Linux windows mac as seen by

Linux, Windows & Mac – As Seen By Fanboys


I found this great piece of image in my archives. Unfortunately I can’t remember from where I got it, so I can’t give proper credits. If you know who made it, please leave a comment.

I wanted to show it to you cause I think it’s pretty funny – and I’m sure, in most cases, even true. I mean, everybody knows that Linux is for old PC’s and Windows is BSOD all the time, right? RIGHT?

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15 thoughts on “Linux, Windows & Mac – As Seen By Fanboys”

Haha! That is a classic. I loved the blue screen of death.
.-= Tom´s last blog ..Squeeze Page Tips For Better Conversion =-. Reply

Klaus, You are spot on! That picture shows the truth, and nothing but the truth 🙂
.-= LarsD´s last blog ..1-2-3 Guide til iTunes movie rentals i Danmark =-. Reply

lol…I don’t know if the new Windows is any better but I do feel that OS X is starting to feel a little stale after a decade of no major changes (ie change from OS 9 to X). I ran it for years and have been running Linux Mint for a long time now and its my favorite by far. Reply

gotta love the mac seen by windows fans, that’s fisher price for you!
But they fixed the bsod in win vista and 7 .. or .. well actually they just made it automatically reboot and not show the bsod, but it still kinda counts.
On a side note: Win 7 is (imo) by far one of their best os releases the last many years. Reply

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I like the one where Microsoft is screwing the user. Not sure how true it is, but it’s funny all the same.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Why The The Struggle For PR Is A Waste Of Time =-. Reply

That is funny, and true at the same time. I don’t know much about the Linux folks, but I know many Mac users view Windows users as idiots for putting up with so much pain, and many Windows folks view Mac folks as people who need things to be super simple.
.-= Evan @ 40Tech´s last blog ..The Impending Death of Apple’s App Store? =-. Reply

Very clever – and decently accurate.
.-= Kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..Hall of Fame Reactions =-. Reply

Really very funny picture Klaus. I specially like the image “Microsoft You”.
.-= chandan´s last blog ..»PHP Dir Submit» Directory submission service =-. Reply


Linux, Windows & Mac – As Seen By Fanboys


I found this great piece of image in my archives. Unfortunately I can’t remember from where I got it, so I can’t give proper credits. If you know who made it, please leave a comment.

I wanted to show it to you cause I think it’s pretty funny – and I’m sure, in most cases, even true. I mean, everybody knows that Linux is for old PC’s and Windows is BSOD all the time, right? RIGHT?

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15 thoughts on “Linux, Windows & Mac – As Seen By Fanboys”

Haha! That is a classic. I loved the blue screen of death.
.-= Tom´s last blog ..Squeeze Page Tips For Better Conversion =-. Reply

Klaus, You are spot on! That picture shows the truth, and nothing but the truth 🙂
.-= LarsD´s last blog ..1-2-3 Guide til iTunes movie rentals i Danmark =-. Reply

lol…I don’t know if the new Windows is any better but I do feel that OS X is starting to feel a little stale after a decade of no major changes (ie change from OS 9 to X). I ran it for years and have been running Linux Mint for a long time now and its my favorite by far. Reply

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gotta love the mac seen by windows fans, that’s fisher price for you!
But they fixed the bsod in win vista and 7 .. or .. well actually they just made it automatically reboot and not show the bsod, but it still kinda counts.
On a side note: Win 7 is (imo) by far one of their best os releases the last many years. Reply

I like the one where Microsoft is screwing the user. Not sure how true it is, but it’s funny all the same.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Why The The Struggle For PR Is A Waste Of Time =-. Reply

That is funny, and true at the same time. I don’t know much about the Linux folks, but I know many Mac users view Windows users as idiots for putting up with so much pain, and many Windows folks view Mac folks as people who need things to be super simple.
.-= Evan @ 40Tech´s last blog ..The Impending Death of Apple’s App Store? =-. Reply

Very clever – and decently accurate.
.-= Kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..Hall of Fame Reactions =-. Reply

Really very funny picture Klaus. I specially like the image “Microsoft You”.
.-= chandan´s last blog ..»PHP Dir Submit» Directory submission service =-. Reply


Linux vs MAC vs Windows

Linux vs MAC vs Windows

An operating system is considered to be the backbone of any system. Without an operating system, the user and system cannot interact. It acts as a mediator between both of these. We mainly have three kinds of operating systems, namely, Linux, MAC, and Windows. To begin with, MAC is an OS that focuses on the graphical user interface and was developed by Apple, Inc, for their Macintosh systems. Microsoft developed the Windows operating system. It was developed so as to overcome the limitation of the MS-DOS operating system. Linux is UNIX like a source software and can use an operating system that provides full memory protection and multi-tasking operations. It is an open d by anyone.

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Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others

Head To Head Comparison Between Linux and MAC and Windows (Infographics)

Below is the Top 5 Comparisons Between Linux vs MAC vs Windows

LInux vs MAC vs Windows Infographics

Key Differences Between Linux and MAC and Windows

These are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major difference

These are the most used operating systems. Though all three are widely used, there are significant differences between Linux vs MAC vs Windows. Windows is dominant over the other two as 90% of users prefer Windows. Linux is the least used operating system, with users accounting for 1%. MAC is popular and has an overall user base of 7% over the world.

When it comes to the risk of malware, Windows is the most prone. This is due to a larger user base. Linux is very unlikely to be affected by malware. MAC is similar when it comes to Malware.

Windows is expensive, and the cost starts from $100. Linux is free, and anyone can download and use it. MAC is costlier than Windows, and the user is forced to buy a MAC system built by Apple.

Comparison Table Linux vs MAC vs Windows

As you can see, there are many comparisons. Let’s look at the top Comparison below –


All these operating systems have their own pros and cons. It depends on the user and their choices and preferences of what they expect from the operating system. Windows can be used for playing games. Programmers can use Linux, and people who are interested in graphics can use MAC.

Recommended Article

This has been a useful guide to the Differences Between Linux vs MAC vs Windows. Here we also discuss the key differences with infographics and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles –

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