Linux wine lotus notes

Lotus Notes on Linux with WINE

How to install Lotus Notes (5.0.11) on a Linux system (RH9) using WINE.’, ‘Ok, in this example, I\’ll be using a dual boot machine that already has Lotus Notes installed on the Windows partition. But, if you have Wine installed, you can just run the setup program, and Wine will take care of the rest (from what I understand). So lets get started.

Now, let\’s install it (As root)

# rpm -ivh wine-20040505-1rh9winehq.i686.rpm

Now, exit out of root and run:

This will start wine for the first time, and create all the appropriate settings and paths. So, now you will have a .wine directory in your home directory.

you will see the standard “windows” style directory list. So, let\’s copy Notes into our new “c” drive. Now, I\’m using Red Hat 9, and it doesn\’t support NTFS by default, so we need to install a kernal module. This is a VERY simple step..

Now, download the kernal module you need. If your not sure which kernal you are using, you can do this:

$ rpm -ivh kernel-ntfs-2.4.20-8.i686.rpm

Now, to mound the Windows partition. (AS ROOT)

where /dev/hda1 = your windows partition. If you are not sure, and the above command doesn\’t work, just try /dev/hda2, etc.. untill you find one that mounts. Now, to look at the contents to make sure it is correct, do:

You should see your C: drive from windows. If not, do:

And keep mounting drives untill you find it. If, you have 2 hard drives in your system, you may need to change it to /dev/hdb1 or /dev/hdc1, etc.

Ok.. so we have the NTFS partition mounted and we can read it. (Note, this kernel module is READ ONLY access to the drive, so you don\’t have to worry about messing up your windows partition)

# cd /mnt/cdrive/Program\ Files/
(or to where your Notes directory is)

# cp -R Notes/ /home/username/.wine/c/Program\ Files/
(Where username = your Linux username)

Now, wait for that to complete copying…

# chown -R username.username /home/username/.wine/c/Program\ Files/Notes

# chmod -R 777 /home/username/.wine/c/Program\ Files/Notes/*

This will change the owner of these files from root to your username and chmod will make them executable. Now, exit out of root and lets start Lotus Notes for the first time under Linux. 🙂

$ wine “c:\\program files\Notes\notes.exe”

Ok.. So now that you have it working.. lets create an Icond fo it on the desktop.

Right-click on the desktop.. Select “Create New” and then “Link to Application”. Now, Enter the name “Lotus Notes”, select the execute tab, and type in:

wine “c:\\program files\Notes\notes.exe”

That\’s it! Now, if you want to change the Desktop Icon, just right click on the icon, select Properties, and click on the current icon. This will give you a list of icons available to choose from. If you want to use the default one for lotus notes, you can download mine in the downloads section.

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Linux wine lotus notes


Начиная с версии 8.5 IBM Lotus Notes так же доступен для GNU/Linux дистрибутивов. Но давайте определимся почему же все таки лучше использовать Windows версию. И так минусы «родной» версии для GNU/Linux дистрибутивов:

  • версия для GNU/Linux НЕ включает в себя инструменты Дизайнер и Администратор
  • версия для GNU/Linux имеет более высокие системы требования
  • некоторые сайты нуждаются в старых версиях Lotus Notes
  • НЕТ возможности скачать бесплатную пробную версию для GNU/Linux

Для запуска всех Windows версий IBM Lotus Notes (да как в прочем и любых приложений Windows) необходимо установить WINE.

Так же существует официальная страница на WINE Wiki описывающая использование IBM Lotus Notes в WINE в среде ОС GNU/Linux. Я рекомендую ее к посещению в том случае, если Вы хоть немного владеете английским, т. к. там можно найти много полезной информации.

По заявлениям разработчиков WINE гарантированной версий для работы IBM Lotus Notes в ОС GNU/Linux является версия 0.9.33. Таким образом, если Вы испытаете какие-либо проблемы при установки и работе в WINE 1.2 и выше, то рекомендуется использовать именно эту версию.

Дальнейшие действия выполнялись на система Ubuntu 10.04 c Wine 1.2 и IBM Lotus Notes 6.5.6 (последняя версия из 6 линейки).

2. Установка

Перейдем непосредственно к процессу инсталляции WINE. Открываем терминал и ставим пакет Wine (для использования последних версий пакета необходимо подключить официальный репозиторий wine. См. — следующей командой:

Далее нам потребуется установить скрипт winetricks с помощью которого мы установим необходимые библиотеки и приложения для полноценной работы IBM Lotus Notes 6.5.6. Ставим данный скрипт следующей командой:

Теперь осталось получить необходимые библиотеки и приложения:

sh winetricks ie6 vcrun6 msxml3 msls31 shockwave wsh56js wsh56 wsh56vb

Пришло время установить IBM Lotus Notes. Переходим в директорию где находиться установочные файлы (при условии что эта папка находится в Вашем домашнем каталоге):

2. Настройка и запуск

После того как инсталлятор завершит свою работу приложения Lotus будут доступны через главное меню, а так же на рабочем столе через ярлыки.

Хочу отметит, что для правильной работы клиента Lotus с несколькими серверами необходимо прописать имена и соответствующие ip-адреса в файле hosts. Выполняем:

После редактирования у Вас должно получиться что-то вроде этого:

Пока на этом все! Любые вопросы принимаются на email (dronezzzko at gmail dot com) и JID (drone at


Usable Software’s Backlog

I’m blogging to remember things. Ubuntu, Open Source and Lotus Notes family of products are my interests.

Get all Lotus Notes/Designer/Admin 8.5.2 and 8.0.2 working in Wine

It is possible to run the Administrator in Wine as described in an earlier entry in this blog. Also the classic (non-java) designer can run in the same way. But now I have successfully got the Designer 8.5.2 to run in Wine. I use Ubuntu 11.04 and Wine version 1.3.24. I probably works with earlies versions of Ubuntu and Wine also.

Part 1
Goal: Getting Administrator 8.5.2 and Designer 8.5.2 running in Wine.

This is how I did it.
I have a VirtualBox with Windows XP. Here I installed Lotus Admin/Desinger 8.5.2 and fixpack. After installation moved the Data-directory out of Program directory. I have my Linux /home-folder mounted as Z: in VirtualBox. And here I create the folder:
z:\lotus\notes\data-wine and put in all the files from the data-directory.

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The files in the Notes program-directory I copy to this path. z:\Applications\NotesDesignerAdmin852 (= /home//Applications/NotesDesignerAdmin852).

Then I update notes.ini located here: z:\Applications\NotesDesignerAdmin852\notes.ini and it should look like this:
Create_R8_Databases=1 (this can be omitted or be R85)

Create a start up script. That looks like this: with this:
cd ~/Applications/NotesDesignerAdmin852
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”mfc42=n,msvcp60=n,oleacc=n,oleaccrc=n” wine admin.exe with this
cd ~/Applications/NotesDesignerAdmin852
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”mfc42=n,msvcp60=n,oleacc=n,oleaccrc=n” wine designer.exe

Remember to make scripts executable with chmod +x

From your directory C:\Windows\System32 copy the following dll-files to the .wine/drive_c/windows/system32:
mfc42.dll, msvcp60.dll ,oleacc.dll, oleaccrc.dll

Part 2
Also as a bonus I want to use the “classic” designer from 8.0.2. These two can share Data-directory but with the side-effect that when the Designer/Admin is launched it will update the design of bookmarks.nsf (if the “other” version was running previously). Also there can be other stuff but I have not noticed.
Procedure is straight forward. Put the 8.0.2FP6 program directory in your linux home-folder. For example: Applications/NotesDesignerAdmin802
And create the following start up script:
cd ~/Applications/NotesDesignerAdmin802
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”mfc42=n,msvcp60=n,oleacc=n,oleaccrc=n” wine designer.exe

Use the same notes.ini as above. And since the dll-files already are copied then no need to do it again. Oh, and don’t run 8.5.2 and 8.0.2 at the same time, that will be bad.

Some screenshots what can be achieved:

If you get into trouble launching notes. Some error like unable to open data directory. Then test to copy a workin notes.ini from windows that have everything, then update paths to the new linux standard as shown above.

An alternative to the complicated installation above is to do this

2) Run it and go through the Client Configuration Wizard

3) Move the whole C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes – folder to /home-directory/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/IBM/Lotus/Notes

4) Since all paths probably is correct no need to update notes.ini. But double check this.

5) DLL files still is needed as described above

6) Start script would look something like this: with this
cd ~”/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/IBM/Lotus/Notes”
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=”mfc42=n,msvcp60=n,oleacc=n,oleaccrc=n” wine designer.exe


Linux wine lotus notes

NOTE: If you’re going to print this out, it would be wise to print Landscape instead of Portrait.

These are some screenshots outlining my install of the Lotus Notes 7.0.1 Linux Client. For the most part you just need to read the readme.pdf file that comes with the installation files and follow the instructions, but I know that screenshots are nice sometimes too (click on any of the screenshots below to get 800×600 images).

One general caveat: the current client install (at the time of this writing, August 2006) is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v4 update 3 (RHEL4), so there may be other things you have to do if you are on another distro (or if you have a non-standard RHEL setup). I used CentOS-4, which is built from the RHEL sources and aims to be 100% binary compatible with Red Hat, and I had no problems.

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If you want to install on another distro, you might want to take a look at this wiki page that talks about installing the client on Debian for some pointers.

Also, the Linux client install files are currently only available to Passport customers, so you won’t be able to find a trial version for download on the public Lotus site. If you want to use an older version of the Notes client on Linux, you can always try running it with Wine.

If you have problems, a good place to start looking for answers is the IBM Knowledge Collection Technote: IBM Lotus Notes client for Linux. There’s also a Technote with known limitations of the Linux client. And read the readme.pdf file that gets extracted when you unzip the install files — there are a lot of known issues (and a few workarounds) in there.

Step 0
This is probably obvious, but the first thing you have to do is download the Notes client install package and set up your Linux workstation.

For my testing, I installed CentOS-4 on a VMWare virtual machine with 384 MB of RAM. It worked, but a larger RAM allotment would have been much more comfortable. You’ll also need about 2 GB of free space to handle the install files, the temp files, and all the new program files.

My CentOS install was the default workstation install, with no customizations. I ran up2date before starting the Notes client install process.

/ linux.feature_7.0.1.0000-0900

One nice thing about Linux Terminal windows is that they normally have auto-complete, so you can start typing the name of the file or directory you want and it will fill in the rest for you.

For example, I wanted to navigate from my home directory to /Desktop/NotesInstall. So I typed «cd De» and pressed the TAB key, which changed the line to «cd Desktop/». Then I pressed ENTER and typed «cd No» and pressed TAB, and the line became «cd NotesInstall».

However you do it, once you’re in the proper directory, type: «./setup_wct_platform.bin» (or «./set[TAB]» to auto-complete) to run the setup_wct_platform.bin file.

/opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client

/home/centos/IBM/Workplace Managed Client

But don’t worry, it’s not a full reboot like you’re used to on Windows machines, just a simple log out and log in.

You will also see a nifty new «IBM Lotus Notes» icon on your Desktop.

Overall, the whole install process took about 20 minutes, so not too bad. And a lot of what you’re doing is waiting on files to unzip or copy or configure themselves. Not a lot of options at all, but there are a few tricks.

It’s not as easy as an RPM or DEB packaged app, but it’s a lot better than building from source. Just remember to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.


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