Linux запуск bat файлов

Как в Wine запустить файл .bat и .msi

Вы можете запустить файл .bat разными способами:

Найдите файл .bat и запустите его двойным кликом.

И найдите в окне Проводника нужный вам файл.

wine explorer /ПУТЬ/ДО/ПАПКИ

чтобы сразу попасть в нужную папку.

Когда найдёте файл .bat, то дважды кликните на него.

Например, я хочу запустить файл «С ключом ADM.bat» из папки /mnt/disk_d/Share/Conses/ConsFed/, тогда я открываю эту папку командой

wine explorer /mnt/disk_d/Share/Conses/ConsFed/

И в открывшемся окне двойным кликом запускаю файл «С ключом ADM.bat».

3. Вы можете запустить файл .bat в командной строке, используя конструкцию вида:

wine start /ПУТЬ/ДО/ФАЙЛА.bat

Если вы используете путь до файла в Linux, то обязательно нужно указать опцию /unix. Например, я хочу таким образом запустить файл «With-ADM.bat» который находится в папке /mnt/disk_d/Share/Conses/ConsFed/, тогда команда следующая:

wine start /unix '/mnt/disk_d/Share/Conses/ConsFed/With-ADM.bat'

Как в Wine запустить файл .msi

Файлы MSI нельзя запускать напрямую; вам нужно использовать либо программу Wine msiexec, либо запуск Wine с терминала:

wine msiexec /i whatever.msi


How do I create a batch file and run it? [duplicate]

Your question is more likely to receive useful answers if it contains some specifics. Such as what type of data is to be processed, including realistic examples of input and output.

@SergiyKolodyazhnyy The duplicate nominee is closed as too broad. As such the close vote on this one should be «too broad» as well. That said it seems like a reasonable question to me as I was once in the dark myself 🙂

@WinEunuuchs2Unix It is closed but does have an accepted answer, which will give OP what they want, or at least a starting point.

@EliahKagan If a mod agrees perhaps he can reopen that one and then merge the answers from here to there?

@WinEunuuchs2Unix That question, which this received close votes to be duped to, was actually reopened a few hours ago, then closed again as duplicate of that highly voted question. Both of them are listed as «originals» in the duplicate banner here (i.e., this question is duped to both of them). So if answers are to be merged, they’d probably be put there. Do you think that would be useful?

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3 Answers 3

To create one use the .sh extension but it doesn’t really matter but it helps future users to quickly determine which file type it is. The bat name is mostly used on Windows but in Linux file name extensions do not really matter. Meaning I can call my file say and it would still run in bash file but I believe it’s a good practice to name them with the .sh file extension.

For the editor, part uses any that is best for you between nano vim gedit emacs , but I believe gedit would be nice to start with.


Thread: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

showithers is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

Hello. I need to know if it is possible to run a Windows .bat file in Ubuntu, and if so, how.

In case you need to know, the following is the content in the file:

EgyDown.ex_ x -d1 -o+ -y+ -vm+ GTA3.uha

Temposs is offlineDark Roasted Ubuntu

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Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

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lawenlerk is offlineSpilled the Beans

Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

The syntax of scripts in linux are different.

del is rm
cls is clear
but echo is still echo

u have to create a file with the extension .sh put this as the first line

and then just write the rest like writing a .bat file except with the new syntax

to run the script, just type in

theozzlives is offlineI Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am

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Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

Batch files are DOS scripts, they don’t run on Linux. I know, I used to be a pretty darn good batch programmer. The most popular it seems is a BASH script (*.sh). One liners can normally be done in an alias. You just gotta forget about the Microsoft way of doing things.

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goiggles is offlineSpilled the Beans

Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

s3a is offlineIced Almond Soy Ubuntu, No Foam

Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

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RiMTrO is offlineFirst Cup of Ubuntu

SmileRe: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

overdrank is offlinesupercalifragilisticexpia lidocious

Re: How Do I Run a .bat File If Possible?

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