Linux with kde desktop

8 Best KDE Based Linux Distributions That You’ll Love

The KDE Plasma desktop is an attractive and feature-rich environment to use. It provides a fluid interface with a touch of elegance that leaves many other Linux desktop environments in the dust. The desktop’s laser focus is on simplicity, as well as making your life easier.

As a system of tightly integrated user interfaces, the KDE Plasma desktop provides the necessary software and hardware configuration to create an environment that the majority of users will find appealing.

The KDE desktop is one of the most popular desktop environments out there. However, many users complain that the interface is not friendly to newbies but it really does come down to a matter of opinion and familiarity with other desktops outside Linux.

The KDE Workspace offers a more intuitive entry point to the desktop and this has been the general consensus hence the popularity of the desktop environment.

1. Nitrux OS

Nitrux OS is a Linux distribution that is designed specifically for everyone? Yes, that’s exactly what’s on their homepage “A Linux for Everyone“.

It’s a lightweight operating system that runs on just about any Linux-supported device, and it’s focused on having a fast and responsive experience. It’s optimized for resource savings, so that you can run programs, such as games and multimedia, without slowing down the device.

Nitrux OS

Nitrux OS has also been made compatible with the Raspberry since 2019 further validating its acclaim of distribution for everyone. As one of the more recent KDE contenders on this list.

Nitrux OS is arguably challenging in its presentation as it combines the power of the Calamares installer with MauiKit Applications coupled with the NX Desktop and NX firewall based on the KDE Plasma 5 desktop.

2. Manjaro KDE

Manjaro Linux is the stable, preferred, and most popular Arch Linux distribution, that has been designed to provide a consistent and fast system that can also be used for a professional workstation or as a server.

Manjaro Linux is based on Arch Linux, which is a very user-friendly Linux distribution, but with faster performance. It’s a great choice for those who want to use the latest releases of software applications and the most recent trends in computer operating systems.

Manjaro Linux

Manjaro KDE is a flavor from the Linux distribution variations under Manjaro that uses KDE’s Plasma desktop environment to provide “fast and easy” installation and management. The Manjaro Linux project was launched in October 2013, with the first stable release, Manjaro KDE 16.12.1, released on 28 January 2014.

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Running a Manjaro KDE Linux system is quite pleasant because it has all the necessary software preinstalled making your system ready to use in no time.

Additionally, you can install your favorite applications like a word processor, spreadsheet, image viewer, and more. If you’re looking for a Linux distribution that works on hardware with different types of processors, Manjaro Linux is just the right choice for you.

3. Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution that is based on KDE, the popular desktop environment. It has been designed to be easy to use by new users and experienced users alike.

It was started in 2000 by Nissim Garuba with the goal of making a stable, secure, and easy-to-use desktop distro for both experienced users and beginners.

Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux has taken the whole Arch Linux business very seriously as the distribution is pretty much the only one on the list with three flavors of KDE all based on Arch Linux.

One for pentesting, another for essential work, and a third for gaming with designated gaming tools you otherwise would not get preconfigured anywhere else.

Garuda Linux prides itself in being able to provide every user a customized experience that can be further extended to provide newbies with an experience close to the operating system they may have used in the past.

4. MX Linux

The MX Linux organization is a group of enthusiasts that are focused on creating a flavor of Linux that goes well with the KDE Plasma desktop environment. With a Ubuntu base, you can drastically upscale your experience by getting access to a plethora of applications within the Ubuntu sub-ecosystem.

MX Linux

MX Linux is different from other Linux distributions because it’s a killer custom desktop experience that’s perfect for beginners. Basically, it’s a great distribution to start with if you want to learn how to use Linux without breaking a sweat.

5. Kubuntu

Kubuntu is a user-friendly, open-source distribution that offers a solid Ubuntu-based operating system with the KDE Plasma desktop.

The OS is a free alternative to Windows and is perfect for Linux newcomers. Considering it ships with the KDE Plasma Desktop by default, it has been the perfect operating system for Linux junkies for years and it’s still one of the best choices in the market.

Perhaps you may refer to Kubuntu as the OG when it comes to distributions that originally started out with the K Desktop Environment.


Kubuntu is easily one of the better choices on this list for beginners as it has the Ubuntu base which essentially means you will be able to get a ton of support from the wider Ubuntu community.

If you’re to ever run into trouble with your system. Other bases like Arch Linux require you to be an intermediate user for effective use of the system.

6. KaOS

KaOS is a versatile distribution that can be used for many different purposes and different user bases. It is similar to the variations of KDE Linux distributions on this list with the added advantage of extra functionalities that will easily win over a beginner coupled with the laser focus on Qt and KDE that easily wins over professionals as well.

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KaOS Linux

As a lightweight KDE distribution, it is especially ideal for those who want a more minimalistic look while still having the full functionality of a traditional desktop environment.

KaOS as an operating system is one of the best base environments for running KDE Plasma. Unsurprisingly, KaOS uses the Linux kernel, but it also comes with a few changes made specifically to improve the user experience.

7. KDE Neon

KDE Neon is a Linux operating system is very popular among the KDE community because it’s a powerful and well-maintained distribution with easy-to-use software packages and stable 64-bit desktop environments.

KDE Neon is a GNU/Linux distribution based on the latest Ubuntu long-term support release and with the distribution, you can take your experience of pure KDE to another level. Every single KDE bell and whistle is bundled with the operating system. Nothing is stripped out.

KDE Neon

As a native Plasma 5 desktop environment/framework, the Qt 5 toolkit is an added package to the mix with other compatible KDE software bundled along for your convenience. Any new user will find KDE Neon satisfactory especially if stability is at the highest on their list of priorities for an operating system.

8. openSUSE KDE

Advocates of openSUSE are often keen to point out the rigid stability of the operating system and how it’s seemingly one of the best-kept secrets in the Linux community.

openSUSE does its own thing like pretty much other distributions on this list but it’s hard to argue with a system that is practically miles ahead when compared with other Linux systems on the basis of stability.


openSUSE thrives in the Linux ecosystem as a productivity monster and that combined with the KDE Plasma 5 desktop means you are getting the best of both worlds and an immense value post-installation of the operating system.


KDE is no new player in the game of desktop environments and with a rock-solid development team behind the framework, it goes without saying that just about any system out there with KDE continues to benefit from the work that has been done to create a genuinely unique experience that’s second to none.

GNOME is certainly a force to reckon with but is in an entirely different league of its own hence the glorious presence KDE continues to enjoy within the Linux ecosystem. Have you had a shot at KDE in the past? Let us know.


Дистрибутивы / С рабочим столом KDE, Plasma

Linux дистрибутивы со встроенной поддержкой среды рабочего стола KDE, которая использует библиотеки Qt. Дистрибутивы с рабочим столом KDE Plasma.

Dragora — свободный и независимый

Ubuntu Studio — для креативных пользователей

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio — дистрибутив Ubuntu для креативных пользователей. Содержит большое количество программ для работы с графикой, аудио/музыкой, видео и фотографией.

KaOS — независимый, роллинг, KDE Plasma


KaOS — независимый дистрибутив. Использует среду рабочего стола KDE Plasma и инструментарий Qt. Обновляется по модели rolling-release. Репозитории: собственные.

Netrunner — Debian Stable с KDE Plasma


Netrunner — дистрибутив на базе Debian Stable. Использует среду KDE Plasma со свежими обновлениями и некоторыми изменениями.

Trisquel — полностью свободный


Trisquel — полностью свободный дистрибутив на пакетной базе Ubuntu. Не содержит проприетарного программного обеспечения.

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Nitrux — на базе Debian, NX Desktop


Nitrux — дистрибутив на базе Debian. Использует среду KDE Plasma с кастомизированным оформлением — NX Desktop. Без systemd.

Devuan — Debian без systemd

Garuda Linux — на базе ArchLinux с BTRFS

Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux — дистрибутив на базе ArchLinux. Много готовых образов с разными графическими окружениями. Простая установка. Использует файловую систему BTRFS.

Archman — сконфигурированный Arch с простой установкой +видео


Archman — дистрибутив, основанный на ArchLinux. Прост в установке. Устанавливается с готовой к работе средой рабочего стола. Полностью совместим с ArchLinux.

OpenMandriva — наследие Mandriva Linux +видео


OpenMandriva Lx — дистрибутив, который является форком ROSA Desktop (Mandriva Linux, Mandrake Linux). Использует среду рабочего стола KDE. Включает необходимый набор предустановленного программного обеспечения. Подойдет для новичков и опытных пользователей.

ROSA Fresh — российский дистрибутив +видео

ROSA Fresh

ROSA Fresh — дистрибутив Linux, разрабатываемый российской компанией. Изначально был основан на Mandriva. Предназначен для персонального использования.

KDE neon — дистрибутив и репозиторий KDE +видео

KDE neon

KDE neon — дистрибутив от разработчиков KDE, основанный на Ubuntu LTS, включающий самые свежие обновления программного обеспечения от KDE сообщества.


Дистрибутивы с Plasma и приложениями KDE

Ниже приведены популярные дистрибутивы GNU/Linux с предустановленным программным обеспечением KDE. Выбор дистрибутива персонален и опирается на ваши предпочтения. Рекомендуем ознакомиться с описаниями на официальных сайтах проектов, чтобы получить полное представление о них.

KDE Neon

Скриншот KDE Neon

Проект KDE Neon предоставляет последние версии рабочей среды и приложений KDE со стандартными настройками поверх стабильной основы Ubuntu с длительным сроком поддержки (LTS).
Доступен в нескольких изданиях:
• для пользователей (User Edition);
• для тестировщиков (Testing Edition);
• для разработчиков (Unstable Edition и Developer Edition).
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Скриншот openSUSE

Дистрибутив openSUSE представлен двумя вариантами:
• Leap — стабильное издание с регулярными выпусками, поставляется с LTS-версиями Linux, Qt и Plasma.
• Tumbleweed — издание с плавающим релизом и последними версиями всех пакетов.
Компания SUSE — спонсор KDE.
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Скриншот Kubuntu

Kubuntu — издание Ubuntu с предустановленным программным обеспечением KDE. Разработчики Kubuntu стремятся к созданию удобной для начинающих пользователей системы. В комплект включены многие популярные программы и утилита для управления драйверами.
Компания Canonical, разработчик Ubuntu, — спонсор KDE.
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Альт Рабочая станция К

Скриншот Альт Рабочая станция К

Независимый российский дистрибутив с ПО KDE, включённый в Единый реестр российских программ для ЭВМ и баз данных. Отдельно доступна образовательная версия. Разработкой и поддержкой коммерческих пользователей занимается компания «Базальт СПО».
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Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop

Скриншот Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop

Вариант дистрибутива Fedora, в котором в качестве главного пользовательского интерфейса используется рабочая среда Plasma. В состав входят приложения для выхода в сеть, работы с офисными документами и мультимедиа.
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Manjaro KDE

Скриншот Manjaro

Manjaro — дистрибутив, основанный на Arch Linux, нацеленный на упрощение его установки и настройки. Издание Manjaro KDE, в частности, настроено для использования KDE Plasma и базовых приложений KDE.
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ROSA Desktop

Скриншот ROSA Desktop Fresh

ROSA Desktop Fresh позиционируется как дистрибутив для начинающих пользователей GNU/Linux, готовый к домашнему использованию сразу после установки. Доступна коммерческая версия. Разработкой руководит ООО «НТЦ ИТ РОСА».
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Другие дистрибутивы

Многие другие дистрибутивы GNU/Linux используют программное обеспечение KDE или предлагают возможность его установки. Полный список доступен на KDE Community Wiki.


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