Linux user already exists

3 ways to fix useradd user already exists in linux

The “user already exists” error occurs in Linux when you attempt to create a new user with the useradd command, and a user with the same name already exists in the system.

In this article, we’ll explore how to check if a user already exists in Linux, and various strategies to effectively handle such scenarios. The lessons learned through these encounters can be extremely helpful for both new and experienced Linux users.

Here are a few ways to resolve this:

Choose a Different Username: The simplest solution is to choose a different username for the new user and use that with the useradd command.

Use the usermod Command: If you want to modify the existing user instead of creating a new one, use the usermod command.

Delete the Existing User: If you no longer need the existing user and want to create a new user with the same name, you can delete the existing user first. Use the userdel command for this: sudo userdel username.

Always be careful when modifying user accounts, especially if you’re working on a production system. Always make sure you’re not deleting or changing anything you’ll need later.

Verifying If a User Already Exists

Before we dive into the resolution of the “user already exists” error, let’s first discuss how we can check if a user already exists on our Linux system. There are primarily two methods for this:

1. Check the /etc/passwd file: The /etc/passwd file stores essential information about all users on a Linux system. We can look for a user in this file using the grep command, as shown below:

Replace username with the name of the user you wish to check. If the command returns any output, the user exists on the system.

2.the id command is a straightforward and efficient way to check if a user exists in a Linux system. The id command stands for “identity” and it is used to display the real and effective user and group IDs of a user.

Here is how to use it to check if a user exists:

Replace username with the name of the user you’re checking. If the user exists, the command will return the user ID. If the user does not exist, it will display “no such user”.

For example, if you’re checking for a user named ‘john’, you would use:

By utilizing these checks, we can preemptively verify whether a user already exists before attempting to add a new one with the same name, saving us the effort of resolving the “user already exists” error.

Choose a Different Username

One of the simplest and most straightforward solutions to the “user already exists” error is to choose a different username.

Usernames in Linux are unique, and you cannot create two users with the same username. So, if you encounter this error, choosing a new, unique username is a sure-fire way to resolve it.

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Here’s how you can do this:

sudo useradd new_username

Replace new_username with the new name you want to give to the user. This command will create a new user with the provided username.

Do ensure that the new username adheres to Linux’s username conventions – it should start with a letter, can contain numbers and underscores. Also, Linux usernames are case sensitive, so ‘John’ and ‘john’ are considered different users.

Use the usermod Command to modify existing user

In scenarios where you’d rather modify an existing user instead of creating a new one, the usermod command comes in handy.

This command is used to modify or change any attributes of a already created user account via command line.

For instance, if you need to change the login name (username) of a user, you could use:

sudo usermod -l new_username old_username

Here, the -l option is used to change the login name. This command changes the username from old_username to new_username.

You can also change other attributes of the user, such as the user’s home directory:

sudo usermod -m -d /home/new_home_dir username

In this command, -m moves the content of the user’s current home directory to the new directory, and -d followed by the path specifies the new home directory. This command changes the home directory of username to /home/new_home_dir.

Note that, before using usermod, it’s crucial to ensure that the user is not logged in or running any processes. You can use the pkill or killall command to kill all processes run by the user before making changes with usermod.

Remember, modifying user attributes is a sensitive operation and should be done with care. Always make sure you understand what a command does before running it, and consider the potential impacts on the user and the system.

Delete the Existing User: A Last Resort

When other alternatives do not seem to work or are not viable for your specific situation, it may be necessary to delete the existing user. This will certainly resolve the “user already exists” error, but it should be treated as a last resort. This is due to the potential loss of data and settings associated with the user account that you are deleting.

Before proceeding with this, ensure you have backed up any critical data tied to this user account.

The command to delete a user in Linux is userdel. Here’s how you can use it:

Replace username with the name of the user you wish to delete. This command will delete the user but keep the user’s home directory.

If you want to delete the user’s home directory along with the user, you can use the -r (or –remove) option:

Please note that this command deletes the user’s home directory along with the user, so be absolutely certain before you proceed with this command.

Remember that deleting a user will not necessarily delete the processes they’re running, nor will it clean up their crontab entries or at jobs. These will need to be manually checked and cleaned up if necessary.

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Once you have deleted the user, you can add a new user with the same name without encountering the “user already exists” error:

Again, deleting a user should be treated as a last resort and only be done when you have considered all other options and fully understand the implications of the action.


The “user already exists” error in Linux, while seemingly straightforward, can be a stumbling block for many, particularly those new to Linux administration.

From using the id command to check for a user’s existence, opting for a different username, modifying an existing user with usermod, or even resorting to deleting the existing user, there are multiple ways to handle this situation.

The road to mastering Linux is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about understanding the system, learning from each encounter and challenge, and becoming more comfortable and proficient over time. The “user already exists” error is just one of many challenges you’ll face on this journey, and how you handle it will contribute to your growth as a Linux professional. Keep exploring, learning, and growing!

David is a Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. He has years of experience as a Linux engineer. He had working experience in AMD, EMC. He likes Linux, Python, bash, and more. He is a technical blogger and a Software Engineer. He enjoys sharing his learning and contributing to open-source. is dedicated to providing comprehensive information on using Linux.

We hope you find our site helpful and informative.


adduser говорит, что пользователь существует, когда пользователь не существует

Как говорит субъект, я пытаюсь добавить нового пользователя. Когда я запускаю команду, он говорит, что пользователь уже существует. Но поиск в / etc / passwd, / etc / group и / etc / shadow показывает, что пользователь не существует.

Выполнение команды на моей локальной машине работает просто отлично. Я использую Ubuntu 11.10 на обоих.

Вот мои терминальные команды и вывод:

root@ws-prod-www-01:~# useradd -s /sbin/nologin -m -d /var/www/html/atc -g 33 -u 10141 atc useradd: user 'atc' already exists root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/passwd speech-dispatcher:x:111:29:Speech Dispatcher. /var/run/speech-dispatcher:/bin/sh root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/shadow speech-dispatcher. 15259:0:99999:7. root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/group root@ws-prod-www-01:~# 
root@ws-prod-www-01:~# adduser --shell /sbin/nologin --home /var/www/html/atc --gid 33 --uid 10141 atc Warning: The home dir /var/www/html/atc you specified already exists. adduser: The user `atc' already exists. root@ws-prod-www-01:~# 

4 ответа

Попробуйте набрать в терминале следующее

В моем случае, /etc/nsswitch.conf имел это для passwd:

Пользователь был в Active Directory, поэтому winbind видел «существующую» учетную запись пользователя в AD.

Running: # service winbind stop 

Затем запуск useradd позволил мне добавить учетную запись пользователя.

Есть ли причина, по которой вы указываете uid, а не позволяете системе выбрать один для вас? Вы можете увидеть, используется ли выбранный вами идентификатор, выполнив grep ‘10141’ /etc/passwd . Если это так, то сообщение об ошибке, безусловно, немного вводит в заблуждение: /

Также вполне возможно, что ваша система распознает пользователей, которых нет в /etc/passwd — например, с помощью LDAP. Один быстрый способ проверить это — выполнить id atc и посмотреть, распознает ли система это. Другим способом будет getent passwd atc , который также покажет вам пользователей, которых система распознает, а кто нет в /etc/passwd . Или вы можете еще раз проверить, используется ли uid с getent passwd 10141 . (Вы также можете запустить getent passwd , чтобы получить полный список записей.) Подробнее о getent .

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Чтобы увидеть, откуда могут появиться эти пользователи, вы можете взглянуть на /etc/nsswitch.conf ( man-страница ) — строка, начинающаяся с passwd , покажет вам, где ваша система ищет пользователей. Общие значения по умолчанию — files и compat , хотя более сложные установки могут иметь несколько значений, включая такие, как ldap , dns и winbind . files означает стандартные файлы, включая /etc/passwd .

Мне не очень понятно точное значение compat , но мое чтение справочной страницы nsswitch.conf предполагает, что это комбинация files и nis . nis — это Сетевая информационная служба , которая в настоящее время в значительной степени заменена, но может повлиять на вашу систему.


adduser says user exists when the user does not exist

As the subject says, I’m trying to add a new user. When I run the command, it says the user already exists. But looking in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow shows that the user does not exist. Running the command on my local machine works just fine. I’m running Ubuntu 11.10 on both. Here’s my terminal commands and output:

root@ws-prod-www-01:~# useradd -s /sbin/nologin -m -d /var/www/html/atc -g 33 -u 10141 atc useradd: user 'atc' already exists root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/passwd speech-dispatcher:x:111:29:Speech Dispatcher. /var/run/speech-dispatcher:/bin/sh root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/shadow speech-dispatcher. 15259:0:99999:7. root@ws-prod-www-01:~# grep atc /etc/group root@ws-prod-www-01:~# 
root@ws-prod-www-01:~# adduser --shell /sbin/nologin --home /var/www/html/atc --gid 33 --uid 10141 atc Warning: The home dir /var/www/html/atc you specified already exists. adduser: The user `atc' already exists. root@ws-prod-www-01:~# 

4 Answers 4

Is there any reason you are specifying the uid rather than letting the system choose one for you? You can see if your chosen id is in use by doing grep ‘10141’ /etc/passwd . If that is the case then the error message is certainly a bit misleading :/

It’s also quite possible that your system recognises users who are not in /etc/passwd — for example by using LDAP. One quick way to test that is to do id atc and see if the system recognises it. Another way would be getent passwd atc which will also show you users the system recognises who are not in /etc/passwd . Or you could again check if the uid is in use with getent passwd 10141 . (You can also run getent passwd to get the full list of entries.) More about getent.

To see where these users might come from you could look at /etc/nsswitch.conf (man page) — the line starting passwd will show you where your system is looking for users. Common default values are files and compat , though more complex setups may have multiple values including values such as ldap , dns and winbind . files means the standard files including /etc/passwd .

I’m not so clear on the exact meaning of compat , but my reading of the nsswitch.conf man page suggests it is a combination of files and nis . nis is the Network Information Service which is largely superceded these days but may affect your system.


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