Linux windows like editor

Alternative to basic text editors in ubuntu wsl

Currently I have a ubuntu terminal that I downloaded from the MS store. I would like to be able to edit code without using nano/vim/emacs. Is this possible? Can I use an external editor like visual studio or something of the like?

I added a WSL tag to your question. If indeed you are using Ubuntu via WSL, please edit your question’s title to make that clear.

4 Answers 4

in WSL, set your default editor to WSL-OPEN:

This will automatically translate the file to your default windows app for the associated EXT.

I had this problem and MS Visual Studio Code was excellent at solving this issue. Install it, and run «code .» and it will open with it. More detailed instructions below.

You are asking about code editors under Ubuntu/WSL.

You may want text apps or graphical apps. And you need to specify the language your code uses.

If Eclipse works for you, this may be useful

Otherwise, this may be helpful

  1. Download visual studio code for windows
  2. In the ubuntu terminal type «code «.
code ./codes_folder code ./codes_folder/1.c 

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