Linux all commands in pdf

Download the Best Linux Command Cheat Sheets For Beginners to Advanced Users

The cheat sheets listed below contain those commands that will be helpful for beginners to advanced users and are directly related to Linux Command Line.

Red Hat Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

This is the official Red Hat Linux commands cheat sheet. You need to Sign in with your account to access the cheatsheet. You can download by visiting the link below:

Linux command cheat sheet from Loggly

A nice to have colorful cheat sheet that covers most frequently used Linux commands. You can download it from the link below:

Linux command line cheat sheet from Cheatography

Cheatography is a website where anyone can create cheat sheets with their online tools. Here is a nice cheat sheet with basic Linux commands for you:

Unix/Linux Command Reference from FOSSwire

This is one the most popular Linux command cheat sheets on the internet. It was created back in 2007 but even after 11 years, this command reference sheet is equally helpful.

command reference fosswire cheat

Linux cheat sheet from Pi My Life Up

Pi My Life Up is a website dedicated to Raspberry Pi and related stuff. They also have a nice one page Linux command cheat sheet in PDF format.

You can download it directly from the link below:

8. Linux Notes for Professional Book

This is not really a couple of pages long cheat sheet. It’s a Linux command reference that goes over 50 pages.

I wouldn’t call it a book because it never goes into detail but it does show you all the basic Linux commands and their usage.

linux notes for professional

Linux and LPIC Quick Reference Guide

If you are preparing for LPIC, you would surely benefit from this free LPIC reference guide. This 120+ pages PDF has Linux commands and their explanation that will help you in your LPIC exam.

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Linux Commands Reference from MakeUseOf

Popular website MakeUseOf also has a quick Linux command cheat sheet that lists basic commands for system info, process management, compression, networking etc.

You can download the PDF from their website:

Debian Reference Card

This is the official reference card from Debian. If you use Debian either as a server or desktop, this Debian reference card will come in handy.

Linux Terminal Cheat Sheet

This is one of the quick reference PDF that lists frequently used Linux commands.

linux terminal cheat sheet

You can download it from the link below:

Interview Bit Linux Command Cheatsheet

This cheat sheet explains all basic Linux commands with examples. A PDF version of the cheatsheet is also available.

Download this from the link below:

Networking Command Cheat Sheets

The below cheat sheets describe commands relating to Linux command line networking purposes.

Linux Networking Commands

In this Linux networking commands cheat sheet, you’ll get a list of Linux utilities and commands for managing servers and networks. A good reference point for Linux sysadmins.

You can download it from by providing your email address.

network command cheatsheet

Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet from Red Hat

Earlier in this list of best Linux commands cheat sheets, you saw a cheat sheet for basic Linux commands from Red Hat.

But you don’t have to stuck with the basic one. Red Hat also has an advanced Linux commands cheat sheet. This is very specific to Red Hat though.

You can download it from the link below. You need to create an account with Red Hat before you could download it.

Linux ip Command Networking Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet is from Linux Training Academy; you need to submit email to download the cheat sheet.

Red Hat ip Command Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet can be downloaded from the below link:

Bash Scripting Cheat Sheets

This category lists cheat sheets relating to either bash shell or bash scripting

Linux Bash Shell Cheat Sheet

This is a 4-page cheat sheet covering the basic Linux commands. It also has the list of Linux terminal shortcuts and the bash terminal navigation shortcuts.

Bash Notes for Professionals book

This is a hell lot more than just a simple cheat sheet. This is a Bash book running over 100 pages.

It lists quick examples of Bash scripting usage. Both Linux Notes and Bash Notes are from the same source and are completely free.

Bash Redirections Cheat Sheet

The redirection operator in bash is very important and useful. These cheat sheets make it easier to memorise the important bash redirection commands. Download from the link below:

Bash Scripting Cheatsheet

A quick reference to getting started with Bash scripting.

bash scripting

Get it from the link below:

Bash/ZSH Shourtcuts Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet has both keyboard shortcuts and other important command uses. Get it from the link below:

Advanced Linux and Commands

This category lists those cheat sheets focusing on advanced Linux commands or certain specific commands/tools.

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Frequently used commands, Sed and Tar cheat sheets from Yes I Know It

Sylvain, who brings you the weekly Bash Challenge, has a few cheat sheets in his kitty. And those cheat sheets actually look awesome.

You need to register with your email to get the cheat sheet. You can get them at the link below:

SED Stream Editor Cheat Sheet

If you have some knowledge about using SED commands, you’ll enjoy this SED cheat sheet. It is created by Peter Krumins, a prominent programmer and author of several programming books like Perl One-Liners from No Starch Press.

You can download the SED cheat sheet from the link below:

AWK command cheat sheet

If you use AWK command for scripting, you’ll find this AWK cheat sheet from TheGeek Stuff handy.

You can download it from the direct link below:

Perf Cheat Sheet

This one is for advanced Linux users. Perf, as the name suggests, is a performance analyzing tool. If you want to know the details on the CPU at low level, perf is what you need to use.

There is a brilliant cheat sheet by Brandon Gregg but it has been even brilliantly transformed by Julia Evans.

perf cheatsheet

You can download it from her website:

Grep Command Cheat Sheet

This is a quick reminder about grep command, listing almost all of its useful options and cases. You can download the grep cheat sheet from the link below:

TMux Basics Cheat Sheet

TMux will increase your productivity if you are an ardent terminal user. This cheat sheet will help to boost your TMux knowledge. You can download it from the link below:

The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Commands Cheat Sheet from MakeUseOf

Helpful in programming Raspberry pi, it list basic and important commands to remember.

Cron Cheat Sheet

This is from and you can download it by providing your email. Get it from the link below:

Your favorites?

Which Linux cheat sheet do you like the most here? Do you have any favorites that you would like to add to this list? Do share your views.


Linux Commands List Pdf

Linux Commands List Pdf

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is based on Unix. It was originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and has since become one of the most widely used operating systems in the world, particularly on servers, supercomputers, and embedded systems. Linux is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, and its user base includes individuals, small organizations, and large corporations. Linux also provides users with a wide range of software and tools, including office applications, web servers, programming languages, and games. Additionally, Linux is highly customizable and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of its users.

Linux commands are instructions that are used to interact with the operating system. Some common Linux commands include:

Linux Commands List Pdf – Basic Commands

Command Description
pwd prints the current working directory
cd allows one to change directory
ls lists the contents of a directory
alias create a shortcut to another command or name to execute a long string.
mkdir create a directory
cp copy a file or directory
rm removes or deletes a file or directory
mv moves or renames a file or directory
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Linux Commands List Pdf – Directory Navigation and Listing

Command Description
cd change to home directory
cd .. go up to parent directory
cd subdir change to subdirectory subdir
ls list content of current directory
ls -l list content with details
ls -a list content including hidden files

Linux Commands List Pdf – File Commands

cp src dest copy src file to dest file
cp -r sDir dDir copy “recursively” sDir directory to
dDir directory (copies subdirectories
mv src dest move – renames src as dest
rm fileName removes file fileName
rm -r dirName removes directory recursively
rmdir dirName removes empty dirName
mkdir dirName makes directory called dirName
chmod 750 file1 change permission of file1 by
specifying a three digit octal # where
digits are owner, group, world
each octal digit in binary are:
read (4) ,write (2) ,execute (1)
cat file1 display file1 to screen
less file1 display file1 with pagination
(space – next page, q-exit, ↑,↓- keys)

Process Management

Keyboard Shortcuts

Auto-complete partial file
+ c Kill current command/program
+z Sleep current program
Recall previous command(s)
+d log-off and close terminal

Linux Commands List Pdf – Other Commands

  • passwd: change password
  • chsh: change default shell
  • df: report disk space usage by filesystem
  • du: estimate file space usage – space used under a particular directory or files on a file system.
  • sudo: run command as root (only if you have access)
  • mount: mount file system (root only)
  • umount: unmount file system (root only)
  • shutdown: reboot or turn off machine (root only)
  • top: Produces an ordered list of running processes
  • htop: An interactive process viewer for Linux (not installed by default)
  • free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system
  • file: Determine file type
  • touch: change file timestamps or create file if not present
  • date: display or set date and time
  • find : Find a file find /dir/to/search -name file-to-search
  • wc: Count words, lines and characters in a file wc -l .bashrc
  • grep: Find patterns in a file grep alias .bashrc
  • awk: File processing and report generating awk ’’ file1
  • sed: Stream Editor sed ’s/home/HOME/g’ .bashrc
  • set: manipulate environment variables set -o emacs
  • ln: Link a file to another file ln -s file1 file2
  • head: Display first lines of a file head file1
  • tail: Display last lines of a file tail file1
  • wait: wait until all backgrounded jobs have completed
  • which: shows the full path of (shell) commands
  • whatis: display manual page descriptions

So, don’t delay and download the PDF from the link given below.

You can download the Linux Commands List Pdf the link given below:

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