Linux what is running on server

How to check what is running in a server?

Most of the time services like Apache and MySQL servers are started at boot time if they are installed using a package manager. Solution 4: Try these to see servers listening on TCP/UDP ports.

How to check what is running in a server?

  1. Is there any particular command to find out what servers (like: apache2, mysql-server, backup-server etc) are running inside a dedicated server ?
  2. If I will reboot my dedicated server will they all start automatically?

Note: I am in a dedicated Debian server.

I assume that application servers are using ports [Apache, Mysql do] If so you can use netstat -lepunt to find out the services running in your server.

If you want to know the services are started at boot time check for init script s in /etc/init.d/ .

Most of the time services like Apache and My SQL Server s are started at boot time if they are installed using a package manager. If not you can create an init script to start them at the boot time.

ps aux will also list all the processes running on the server . You can look for the related services there.

htop gives a nice overview of the processes that are running and the resources that are in use.

Try these to see servers listening on TCP/UDP ports. I like it to have an overview of a server’s purpose.

netstat -lepunt | perl -nle 's!^.*\d+/!! && print if ($_);' | sort -u 
ss -tualp | perl -nle 's/^.*users. "(.*?)".*/$1/ && print;' | sort -u 

Then you might want to also check the content of /etc/crontab to see what else the machine is doing (like backups for example).

And if running Apache, something like this may be useful:

grep -h -i ServerName /etc/apache2/-enabled/* | grep -v '^\s*#' 

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How to view all the services running on AWS?

How would I be able to view all the services running on aws. I have been charged some $$$, so what to close the services that are running. Most of the $ are being charged for KMS(Key Management System). When I go inside the KMS from aws console there’s nothing.

  1. Go to my Billing dashboard.
  2. Under left pane -> Billing -> go to Bills.
  3. Here you can find bills according to month with charges based on different services.
  4. If you click on a specific service(drop down), you can find, under which region the service has been launched and its charges

Depending on the access level you have in the project, there are 2 options

Option 1 (Mentioned in the previous comments)

This option work only if you have access to the Billing information

Option 2 — Use the VPC Dashboard

  • Search for VPC
  • In the VPC Dashboard you can see «Resources by Region»

Notes: This will give you information about the selected region in the top right corner, however, each resource contains The see all regions dropdown that gives an indication of where that resource is used.

Often the Cost Explorer is one of the best tools to identify where the money is being spent without much delays — if you check on your bill, it will take the entire cycle to find out.

On the top of your chart on CE, you can change the grouping and usually Usage Type makes it easier to understand the exact usage of that service.

Also, keep in mind if you don’t see the expected service on AWS Console, double-check if you are looking at the correct region (top right of your screen).

Firstly, you can check aws bills to see for what you have been charted for —; Also, aws has a tool called trusted advisor that will be able to help you to optimize your pricing. Lastly, there is a tool called cost explorer —, but personally I haven’t tried it yet.

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Check if stored procedure is running

How to check if a stored procedure or query is still running in SQL Server?

  1. I’ve thought of having a log where to write when the procedure starts and delete when it ends. Flaws:
    • it leaves open the case when the server restarts or some kind of failure inside the procedure.
    • this method needs some work to be done before running the procedure, so it can’t be applied on already running procedures .
  2. Use process monitor
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I would prefer a solution that can be incorporated as a stored procedure with procedure_name and/or pid , parameters as input, so tracing programs or solutions using the SQL Server interface won’t work.

Update #1

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty @time_str varchar(50) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; WAITFOR DELAY @time_str; GO dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty '00:00:10' dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty '00:00:20' dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty '00:00:30' 

the procedure should be called like

test_if_running 'dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty '00:00:20'' 

and return true while running (for 20 seconds) and false after or if the function fails or the system is restarted

Update: The answer given by John Clayton references the outdated SQL Server 2000 system table ( sys.sysprocesses ). The updated SQL is:

SELECT object_name(st.objectid) as ProcName FROM sys.dm_exec_connections as qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.most_recent_sql_handle) st WHERE object_name(st.objectid) is not null 

The SQL code above returns a list of names of your running processes . Note that you will need permission to view the Server/Database state.

You might query sys.dm_exec_requests which will provide sesion_ID, waittime and futher rows of interest and CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text filtering your query with the SQL for your procedure.

Select * from ( SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests where sql_handle is not null ) a CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) t where t.text like 'CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_sleeping_beauty%' 

Old thread but you can do this,

SELECT @object = object_id FROM SYS.OBJECTS WHERE NAME = [SP NAME] Select * from ( SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests where sql_handle is not null ) a CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) t where objectid = @object 

It returns all db activities.

you will check from this proc if your procedure currently running or not.

 SELECT creation_time , object_name(st.objectid) as ProcName ,last_execution_time ,total_physical_reads ,total_logical_reads ,total_logical_writes , execution_count , total_worker_time , total_elapsed_time , total_elapsed_time / execution_count avg_elapsed_time ,SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, ((CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st ORDER BY total_elapsed_time / execution_count DESC; 

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How to List All Running Services Under Systemd in Linux

Linux systems provide a variety of system services (such as process management, login, syslog, cron, etc.) and network services (such as remote login, e-mail, printers, web hosting, data storage, file transfer, domain name resolution (using DNS), dynamic IP address assignment (using DHCP), and much more).

Technically, a service is a process or group of processes (commonly known as daemons) running continuously in the background, waiting for requests to come in (especially from clients).

Linux supports different ways to manage (start, stop, restart, enable auto-start at system boot, etc.) services, typically through a process or service manager. Most if not all modern Linux distributions now use the same process manager: systemd.

Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux; a drop-in replacement for the init process, which is compatible with SysV and LSB init scripts, and the systemctl command is the primary tool to manage systemd.

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In this guide, we will demonstrate how to list all running services under systemd in Linux.

Listing Running Services Under SystemD in Linux

When you run the systemctl command without any arguments, it will display a list of all loaded systemd units (read the systemd documentation for more information about systemd units) including services, showing their status (whether active or not).

List Systemctl Units in Linux

To list all loaded services on your system (whether active; running, exited, or failed, use the list-units subcommand and —type switch with a value of service.

# systemctl list-units --type=service OR # systemctl --type=service

List All Services Under Systemd

And to list all loaded but active services, both running and those that have exited, you can add the —state option with a value of active, as follows.

# systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active OR # systemctl --type=service --state=active

List All Active Running Services in Systemd

But to get a quick glance at all running services (i.e. all loaded and actively running services), run the following command.

# systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running OR # systemctl --type=service --state=running

List Running Services in Systemd

If you frequently use the previous command, you can create an alias command in your ~/.bashrc file as shown, to easily invoke it.

Then add the following line under the list of aliases as shown in the screenshot.

alias running_services='systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running'

Create a Alias for Long Command

Save the changes in the file and close it. And from now onwards, use the “running_services” command to view a list of all loaded, actively running services on your server.

# running_services #use the Tab completion

View All Running Services

Besides, an important aspect of services is the port they use. To determine the port a daemon process is listening on, you can use the netstat or ss command as shown.

Where the flag -l means print all listening sockets, -t displays all TCP connections, -u shows all UDP connections, -n means print numeric port numbers (instead of application names) and -p means show the application name.

# netstat -ltup | grep zabbix_agentd OR # ss -ltup | grep zabbix_agentd

The fifth column shows the socket: Local Address:Port. In this case, the process zabbix_agentd is listening on port 10050.

Determine Process Port

Also, if your server has a firewall service running, which controls how to block or allow traffic to or from selected services or ports, you can list services or ports that have been opened in the firewall, using the firewall-cmd or ufw command (depending on the Linux distributions you are using) as shown.

# firewall-cmd --list-services [FirewallD] # firewall-cmd --list-ports $ sudo ufw status [UFW Firewall]

List Open Services and Ports on Firewall

That’s all for now! In this guide, we demonstrated how to view running services under systemd in Linux. We also covered how to check the port service is listening on and how to view services or ports opened in the system firewall.

Do you have any additions to make or questions? If yes, reach us using the comment form below.


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