Linux the most popular

most popular linux distros

There are so many Linux distros on the market, but which are the most popular in 2023? We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most popular Linux distros this year, based on popularity and downloads data. Indeed, whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, there is something for everyone in this list.

Let’s discover together the Linux distributions that have captured the hearts of users this year! But before that, let’s first see what Linux is and the elements that mainly differentiate the distributions.

The elements differentiating Linux distributions

A distribution of GNU / Linux is the assembly of a Linux kernel, basic utilities, and higher level software to provide a turnkey system.

There is a very wide variety of distributions, each with its own objectives and philosophy.

The main differentiating elements of the distributions are:

  • User-friendliness (ease of implementation).
  • Notoriety (informative community to solve problems).
  • The desktop environment (GNOME, KDE, . ).
  • The type of package used to distribute software (mainly deb and RPM).
  • The maintainer of the distribution (usually a company or a community).

The common point is the kernel and a number of commands.

In this computer guide, we are going to learn about the 10 most popular distributions according to DistroWatch website information Linux specialist.

1) MXLinux

MX Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed to be lightweight, fast, and easy to use. It offers XFCE as a desktop environment.

Also, it is very customizable, with many tools and configuration options for power users.

It also includes a number of handy tools such as MX Tools, which makes package management and booting easier, and MX Live USB, which makes it easy to create an installation USB stick.

All in all, MX Linux is a popular, stable, fast, easy-to-use, and customizable Linux distribution that will suit a wide audience, whether you are an experienced user or a beginner.

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2) EndeavourOS

EndeavourOS is also very popular, being the second most popular Linux distribution after MX Linux. Indeed, it was designed to be easy to use, even for beginners.

EndeavourOS has a modern look and is based on Arch Linux, which means it’s always up to date with the latest technologies.

It’s like a castle for computer scientists, full of hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Indeed, it includes a lot of pre-installed software for users, such as web browsers, email clients, text editors, developer tools, and so on. In addition, it is very customizable, allowing you to adapt it to your specific needs.

So step aboard EndeavourOS and get ready for an incredible adventure in the world of Linux!

3) Linux Mint

Today, Linux Mint is one of best linux distros. It was born in 2006 and it is known for its simplicity of installation and use.

Initially based on the Ubuntu distribution, Linux Mint stands out from the latter by adding codecs (MP3, DivX, win32) and proprietary drivers such as those for Nvidia or ATI graphics cards to the many free software.

4) Manjaro

Manjaro Linux, is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux offering Xfce, KDE, GNOME and Cinnamon as desktop environments.

Manjaro provides user interface tools and scripts to make life easier for beginners. Indeed, it is a free operating system for personal computers. It aims to be easy to use while providing the richness of the Arch Linux community.

5) Distribution Pop! BONE

Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution that stands out for its ease of use and friendliness for desktop users. It uses the APT package manager to manage software updates and installations. Also, it uses a Gnome desktop environment.

Pop!_OS includes built-in development tools such as GCC, GDB, and Git. These tools are essential for developers who want to build software on this platform.

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In summary, Pop!_OS is ideal for users looking for a modern, stable and easy-to-use Linux distribution.

6) Ubuntu

Ubuntu is one of the most popular and trusted Linux distributions out there, and for good reason! First of all, this distribution uses the APT package manager, which is incredibly easy to use for installing, updating and managing applications.

Also, Ubuntu comes with a Gnome desktop environment. You can change the look of your desktop, add widgets, and even use themes to personalize your user experience. It’s like having a personal designer create a custom office environment for you!

But it’s not just about the user experience, Ubuntu is also very secure. It includes regular security updates to protect users.

In summary, Ubuntu is a stable, reliable and fun to use Linux distribution.

7) Fedora

Fedora is a GNU / Linux distribution developed by the Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. This distribution aims to be a complete and general operating system, composed only of free and open source software.

Indeed, Fedora derives from the Red Hat Linux distribution and it is intended to replace the client version of Red Hat Linux, which was aimed at end users.

Finally, Fedora’s support comes largely from its community, although Red Hat employs many developers for Fedora, the company does not provide official support for ordinary users.

8) Debian

Debian is a Linux distribution that was released in 1993. First and foremost, Debian is a free operating system, which means anyone can use, modify, and distribute it for free. It is also an open-source operating system, which means that the source code is available to anyone who wants to learn more about the inner workings of Debian.

It offers a choice of several desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE. Indeed, users can choose the one they prefer during installation or by installing it later.

Also, in terms of architecture, Debian is designed to be used on a variety of hardware platforms, including desktops, servers, and laptops. It is also available for x86, x86-64, IA-64, armel and armhf architectures.

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When it comes to software management, Debian uses a package system to manage installed software, which allows for easy software installation and updating. It uses apt to manage packages.

9) Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux is an Arch Linux based distribution. It is designed to be easy to use for novice users while offering great flexibility for experienced users.

The basic installation includes a package manager, Pacman, for easy software installation and updating. Garuda also uses the Xfce desktop configuration system, which is lightweight and easy to use.

Also, it comes with a variety of pre-installed software for immediate use, such as Firefox, Thunderbird, and LibreOffice. Finally, Garuda has an active community of developers and users to help troubleshoot issues and provide regular updates.

In sum, Garuda Linux is a stable, easy-to-use, and flexible distro suitable for a wide range of users.

10) LiteLinux

Lite Linux is a lightweight distribution based on Ubuntu. It stands out for its use of Xfce as a desktop environment. He is known for his speed and lightness. This makes it a good option for older computers or those with limited hardware specs.

Lite Linux primarily targets Windows users. It aims to provide a complete set of applications to help users with their daily computing needs.

Indeed, it comes with a number of pre-installed software for immediate use, such as Firefox, Thunderbird and LibreOffice.


In conclusion, the 10 most popular Linux distros in 2023 are those that offer a combination of stability, ease of use, and advanced features. It is therefore important to choose the distribution that best suits your needs.

Finally, for our part, our favorite distro is Kali Linux, a distribution specializing in cybersecurity. It is based on Debian and designed for pentesters and cybersecurity professionals. It includes a large number of pre-installed tools for penetration testing and security analysis such as Nmap, Wireshark, Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, among others.

And you, what is your favorite linux distro and why ?

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