Linux vmx disabled by bios

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[SOLVED] VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

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[SOLVED] VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by advice1010 » Thu Feb 16, 2023 4:34 pm

I was using an older version of Mint and when I installed newer version I noticed I started getting something similar to the following error during each boot process.

Black screen / white text
«VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by bios»

In doing some research I found out that it was being caused by the newer versions of the Linux Kernel.
The only solutions I have found really all revolve around enabling this feature in BIOS.

Does anyone know if there are any other options to disable this scanning for / showing of message?

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by rene » Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:38 pm

Don’t believe you can forego the message once the relevant kernel functionality has been in fact compiled in but certainly you can have it go only to the log and not the console at startup; that’s often also the right response to ACPI «errors».

Mint boots by default with the kernel parameter quiet which is to say loglevel=4 . If you change quiet to loglevel=3 the message will go only to the log. See viewtopic.php?t=349669, method 2, for how to do this.

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by advice1010 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:27 pm

Thank you so much for your response, I honestly was not expecting a solution for this one.
Lead me to be able to figure this out.
For people looking to achieve this in the future here is what I did.

1.) Go into folder etc/default
2.) Edit «grub» file
3) Change the following line
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=»quiet splash loglevel=3″
4.) use the following Terminal command to update the «grub» file
sudo update-grub
5.) Sit back and enjoy a cleaner boot presentation

Thank you again for your help

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by advice1010 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:35 pm

The SOLUTION mentioned in post above works perfectly for Mint — Cinnamon.
In other distro (Debian based) I still get the a couple of lingering issues during my boot process.

I am fully aware that this sounds foolish but.
My quest in having a completely clean boot is still not over.

When that VMX error shows there is also a white blinking _ underscore underneath it,
I was hoping that would go away with the VMX error but this white blinking _ underscore still shows which I know is petty, but annoys me because I focus in on it each time thinking it is going to show me a message.

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I just want my boot process to be.
completely black screen — distro logo — desktop
(which is what my old Mint setup did before this kernel error)

currenlty (different distro / also LMDE version I tested)
black screen — black screen with blinking white cursor — distro logo — very quick black screen with white cursor — desktop
(there were even more screens before on this journey lot of research, I have to edit all kinds of text files, wish more of this stuff had simple graphical solutions for them)

I don’t think there is a solution for this one, I would imagine it is just built into the process, but just curious if this blinking cursor can be removed?
Have way bigger problems to deal with, but just want to actually finish something and have it just be complete, seems like every problem I fix just leads to something else.

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by rene » Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:00 pm

advice1010 wrote: ⤴ Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:35 pm black screen — black screen with blinking white cursor — distro logo — very quick black screen with white cursor — desktop

This kind of question is not my thing so much (I don’t even use the logo/splash screen) but the «blinking white cursor» may supposedly say you’re here talking about Grub inviting you to interrupt it. I.e., try sudo nano /etc/default/grub and changing to


If you have more than one OS installed and want to be able to boot it from Grub you additionally need to edit /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober and comment out the last line, i.e., have it be

so as to have Grub in fact honour GRUB_TIMEOUT=0.

You need to run sudo update-grub when you change either or both.

You can with a 0 timeout still call up the Grub boot menu by holding down Left-Shift or tapping Esc at the point Grub loads, but it does of course get harder timing wise. And if you’re talking about (even) less interesting visual/styling crap, I’m out

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by advice1010 » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:14 pm

Not only did you respond to the first request but you came back to try to help me with the second, thank you again you are really restoring my faith in forum posts

Yeah unfortunately I think this blinking cursor is here to stay
When I mentioned I had to edit other items, the grub menu was a big one to get rid of so I already had these two set to 0
This one was not in my grub file so I added it just to see if it would do anything

I am not running more than one OS so I did not try this one you mentioned

I am afraid that you might be the only one willing to help me try to fix such a trivial request
It is just that when I see it flashing I keep thinking there is a problem, even though I know there isn’t one.

Anyways I apologize, thank you so so much for your help, just the fact that you lead me to a solution of getting rid of the VMX error is more than enough, let alone coming back to try and help me again.

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If anyone has any other ideas I am open to trying them, I will wait a little while and then I will mark this issue as solved.

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by rene » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:31 pm

advice1010 wrote: ⤴ Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:14 pm I believe as mentioned that it is part of that kernel error because it was flashing under the VMX error.

That I can flatout guarantee you it is not. If you were to for a bit go in the other direction and remove «quiet splash» (or now then «loglevel=3 splash») you will see that the kernel provides you with an enormous amount of information unless per e.g. said quiet/loglevel told not to and/or unless hidden by the splash (logo) screen.

Moreover you will find that that VMX error message is (very much) not the last thing to be printed before the «blinking cursor pause» — the thing’s just that with «quiet», as said the same as «loglevel=4», only messages of importance level 3 or higher in fact showed up on the actual console before, together with someone kernel-sides having declared that that VMX thing was of importance 3. The only thing that «error» does is warn you that you have not enabled all possibly useful virtual machine features — which given that you did so on purpose you are not in fact surprised by and which is to say that quite likely that VMX thing should never have been allowed to print at level 3. But whatever — it’ll in any case have nothing to do with your (somewhat of an) issue.

That removing of «quiet/loglevel=3 splash» may in fact actually help diagnose since you can in that case see what is the last thing that happens before it but it’s likely simply graphics init being slow, which I’ve noticed mostly on Nvidia hardware and with their proprietary driver. Use of that driver in the first place is always my cue to run away from an issue — did it to yourself nana-na-nana — but even if here it isn’t the issue it’s not likely that I or anyone else can likely assist, what with not having the issue in front of us.

Re: VMX (outside TXT) : disabled by BIOS message during boot process

Post by advice1010 » Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:42 pm

Thank you for continuing to come back.
Discovered a couple of things, I thought I would share.

When originally applied solution, I mentioned I was for some reason not able to achieve in Mint itself was getting odd permission errors, so I mentioned on tried on a different distro (Debian based) and even though the VMX message went away was still getting blinking cursors.
I have since tried a reinstall of Mint and applied this solution and the blinking cursors are gone when applied in Mint.
Mint has the cleanest boot / shutdown process I have seen so far, perfect!

Unfortunately, I keep on running into more and more odd issues with Mint that are causing me to realize that I am probably not going to be able to use it. Have to do more testing but noticing that Nemo still has file sorting issues that are not being corrected. Nemo also lacks customization I am looking for, which is a shame because its main functionality is solid. I have been learning that you could do more with it behind the scenes if you are willing to edit some files, but still don’t think it has enough for me at the moment. As mentioned unfortunate because I generally enjoy Mint Cinnamon, still doing my best find solutions.

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Anyways I am still working on cleaning up boot process with the same (Debian based) distro.
Tried to narrow down if this was something being caused by just Debian based distros so I tried the LMDE version to verify but started getting permission denied errors in terminal so could not update grub, so gave up on that test, that was a waste of time.

I also don’t know why but didn’t think of it, I also ran a test of what would happen if I did enable the VMX, and it produces the same blinking cursors acting the exact same way as loglevel=3 does when the VMX message is hidden.

I was not necessarily saying that the VMX was still causing the error, I just figured that blinking is some kind of indicator that their is a process of scanning going on, because it happens in the same locations where that scanning finds the VMX. The VMX message shows up twice along with blinking cursor and after hiding VMX message the blinking cursor shows up twice in the same two locations.

You mentioned showing the log that maybe something else was showing up but too fast to really see anything, didn’t notice anything stopping while it was going on, but during that whole scanning process that blinking cursor is at the bottom blinking the whole time durning scanning process.

Do you know if it could be Debian based?


Can’t use VM VirtualBox «VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes»

I can’t use VirtualBox. When I tried to create a ubuntu in it, after powering the virtual box on it gives this as output. Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Ubuntu GNOME.

VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED). Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: ConsoleWrap Interface: IConsole

What do you mean by powering virtual box? Do you mean powering the Ubuntu vm you created? Also do you have virtualization active on your computer?

If your computer CPU supports VT-x it must be enabled in BIOS. If not (supported and enabled) you are limited to run 32 bits VM’s.

1 Answer 1

First you have to make sure that your cpu supports VT-x aka virtualization.

Go to intel’s website and and type your cpu’s name and find the specifications and see if VT-x is supported by your cpu.

If is supported enter your bios and search for a option named VT-x virtualization or intel virtualization or just virtualization and enable that and try again virtualbox.

If your cpu supports intel’s VT-d known simply as KVM there is a high chance that you missing a huge privilege, for details please see HERE.

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