Linux зависает при initial ramdisk

Booting stops at Loading initial ramdisk

I have installed Arch Linux on 40GB HDD on ga-g4mt-s2p1 Motherboard ( Intel Core 2 multi-core,2Gb of Ram) I have made 4 Partitions:

/boot 100Mib Swap 4Gib / 20Gib /home The rest of the disk 

It runs well without any problems but when I try the hard on and older Motherboard p4p800-mx(Pentium 4,512 Mb of Ram) the booting stops at:

CMOS Settings Wrong CMOS Date/Time Not Set Press F1 to Run Setup Press F2 to load default value and continue

5 Answers 5

It probably moves on, actually, but you don’t see anything because the kernel’s messages are not enabled. This happens when the boot loader passes the option quiet to the kernel.

Please try booting your system again, but without that option. If you’re using grub as the boot loader, this is done as follows:

  • when you reach the grub menu, select the option that you would normally boot, and press the e button on your keyboard.
  • you will now see a full-screen editor. Find the line that starts with linux . This line contains the kernel command line. Remove the option quiet from that line, and nothing else. (if you accidentally do remove something else, just hit esc and start over).
  • Once you’ve made the above change, press ctrl + x to execute the script without saving it.

You should now get much more information about why things aren’t booting.

I wonder if you don’t have to remove also additional option splash from there, however the root case of my issue was solved by replacing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=»quiet splash» with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=»dis_ucode_ldr» in /etc/default/grub.

I solved it by changing my version from x86_64 to i686

In the installation menu, there are two choices one for x86_64 and one for i686 . My problem was with x86_64 but when I reinstalled it choosing i686 , it worked fine.

The CMOS problem was solved by changing the CMOS battery.

I solved it in a similar way, I chose the wrong architecture in VirtualBox (32 Bit, worked with 64 Bit)

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I solved it by choosing earlier kernel version from advanced options from grub menu and update to all packages fixed the issues.

I get the ‘loading initial ramdisk’ message, too, using system encryption with LUKS and LVM. This happens for me on Debian (netinstall) as well as on Alpine Linux.

To get past this, enter the (correct) LUKS password and hit Enter . This results in a regular boot.

f12 -> recovery mode of linux distro -> there I chose upgrade packages, if it did not work as it seemed it did not find my internet connection. So I continued starting into recovery mode , there I run sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade, restarted and it worked.

Other way, In safe-mode or command line, edit /etc/default/grub and replace in the existing configuration line

the issue is either caused by restarting in a different display configuration that it was prior. Either previously having connected a display and starting without it, or not having and starting with it. It happens when having set up UEFI startup mode, and might be fixed by BIOS update.


Arch Linux

Hello there, I was doing some testing in an arch virtual machine and installed a few packages such as yay, cde, nscde. pkgbrowser, cylon, yup. Also deleted icewm with -Rns which I installed before. I tried to open CDE from my desktop manager and it failed. So I decided to reboot. After reboot the startup got stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. » text, I tried to switch to tty with a VirtualBox’s soft keyboard but sadly that didn’t work either. So I decided to boot the installation medium and checked cat /etc/fstab it returned nothing but some built-in comments. I don’t know if that’s normal with installation medium so I decided to ask here if I somehow deleted something. Also, I found a few other forum posts on exact same issue but it seems theirs was mostly due to efi problems or they had access to tty so not much help there.

Last edited by xanrer (2022-01-18 14:22:18)

#2 2022-01-16 18:06:17

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

Have you tried using the .iso and arch-chrooting into the system to use commands?

#3 2022-01-16 18:28:12

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

I heard arch-chrooting in those other posts too but couldn’t understand what to do with it, wiki constantly says `/location/of/new/root` but doesn’t say where it should be. Where exactly should I arch-chroot?

#4 2022-01-16 18:59:15

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

You should mount the root partition under (for example) /mnt and use that location in the arch-chroot command. Any other partitions should also be mounted under /mnt as appropriate before chrooting. How did you install Arch anyway? The method is the same as for the manual process.

And when describing what lead to your problem please provide exact commands rather than vague descriptions.

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#5 2022-01-16 19:28:33

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

> How did you install Arch anyway? The method is the same as for the manual process.

I blindly followed a guide without knowing much about what I’m doing. It may be one of those easy install things I’m sorry, I just did what’s written.

> And when describing what lead to your problem please provide exact commands rather than vague descriptions.

pacman -S —needed git base-devel
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

yay -S cdesktopenv nscde pkgbrowser cylon yup
yay -Rns icewm

Then I log out to my desktop manager «ly»
Then I selected CDE and tried to log in, failed and reboot.

> You should mount the root partition under (for example) /mnt and use that location in the arch-chroot command. Any other partitions should also be mounted under /mnt as appropriate before chrooting.

#6 2022-01-17 04:00:21

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

Use lsblk (or similiar thing) to list partition information
next, mount the correct partition to /mnt first: … le_systems
and then chroot: … ide#Chroot

Last edited by isaac_le (2022-01-17 04:05:00)

#7 2022-01-17 04:17:26

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

> You should mount the root partition under (for example) /mnt and use that location in the arch-chroot command. Any other partitions should also be mounted under /mnt as appropriate before chrooting.

/mnt is empty.

So the guide isn’t saying to use that path. They are using a placeholder for the device partition for example my hard drive is /dev/sda and my Linux filesystem is /dev/sda2 (sda1 is my swap partition because I’m using MBR). What I would do in this situation is:

This would mount your root partition.

Keep in mind that if you are going back into the ISO to arch-chroot you will need to repeat this every time until you get your installation working.

Last edited by Comrade_Spider (2022-01-17 04:19:08)

#8 2022-01-17 09:06:14

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

I mounted and chrooted successfully thanks to you guys. I checked if everything is or other with /boot by ls ing, it returned:
grub initramfs-linux.img vmlinuz-linux
So I guess no problem there.

Next I think about what may have caused this issue in the first place and maybe while I removing icewm with -Rns I removed something important too so i wrote pacman -S icewm and looked at the needed packages, it returned:
imlib2- libid3tag-0.15.1b-11
If any of these needed for boot please let me know.

I don’t know what to do from here on, suggestions are appreciated.

oh also cat /etc/fstab returned:
UUID=ee32ba16-e6d2-4b96-a3e6-95bcdb2cfee3 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
UUID=367048d3-aad8-41a9-abac-77f768c6806b swap swap defaults,noatime 0 0
Which is what is expected so everything is fine there.

I also checked journalctl sadly it only returns liveiso’s logs so it’s no use.

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Last edited by xanrer (2022-01-17 09:37:04)

#9 2022-01-17 12:53:37

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

So, I tried things myself and probably successfully nuked the system.

Here is what I did:
I suspect things may got broken because of some of the aur packages so I tried to access them with yay.
yay gave me this error «failed to read vcs file ‘/home/sage/.cache/yay/vcs.json'» so I looked up what could be done, they said «sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/yay/*» so I did and it started to work again. Albeit gave these errors while removing:
Then I did a «yay -Syyu» gave these errors: at that point I started to suspect a system corruption due to packages. But I said install anyways. One of the things it installed was a new kernel.
After update I removed the liveiso and tried to boot the system, it gave me this message:

I think grub got confused on what kernel to load I’m gonna fix that and brb.

Ran «grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg» and now it doesn’t even show that message anymore:
I don’t want to fix this system anymore, installing again is probably would be easier, but I still want to know; What caused this?

Last edited by xanrer (2022-01-17 13:03:21)

#10 2022-01-17 16:57:05

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

The ‘grub>’ prompt indicates that either grub.cfg cannot be found or that it has no menuentry stanzas. Use the ‘set’ command from the prompt and check the configfile parameter to see where it is looking.

#11 2022-01-17 17:44:37

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

I think I understand what happened. The VM hard drive file somehow got corrupted. I tried to reinstall on the same hard drive file, deleting all the partitions and it still gave some errors that I don’t remember right now. So I think it was a VirtualBox problem and not an Arch problem. I just created a new hard drive file and installed Arch again with the same packages, except for icewm and yay, which I changed with paru. Everything works as expected for now. Thank you to everyone who looked into the matter. I learned new things and that’s a win in my book.

#12 2022-01-18 05:12:20

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

actually I’m having the same problem, when I updated to 5.16 (today is 5.16.1) it got stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk» without any journalctl log

tail -n 500 /var/log/pacman.log

and then I switched from bootloader to systemd, the tty give me some message:

I can boot Ok when rolling back to 5.15.13.

Last edited by isaac_le (2022-01-18 05:36:24)

#13 2022-01-18 09:31:25

Re: [SOLVED] Stuck at «Loading initial ramdisk. «

The OPs problem seems to have been a corrupt VM image, so probably unrelated and you should open an new thread, allowing the OP to mark this one as solved.


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