Linux замена mac адреса

MAC address spoofing

This article gives several methods to spoof a Media Access Control (MAC) address.


There are two methods for spoofing a MAC address: installing and configuring either iproute2 or macchanger . Both of them are outlined below.


First, you can check your current MAC address with the command:

# ip link show interface 

where interface is the name of your network interface.

The section that interests us at the moment is the one that has «link/ether» followed by a 6-byte number. It will probably look something like this:

The first step to spoofing the MAC address is to bring the network interface down. It can be accomplished with the command:

# ip link set dev interface down

Next, we actually spoof our MAC. Any hexadecimal value will do, but some networks may be configured to refuse to assign IP addresses to a client whose MAC does not match up with any of known vendors. Therefore, unless you control the network(s) you are connecting to, use MAC prefix of any real vendor (basically, the first three bytes), and use random values for next three bytes. For more information please read Wikipedia:Organizationally unique identifier.

To change the MAC, we need to run the command:

# ip link set dev interface address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX 

Where any 6-byte value will suffice for XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX .

The final step is to bring the network interface back up. This can be accomplished by running the command:

# ip link set dev interface up

If you want to verify that your MAC has been spoofed, simply run ip link show interface again and check the value for ‘link/ether’. If it worked, ‘link/ether’ should be whatever address you decided to change it to.

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Another method uses macchanger (a.k.a., the GNU MAC Changer). It provides a variety of features such as changing the address to match a certain vendor or completely randomizing it.

The spoofing is done on per-interface basis, specify network interface name as interface in each of the following commands.

The MAC address can be spoofed with a fully random address:

# macchanger -r interface 

To randomize only device-specific bytes of current MAC address (that is, so that if the MAC address was checked it would still register as being from the same vendor), you would run the command:

# macchanger -e interface 

To change the MAC address to a specific value, you would run:

# macchanger --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX interface 

Where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC you wish to change to.

Finally, to return the MAC address to its original, permanent hardware value:

# macchanger -p interface 

Note: A device cannot be in use (connected in any way or with its interface up) while the MAC address is being changed.



udev allows you to perform MAC address spoofing by creating files or udev rules.

To set a static spoofed MAC address:

[Match] PermanentMACAddress=original MAC [Link] MACAddress=spoofed MAC

To randomize the MAC address on every boot, set MACAddressPolicy=random instead of MACAddress=spoofed MAC .

udev rule

Use address attribute to match the correct device by its original MAC address and change it using the ip command:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR= , RUN+

systemd unit

Creating unit

Below you find two examples of systemd units to change a MAC address at boot, one sets a static MAC using ip and one uses macchanger to assign a random MAC address. The systemd is used to ensure the MAC is changed before a network manager like Netctl or NetworkManager, systemd-networkd or dhcpcd service starts.


systemd unit setting a predefined MAC address:

[Unit] Description=MAC Address Change %I BindsTo=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i address 36:aa:88:c8:75:3a ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up [Install]

systemd unit setting a random address while preserving the original NIC vendor bytes. Ensure that macchanger is installed:

[Unit] Description=macchanger on %I BindsTo=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-%i.device [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/macchanger -e %I Type=oneshot [Install]

A full random address can be set using the -r option, see #macchanger.

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Enabling service

Append the desired network interface to the service name (e.g. eth0 ) and enable the service (e.g. macspoof@eth0.service ).

Reboot, or stop and start the prerequisite and requisite services in the proper order. If you are in control of your network, verify that the spoofed MAC has been picked up by your router by examining the static, or DHCP address tables within the router.

netctl interfaces

You can use a netctl hook to run a command each time a netctl profile is re-/started for a specific network interface. Replace interface accordingly:

#!/usr/bin/env sh /usr/bin/macchanger -r interface



wpa_supplicant can use random MAC address for each ESS connection(AP) (see [1] for details).

Add this to your configuration:

mac_addr=1 preassoc_mac_addr=1 gas_rand_mac_addr=1


To randomize the MAC address when iwd starts (see iwd.config(5) for details):

[General] AddressRandomization=once AddressRandomizationRange=nic

Specifying AddressRandomizationRange enables control over which part of the address is randomized. If set to nic , only the NIC specific octets (last three octets) are randomized. The permanent mac address of the network interface is used for the initial 3 octets. If set to full , all six octets of the address are randomized.


Connection to DHCPv4 network fails

If you cannot connect to a DHCPv4 network and you are using dhcpcd, which is the default for NetworkManager, you might need to modify the dhcpcd configuration to obtain a lease.

See also


Как сменить mac – адрес в Linux


Усаживайтесь на кушетку поудобнее. Зачем, в первую очередь, вы хотите сменить mac – адрес у вашего сервера на базе Linux? Может хотите блочить его на фаерволе, или попробовать совершить «магию» с лицензиями, которые привязаны к маку?

Как сменить mac – адрес в Linux

В целом, дело ваше. Мы покажем способ, как это сделать. Давайте по шагам.

Находим текущий mac – адрес сетевого интерфейса

Сначала давайте посмотрим на текущий mac вашего сервера. Сделать это можно командой:

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Вывод сервера будет примерно таким. Он будет содержать параметры (mac — адреса всех ваших интерфейсов):

1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 2: eno1: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 45:c6:f6:a7:12:30 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 3: enp0s12e2: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 33:23:f8:8b:d7:65 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

Как мы видим, например, у интерфейса enp0s12e2 текущий mac – адрес это 33:23:f8:8b:d7:65 . Давайте поменяем его.

Меняем MAC с помощью Macchanger. Установка

Macchanger — это ну очень простая утилита, чтобы смотреть, менять и управлять MAC – адресами на ваших сетевых интерфейсах. Она доступна на почти всех Linux – подобных системах.

Например, чтобы установить Macchanger на Fedora, CentOS или RHEL используйте команду:/p>

sudo dnf install macchanger

А если у вас Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint или даже Kali Linux, то установить ее можно вот так:

sudo apt install macchanger
Как использовать Macchanger

Помните имя интерфейса, которое мы обсудили чуть раньше? Ага, мы про enp0s12e2

Например, чтобы присвоить этому интерфейсу рандомный mac, используйте команду:

sudo macchanger -r enp0s12e2

После смены, проверьте, что мак – адрес поменялся командой:

Он стал другим, не так ли? Теперь, чтобы присвоить конкретный (нужный вам) мак интерфейсу, примените команду:

macchanger --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Где, как не сложно догадаться, XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX — mac, который вам нужен. Кстати, если вы поняли, что сделали что-то не то, то вернуть mac – адрес устройства к его изначальному значению можно вот так:

Меняем MAC с помощью iproute

Делать это через macchanger, честно говоря, правильнее. Однако, если не получилось/не хотите, то можно поступить вот так. Первое, выключаем интерфейс:

sudo ip link set dev enp0s12e2 down

Далее, присваиваем новый mac выключенному интерфейсу:

sudo ip link set dev enp0s12e2 address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Не забываем включить интерфейс обратно:

sudo ip link set dev enp0s12e2 up


В статье мы обсудили два способа смены адреса: через утилиту macchanger и встроенную команду ip. Мы рекомендуем использовать macchanger, как более надежный способ. Однако, решать вам.


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