Linux there are stopped jobs

How can I kill all stopped jobs?

When I try to exit from my Linux server I get the message: There are stopped jobs. : Is there a single command to kill these?

I had opposite problem now, it would not warn about stopped jobs when I quit the shell! Had to put shopt -s checkjobs in my .bashrc

8 Answers 8

To quickly kill all the stopped jobs under the bash, enter:

jobs -ps lists the process IDs ( -p ) of the stopped ( -s ) jobs.
kill -9 `jobs -ps` sends SIGKILL signals to all of them.

didn’t work when the job was «sudo su». i.e. sudo kill `jobs -p` didnt work but explicitly typing PID did.

Why is this upvoted so highly? It’s wrong. If the processes are stopped, then a kill such as this will do nothing, since the processes are stopped, they won’t process the SIGTERM (-15) that is sent to them by default.

That should do it, but I think he should send first a SIGTERM (-15) before sending a SIGKILL (-9). So perhaps proposing something like «kill $(jobs -p) ; sleep 3s ; kill -9 $(jobs -p)» would be better. Sending SIGTERM first the jobs may be able to do a clean exit (freeing allocated resources, etc).

Kevin Duke, your answer is the one that worked for me. I couldn’t vote because I don’t have 15 in reputation. kill -9 $(jobs -p)

The accepted answer would kill all jobs (which is sufficient in this case) and not merely the stopped ones. Should you want to kill only the Stopped ones, run:

kill $(jobs -l | grep Stopped | cut -d' ' -f3) 

grep/cut can be combined in one awk command: awk ‘/Stopped/‘)

The easiest way is actually to simply immediately retry the exit; bash will take that to mean «kill all stopped jobs and exit».

for x in `jobs -p` ; do kill -9 $x ; done 

Can you take a look at your formatting again — use four spaces at the start of the line to mark a block as code (rather than using backtick). Right now it isn’t clear whether you are using backticks in your code, or trying to display code using backticks.

The formatting is fine. we have to pass the jobs -p using backticks else it wont consider as a command, and it will throw an error.

Normally if you got that message, you need to logout twice. E.g. first Ctrl+D gives you the warning message to inform you about stopped jobs, pressing for the second time will log you out killing the jobs. This the same applies to logout and exit commands.

To kill them manually, try: kill $(jobs -p) .

If you don’t want to kill jobs from your current shell, you can remove them from the table of active jobs without killing by using disown command. E.g.

$ sleep 1000 & [1] 19404 $ jobs [1]+ Running sleep 1000 & $ disown 

Stopped jobs also can be determined by the state of the process ( T character) which means the process was stopped by signal such as SIGSTOP , SIGTSTP or other (like SIGTTIN , or SIGTTOU ).

In case when jobs a shell builtin command is not available, stopped processes can be listed by the following command:

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To kill them all, you can basically type:

kill -9 $(ps wuax | awk 'NR>1 && $8 ~ "T" ') 
$ sleep 1000 & [1] 2014 $ sleep 1000 & [2] 2015 $ sleep 1000 & [3] 2016 $ sleep 1000 & [4] 2017 $ killall -STOP sleep [1] Stopped sleep 1000 [2] Stopped sleep 1000 [3] Stopped sleep 1000 [4] Stopped sleep 1000 $ ps wuax | awk '$8 ~ "T"' USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND vagrant 2014 0.0 0.0 7228 832 pts/0 T 20:38 0:00 sleep 1000 vagrant 2015 0.0 0.0 7228 708 pts/0 T 20:38 0:00 sleep 1000 vagrant 2016 0.0 0.0 7228 760 pts/0 T 20:38 0:00 sleep 1000 vagrant 2017 0.0 0.0 7228 828 pts/0 T 20:38 0:00 sleep 1000 $ kill -9 $(awk 'NR>1 && $8 ~ "T" ' <(ps wuax)) $ jobs [1] Killed sleep 1000 [2] Killed sleep 1000 [3] Killed sleep 1000 [4] Killed sleep 1000 

Just in case this helps someone else -- most people are here because they have some stopped processes that they started, backgrounded via the shell maybe. I needed to find processes, as root, stopped by other users, for which variants on the jobs command won't do.

A bit of digging around with man ps got me to this:

ps -a -o pid,user,cmd,state | grep 'T$' 

Explanation: the -a flag says show all processes, then -o controls output, what info will be shown about each process. I'm choosing pid , user , cmd (the command line), and state , which is the process state.

PROCESS STATE CODES Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output specifiers (header "STAT" or "S") will display to describe the state of a process: D uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) R running or runnable (on run queue) S interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete) T stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is being traced W paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel) X dead (should never be seen) Z defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent 

so finally I pipe it to grep T$ which says, show me all the processes that have T in the last column.

And then I have a nice list of all the processes from different users that are in the stopped state.

$ ps -a -o pid,user,cmd,state | grep 'T$' 865 joson74+ python T 885 joson74+ sh -c less T 886 joson74+ less T 1014 minames+ python3.4 -i /home/minames T 5352 MooKo nano stdio.h T 7851 harry tmux attach T 12083 harry tmux attach T 13495 gorylla+ python3.4 -i /home/gorylla1 T 18009 conr1d vim T 19664 enythin+ python T 24906 wardlist python T 


There are stopped jobs (on bash exit)

Bash did not exit, I must exit again to exit the bash shell.

  • Q: What is a 'stopped job', or what does this mean?
  • Q: Can a stopped process be resumed?
  • Q: Does the first exit kill the stopped jobs?
  • Q: Is there a way to exit the shell the first time? (without entering exit twice)

2 Answers 2

A stopped job is one that has been temporarily put into the background and is no longer running, but is still using resources (i.e. system memory). Because that job is not attached to the current terminal, it cannot produce output and is not receiving input from the user.

You can see jobs you have running using the jobs builtin command in bash, probably other shells as well. Example:

user@mysystem:~$ jobs [1] + Stopped python user@mysystem:~$ 

You can resume a stopped job by using the fg (foreground) bash built-in command. If you have multiple commands that have been stopped you must specify which one to resume by passing jobspec number on the command line with fg . If only one program is stopped, you may use fg alone:

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At this point you are back in the python interpreter and may exit by using control-D.

Conversely, you may kill the command with either it's jobspec or PID. For instance:

user@mysystem:~$ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 16174 pts/3 00:00:00 bash 17781 pts/3 00:00:00 python 18276 pts/3 00:00:00 ps user@mysystem:~$ kill 17781 [1]+ Killed python user@mysystem:~$ 

To use the jobspec, precede the number with the percent (%) key:

user@mysystem:~$ kill %1 [1]+ Terminated python 

If you issue an exit command with stopped jobs, the warning you saw will be given. The jobs will be left running for safety. That's to make sure you are aware you are attempting to kill jobs you might have forgotten you stopped. The second time you use the exit command the jobs are terminated and the shell exits. This may cause problems for some programs that aren't intended to be killed in this fashion.

In bash it seems you can use the logout command which will kill stopped processes and exit. This may cause unwanted results.

Also note that some programs may not exit when terminated in this way, and your system could end up with a lot of orphaned processes using up resources if you make a habit of doing that.

Note that you can create background process that will stop if they require user input:

user@mysystem:~$ python & [1] 19028 user@mysystem:~$ jobs [1]+ Stopped python 

You can resume and kill these jobs in the same way you did jobs that you stopped with the Ctrl-z interrupt.


What should I do when I get 'There are stopped jobs' error?

enter image description here

I face this type of situation many times. For example, whenever I try to open some file in emacs with sudo rights using: sudo emacs tet.c & Instead of asking me for the password Ubuntu just starts emacs process without any emacs window or any output on terminal (except for the pid) see the image (if I don't use '&' then it will ask me for the password): I have two questions related with this:

  1. What should I do when I get error that 'There are stopped jobs'? How do I identify all such stopped jobs and kill them? Once I clear the terminal I won't have pids of these stopped processes.
  2. Why is Ubuntu/emacs behaving like this? Why doesn't it ask me for the password?

3 Answers 3

There are stopped jobs message is far, far away to be an error. It's just a notification telling you that you attempt to exit from the shell, but you have one or more suspended jobs/programs (in your case emacs which you putted in background using & at the end of your command). The system doesn't let you to exit from the shell and kill the jobs unless you mean to. You can do a couple of things in response to this message:

  • use jobs command to tell you what job(s) you have suspended
  • you can choose to add the job(s) in the foreground using fg command
  • if you don't care if the job(s) will terminate, you can just type exit again; typing exit a second time with or without an intervening jobs command will result in the termination of all suspended jobs.

To answer the second question, I will tell you that not Ubuntu or emacs behaving like this. This is a normal behavior when you put an application to run in background. In this case sudo is asking for password, but is asking in background, so you can't see this fact. To see it, you should bring back the job in foreground using fg command:

radu@Radu: ~ $ sudo emacs tet.c & [1] 7732 radu@Radu: ~ $ # now sudo emacs run in background so you can't see nothing about what's happening radu@Radu: ~ $ fg [sudo] password for radu: 

After this you can type Ctrl + Z to put again the job in background if you want. Then you can run again 'fg' command to bring back the job in foreground and so on.

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How do you solve "There are stopped jobs" custom made "logout” in SSH (Terminal)

How-to Fix

This tutorial shows you how to solve "There are stopped jobs" custom made "logout"In terminal (SSH). What does this message mean in Linux and what you have to do to be able to disconnect from terminal, see step by step in the tutorial below.

Before you see how you can disconnect from one terminal custom made " logout ", it is good to know what this message means.

Message "There are stopped jobs” appears when you try to log out of a terminal in which there are processes running or waiting to be interrupted (Ctrl+C) or the sequel ( fg ) their.
It is about the processes between terminal and your login client to that system. Connection SSH by Putty or Terminal ( macOS ).

So, this is not an error message, but just a message that informs the user that he has “ jobs ” in progress, which have not been saved or closed. Most of the time, this message appears when you edit text files with " vim ", which you did not save, but left the editing screen.

How do you solve "There are stopped jobs" custom made "logout” in SSH (Terminal)

To be able to log out with the command " logout "normally, you need to terminate or terminate those processes.

1. Run the command " jobs "In terminal. This command will display the list of pending or running processes.

2. Next, after you have identified the open process, you have several options:

Restoring the process in execution

Use the command " fg ” to resume the stopped process ( job ) and then finish it with the key combination Ctrl+C .

Move the process to the background to avoid "There are stopped jobs"

Run the command " bg ” to move the process to the background. Now you will be able to close the connection to terminal by order " logout ” without stopping the open process.

End the task association with the current shell

You can also use the command " disown ". This command removes a job associated with the current shell so that you can close the connection session to terminal. If you execute an order in terminal and you want to keep it active even after you close it terminalul, you can confidently use the command " disown ".

Forced closing of the workload

This method is not recommended, but if you want, you can force close the task.

Identify the PID of the process with the command:

ps aux | grep process_name

Force terminate the process:

After any of the steps in the tutorial above, you will no longer be greeted by the message "There are stopped jobs" when you execute the command " logout ” to close the session in one terminal.

How to (a lot easier in theory) » Linux » How do you solve "There are stopped jobs" custom made "logout” in SSH (Terminal)

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