s execute the command with the -n option:

$ tail -n +6 app.log | grep -n 'Exception' 2:[ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile 4:[WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template 6:[WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full

As we can see, this time, the command has printed the line numbers of matched lines. However, since we piped the tail command’s output to grep, the line numbers reported by the grep command are not the actual line numbers in the original input file.

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Of course, we can get the actual line numbers through this calculation: LINE_NO_BY_GREP + 6 – 1. For example, the first match “RuntimeException…” is located at line 2 + 6 – 1 = 7 in the app.log file.

This calculation works, but it can be inconvenient if we’re working on a large input file.

Next, let’s see if we can get the required matched lines, together with the actual line number from the original file.

4. Using the awk Command

awk is a powerful weapon for command-line text processing. Using the awk command, we can solve the problem in one shot:

$ awk 'NR >= 6 && /Exception/< print NR, $0 >' app.log 7 [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile 9 [WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template 11 [WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full 

The awk command above is pretty straightforward. It prints a line with its line number if both conditions are satisfied:

  • NR >= 6 – Its line number must be greater than or equal to six.
  • /Exception/ – The line must contain the word “Exception”.

As we’ve seen in the output, we’ve got the required lines containing the word “Exception”. Moreover, the line numbers in the output are the actual line numbers in the app.log file.

5. Using the sed Command

sed is another handy command-line utility for processing text in Linux. First, let’s have a look at how the sed command solves the problem:

$ sed -n '6,$ < /Exception/>' app.log 7 [ERROR] RuntimeException: File not found: /foo/bar/newFile 9 [WARN] TemplateNotFoundException: Template PRETTY not found, loading the default template 11 [WARN] Cleanup job done with IOException: Disk is full

As the output shows, sed has solved the problem. But the output format is slightly different from what we got with awk: The matched line number and the matched line are in two contiguous lines.

Finally, let’s walk through the compact one-liner to understand how it works:

  • sed -n – Suppresses the automatic printing – in other words, we’ll control when to print a line on our own
  • 6,$ – Defines an address from line 6 to the end of the file
  • /Exception/ – If a line is in the address above and matches the /Exception/ pattern, then the actions will be executed
  • – We perform two actions here: printing the current line number (=) and printing the current line (p)

6. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve discussed how to search for a pattern in a file, starting after a given line number.

We’ve addressed three approaches through examples to solve the problem.


grep and tail -f?

Is it possible to do a tail -f (or similar) on a file, and grep it at the same time? I wouldn't mind other commands just looking for that kind of behavior.

8 Answers 8

Using GNU tail and GNU grep , I am able to grep a tail -f using the straight-forward syntax:

tail -f /var/log/file.log | grep search_term 

This is a solution that works with other implementations of these two utilities, not just the GNU implementation.

tail -F (capital f) will also follow new file created (if file is cycled). -f (small f) will only follow, not trace new cycled files.

Add --line-buffered to grep , and that may reduce the delay for you. Very useful in some cases.

tail -f foo | grep --line-buffered bar 

That's useful when the output of grep doesn't go to a terminal (redirected to another type of file). line buffering is the default when the output goes to a terminal, so it won't make any difference there. Note that that option is GNU specific.

I believe it is in the tail 's output where the buffering causes delays. I use stdbuf utility to invoke it as stdbuf -o0 tail -f foo | grep . . Same can be applied to grep e.g. if it is being piped to another program, e.g. stdbuf -o0 tail -f foo | stdbuf -i0 -o0 grep bar | another_program

It will work fine; more generally, grep will wait when a program isn't outputting, and keep reading as the output comes in, so if you do:

$ (echo foo; sleep 5; echo test; sleep 5) | grep test 

Nothing will happen for 5 seconds, then grep will output the matched "test", and then five seconds later it will exit when the piped process does

I see all these people saying to use tail -f , but I do not like the limitations of that! My favorite method of searching a file while also watching for new lines (e.g., I commonly work with log files to which are appended the redirected output of processes executed periodically via cron jobs) is:

 tail -Fn+0 /path/to/file|grep searchterm 

This assumes GNU tail and grep. Supporting details from the tail manpage (GNU coreutils, mine is v8.22) [] :

 -F same as --follow=name --retry -n, --lines=K output the last K lines, instead of the last 10; or use -n +K to output starting with the Kth. If the first character of K (the number of bytes or lines) is a '+', print beginning with the Kth item from the start of each file, otherwise, print the last K items in the file. K may have a multiplier suffix: b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024, GB 1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y. With --follow (-f), tail defaults to following the file descriptor, which means that even if a tail'ed file is renamed, tail will continue to track its end. This default behavior is not desirable when you really want to track the actual name of the file, not the file descriptor (e.g., log rotation). Use --follow=name in that case. That causes tail to track the named file in a way that accommodates renaming, removal and creation. 

So, the tail portion of my command equates to tail --follow --retry --lines=+0 , where the final argument directs it to start at the beginning, skipping zero lines.


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