Linux узнать версию gnome

Как проверить версию GNOME

GNOME — это управляемый сообществом проект с открытым исходным кодом для среды рабочего стола для GNU/Linux. Сообщество GNOME также участвует в создании широкого спектра основных приложений, работающих на рабочем столе GNOME. В этом руководстве я опишу, как проверить, используете ли вы рабочий стол GNOME, и как найти версию GNOME.

Проверьте, используете ли вы рабочий стол GNOME

Чтобы убедиться, что вы используете рабочий стол GNOME, выполните следующую команду:

$ ps aux | grep gnome-session

Если приведенная выше команда отображает процессы gnome-session , это означает, что вы используете GNOME Desktop.

Проверьте версию рабочего стола GNOME

Если вы хотите определить используемую вами версию рабочего стола GNOME, используйте любой из двух методов, описанных ниже.

Method One: gnome-about

gnome-about is a tool that shows GNOME about box, and you can use this tool to determine the GNOME version of your desktop.

Version: 2.28.2 Distributor: CentOS Project Build Date: 10/10/2012

If gnome-about command is not found in your desktop, it means that you are using GNOME 3.0 and higher. In that case, use the second method.

Method Two: gnome-shell

Второй способ найти версию GNOME показан ниже. Это вывод для Fedora 18.

Обратите внимание, что Ubuntu Desktop не поставляется с установленным по умолчанию gnome-shell . Таким образом, приведенная выше команда выдаст следующее сообщение об ошибке вместо рабочего стола Ubuntu.

The program 'gnome-shell' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

В этом случае вы можете запросить кеш пакетов APT, чтобы узнать версию GNOME для Ubuntu Desktop. Для этого используйте следующую команду. Это работает независимо от того, установлен ли gnome-shell .

$ apt-cache show gnome-shell | grep Version


How to get the GNOME version?

Is there an authoritative way to get the GNOME version, as long as I have a working GNOME desktop (any version) running? Several of these suggestions don’t work on my system, either because the executables and/or packages simply don’t exist or the menu item isn’t available.

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6 Answers 6

For GNOME 4 , they use gnome-shell version. If we look at the source code we can see they are reporting the gnome-shell version as the «GNOME version» in the Settings > Info panel:

static char * get_gnome_version (GDBusProxy *proxy)

There’s a debate right now whether this was the right thing to do, see
info-overview: rename «GNOME Version» to «GNOME Shell Version»
Note the intro to that discussion confirms what I’ve been saying all the time:

The GNOME version and the GNOME Shell version are not the same thing.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they change it again in the future. Until then, to get the Gnome DE version means to get the gnome-shell version so use either

busctl --user get-property org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell ShellVersion 

In GNOME 3 , version is stored in this file:

  3 6 2 Arch Linux 2012-11-13  

The file is part of the upstream package called gnome-desktop (note that some distros split it into several packages so on your distro the file may end up in a package with a different name. )

GNOME developers use this file to get the DE version number and display it in System Settings (aka gnome-control-center ). So getting GNOME version «the official way» means parsing the said file and extracting platform , minor and micro values.

If you play with that file you can instantly see the results 🙂

enter image description here

In GNOME 2 the file in question is:


(though this file might be missing on some older Gnome 2 versions IIRC)

Note that for GNOME v.2 & v.3 commands like gnome-session —version , gnome-shell —version , gdm —version etc might return confusing numbers. Those are GNOME desktop components, they are separate packages (with different code, history/changelog and maintainers) and as such their version may be different. They’ll report the right GNOME version only if they have the same version as gnome-desktop (which is not always the case).


How to check GNOME version

GNOME is a community-driven open-source project for desktop environment for GNU/Linux. The GNOME community is also involved in contributing a wide range of core applications that run on GNOME desktop. In this tutorial, I will describe how to check if you are using GNOME desktop, and how to find GNOME version.

Check If You Are Running GNOME Desktop

To verify that you are using GNOME desktop, run the following command:

$ ps aux | grep gnome-session

If the above command displays gnome-session process(es), it means that you are using GNOME Desktop.

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Check the Version of GNOME Desktop

If you would like to determine the version of GNOME desktop you are using, use either of the two methods described below.

Method One: gnome-about

gnome-about is a tool that shows GNOME about box, and you can use this tool to determine the GNOME version of your desktop.

Version: 2.28.2 Distributor: CentOS Project Build Date: 10/10/2012

If gnome-about command is not found in your desktop, it means that you are using GNOME 3.0 and higher. In that case, use the second method.

Method Two: gnome-shell

The second way to find GNOME version is as shown below. This is output for Fedora 18.

Note that Ubuntu Desktop does not come with gnome-shell installed by default. Thus the above command will produce the following error message instead on Ubuntu Desktop.

The program 'gnome-shell' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

In this case, you can query APT’s package cache to find out the version of GNOME for Ubuntu Desktop. To do so, use the following command. This works whether or not gnome-shell is installed.

$ apt-cache show gnome-shell | grep Version

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xsession Ubuntu

Изображение баннера

ii x11-xserver-utils 7.7+8 amd64 X server utilities ii xserver-common 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2.4 all common files used by various X servers ii xserver-xephyr 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2.4 amd64 nested X server ii xserver-xorg 1:7.7+19ubuntu14 amd64 X.Org X server ii xserver-xorg-core 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2.4 amd64 Xorg X server — core server ii xserver-xorg-input-all 1:7.7+19ubuntu14 amd64 X.Org X server — input driver metapackage ii xserver-xorg-input-libinput 0.29.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server — libinput input driver ii xserver-xorg-input-wacom 1:0.39.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 X.Org X server — Wacom input driver ii xserver-xorg-legacy 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2.4 amd64 setuid root Xorg server wrapper ii xserver-xorg-video-all 1:7.7+19ubuntu14 amd64 X.Org X server — output driver metapackage ii xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu 19.1.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server — AMDGPU display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:19.1.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server — AMD/ATI display driver wrapper ii xserver-xorg-video-fbdev 1:0.5.0-1ubuntu1 amd64 X.Org X server — fbdev display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.99.917+git20200226-1 amd64 X.Org X server — Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 1:1.0.16-1 amd64 X.Org X server — Nouveau display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-qxl 0.1.5+git20200331-1 amd64 X.Org X server — QXL display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:19.1.0-1 amd64 X.Org X server — AMD/ATI Radeon display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.4.0-2 amd64 X.Org X server — VESA display driver ii xserver-xorg-video-vmware 1:13.3.0-3 amd64 X.Org X server — VMware display driver

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Эту же команду можно использовать для определения типа

dpkg -l|egrep -i «(kde|gnome|lxde|xfce|mint|unity|fluxbox|openbox)» | grep -v library

Информации будет довольно много, но почти во всех строках будет упоминаться тип иксов

В выводе на моей Ubuntu есть например такая строка

… ii gdm3 3.36.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 amd64 GNOME Display Manager …

Узнать версию GNOME

Если вы хотите проверить установлен ли у вас GNOME и какая у него версия — выполните

Если установлен — вы увидите версию

-bash: gnome-shell: command not found


How find the current gnome version in ubuntu 14.04?

enter image description here

I want to know if I have gnome installed or not. So , I have consulted this question: how to find the current version of gnome and How do I check my version of GNOME-Shell? . But I got different answers as mentioned in screenshot. I am confused. So , can anyone describe me this situation? Thank you in advance!

3 Answers 3

works whether the packages are installed or not.

Thank you @hiro protagonist . It worked. It turned out that I have first one installed and second one not installed.

I do not see an issue: you do NOT have gnome-shell installed so any command asking for a version of gnome-shell, or any command related to gnome-shell, will error out. And you have Unity installed and that would be the case when you installed a default Ubuntu

will show you the version of that.

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