Linux iso fedora 32 bit

Download Fedora Server 38

We’re so glad you’ve decided to give Fedora Server a try. We know you’ll love it.

RELEASE DATE: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

For Intel and AMD x86_64 systems

Fedora Server 38 QEMU qcow2 BETA

Fedora Server 38 DVD iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 Network Install iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 Raw raw.xz BETA

Fedora Server 38 QEMU qcow2 BETA

Fedora Server 38 DVD iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 Network Install iso BETA

For Power ppc64le systems

Fedora Server 38 QEMU qcow2 BETA

Fedora Server 38 DVD iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 Network Install iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 QEMU qcow2 BETA

Fedora Server 38 DVD iso BETA

Fedora Server 38 Network Install iso BETA

We take security seriously

Once you have downloaded an image, be sure to verify it for both security and integrity.

By calculating the image’s checksum on your own computer and comparing it to the original checksum, you can verify the image has not been tampered with or corrupted. Images are also gpg signed with Fedora keys to demonstrate their integrity.

to get instructions tailored for your download.

Become a Fedora contributor

Once you’ve got Fedora installed and running, why not join and contribute to one of our online communities?

Officially-supported Fedora community spaces

By clicking on and downloading Fedora, you agree to comply with the Fedora Export Control Policy .


Fedora 30 (April, 2019) Workstation 32-bit, 64-bit ISO Disk Image Free Download

Fedora 30 was released on April 30, 2019, it was preceded by version 29, and was designed for desktop / laptop computers, and servers. Both 64-bit and 32-bit versions are available for Fedora 30. Compared to the previous Fedora release, this version includes some new updates and features, such as Linux kernel 5.0, GNOME 3.32, Pantheon as an alternative desktop environment, Deepin desktop environment in Fedora 30 repositories, etc.

The download menu only has x86-64 and i386 platform supported ISO files, go to for all other downloads.

General information from Fedora

Fedora is a free and open source Linux operating system (or distribution) that has been developed by contributions from community members and Red Hat. Fedora was designed for personal computers and servers, and is currently available in three different editions, which are for Workstation (for personal computer), Server (for servers), and Atomic (for cloud computing). GNOME is currently the default desktop environment for the operating system, and the GNOME Shell is the default user interface. There are more other desktop environments supported in Fedora, such as Cinnamon, Xfce, and MATE. Like other Linux distributions, Fedora is bundled with many general software applications such as Firefox Browser, LibreOffice, Media Player etc.

Читайте также:  Fedora media writer linux



System requirements

Installation Instructions

Follow the steps given below:

  1. Download the Fedora 30 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Install a USB bootable creation software (such as Rufus) on your Windows PC.
  3. Plug in a USB flash drive (at least 4 GB of free space available) with your PC.
  4. Open the USB bootable creation software, and select the ISO image file of Fedora 30, and start the process.
  5. As soon as done, plug the bootable USB into a system where you want to install Fedora 30.
  6. Restart the target computer.
  7. Press the boot device menu key and select USB to boot first.
  8. Select USB device and start the Fedora 30 installer.

Starting installer in VMware

  1. Download the Fedora 30 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Launch the VMware Player, and start creating a new virtual machine.
  3. Select the ISO image file of Fedora 30, and use the default settings for the virtual machine.
  4. Start the virtual machine and go to the Fedora 30 installer.

Starting installer in VirtualBox

  1. Download the Fedora 30 ISO image file from the download section.
  2. Launch the Virtualbox application on your computer, and start creating a new virtual machine.
  3. Select Ubuntu and use defualt settings for the virtual machine.
  4. Start VM and when it asks to select the Host Drive, then select the downloaded Fedora 30 ISO file in step 1.

Last step

As soon as you go to the Fedora Welcome Screen, follow the steps given below:

  1. Proceed on the welcome screen.
  2. Accept the license agreement, and proceed.
  3. Configure firewall, date / time, etc.
  4. Create root user.
  5. Follow on-screen instructions, and complete the installation.
  6. Log in to Fedora using your username and password.
  7. Do not forget to remove the installation medium from the computer (for example, USB, CD / DVD).


Linux iso fedora 32 bit

Альтернативные рабочие среды для Fedora

Вышла Fedora 38! Получите сейчас.

KDE Screenshot

KDE banner

Полноценный, современный рабочий стол, построенный на KDE Plasma Desktop.

Xfce Screenshot

Xfce banner

Полноценный, прекрасно интегрированный рабочий стол Xfce.

LXQt Screenshot

LXQt banner

Легкая, хорошо интегрированная среда рабочего стола LXQt.

MATE-Compiz Screenshot

MATE-Compiz banner

Классический рабочий стол Fedora Desktop с дополнительным 3D-менеджером окон.

Cinnamon Screenshot

Cinnamon banner

Современный рабочий стол с традиционным пользовательским интерфейсом Gnome.

LXDE Screenshot

LXDE banner

Легкое, быстрое, нетребовательное к ресурсам окружение рабочего стола.

SoaS Screenshot

SoaS banner

Открывай. Учись. Размышляй. Делись.

i3 Screenshot

i3 banner

Мозаичный оконный менеджер.

Budgie Screenshot

Budgie banner

A feature-rich, modern desktop designed to keep out the way of the user.

Sway Screenshot

Sway banner

A Wayland-based Tiling Window Manager.

Ищете дополнительные возможности Fedora? Попробуйте Fedora Labs

Что такое сборки?

По умолчанию рабочей средой Fedora является GNOME, но если вы предпочитаете альтернативную среду, как, например, KDE Plasma Desktop или Xfce, вы можете загрузить сборку с вашей любимой рабочей средой и использовать её для установки Fedora, настроенной специально для выбранной вами среды.

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Загрузки сборок предлагаются путем прямой загрузки, но вы можете получить их и через BitTorrent. В этом случае для загрузки сборки вам нужно установить клиент BitTorrent. Если вы не можете использовать Bittorrent, то для некоторых сборок предлагаются альтернативные методы загрузки.


Сборки предоставляются в виде файлов ISO. Файл ISO можно использовать для создания новой виртуальной машины, либо можно записать ISO особым образом на USB-устройство или оптический носитель для запуска сборки на компьютере.


Для установки сборки нужно запустить ее на своем компьютере и выбрать на рабочем столе ссылку «Установить на жеский диск». Серия подсказок поможет вам пройти процесс установки.


Загрузки сборок предлагаются путем прямой загрузки, но вы можете получить их и через BitTorrent. В этом случае для загрузки сборки вам нужно установить клиент BitTorrent. Если вы не можете использовать Bittorrent, то для некоторых сборок предлагаются альтернативные методы загрузки.


Сборки предоставляются в виде файлов ISO. Файл ISO можно использовать для создания новой виртуальной машины, либо можно записать ISO особым образом на USB-устройство или оптический носитель для запуска сборки на компьютере.


Для установки сборки нужно запустить ее на своем компьютере и выбрать на рабочем столе ссылку «Установить на жеский диск». Серия подсказок поможет вам пройти процесс установки.


Download Fedora Workstation 38

We’re so glad you’ve decided to give Fedora Workstation a try. We know you’ll love it.

RELEASE DATE: вторник, 18 апреля 2023 г.

Fedora Media Writer

Get started by using Fedora Media Writer, which makes it super easy to give Fedora a try. Learn More

Fedora Media Writer Windows БЕТА

Fedora Media Writer Mac БЕТА

Fedora Media Writer Linux БЕТА

Just want an ISO file?

Not sure how to use these files? Learn here

For Intel and AMD x86_64 systems

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso БЕТА

Fedora Workstation 38 Raw raw.xz БЕТА

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso БЕТА

For Power ppc64le systems

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso БЕТА

But wait! There’s more.

Need something a bit different? Check out our other downloads below, featuring alternative architectures, torrents and network-based installation images.

We take security seriously

Once you have downloaded an image, be sure to verify it for both security and integrity.

By calculating the image’s checksum on your own computer and comparing it to the original checksum, you can verify the image has not been tampered with or corrupted. Images are also gpg signed with Fedora keys to demonstrate their integrity.

Нажмите на кнопку проверки

, чтобы получить инструкцию, специально подогнанную под загружаемый файл.

Laptops pre-loaded with Fedora

We’ve partnered with companies like Lenovo to bring you laptops pre-loaded with Fedora that include fully-supported hardware components.

Learn more about Fedora Media Writer

Getting going with Fedora is easier than ever. All you need is a 2GB USB flash drive, and Fedora Media Writer. Once Fedora Media Writer is installed, it will set up your flash drive to run a «Live» version of Fedora Workstation, meaning that you can boot it from your flash drive and try it out right away without making any permanent changes to your computer. Once you are hooked, installing it to your hard drive is a matter of clicking a few buttons*.

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* Для установки и успешного запуска Fedora требуется минимум 20 ГБ на диске, 2 ГБ ОЗУ. Рекомендуется удвоить эти значения.

Become a Fedora contributor

Once you’ve got Fedora installed and running, why not join and contribute to one of our online communities?

Officially-supported Fedora community spaces

By clicking on and downloading Fedora, you agree to comply with the Fedora Export Control Policy .


İndir Fedora Workstation 38

We’re so glad you’ve decided to give Fedora Workstation a try. We know you’ll love it.

RELEASE DATE: 18 Nisan 2023 Salı

Fedora Media Writer

Get started by using Fedora Media Writer, which makes it super easy to give Fedora a try. Learn More

Fedora Media Writer Windows BETA

Fedora Media Writer Mac BETA

Fedora Media Writer Linux BETA

Just want an ISO file?

Not sure how to use these files? Learn here

Intel ve AMD x86_64 sistemler için

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso BETA

ARM® aarch64 sistemler için

Fedora Workstation 38 Raw raw.xz BETA

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso BETA

Power ppc64le sistemler için

Fedora Workstation 38 Live ISO iso BETA

But wait! There’s more.

Need something a bit different? Check out our other downloads below, featuring alternative architectures, torrents and network-based installation images.

Güvenliği ciddiye alıyoruz

Bir görüntü indirildikten sonra, güvenliğiniz için bütünlüğünü kontrol edin.

By calculating the image’s checksum on your own computer and comparing it to the original checksum, you can verify the image has not been tampered with or corrupted. Images are also gpg signed with Fedora keys to demonstrate their integrity.

İndirme işleminize uygun talimatları almak için doğrulama düğmesini

Laptops pre-loaded with Fedora

We’ve partnered with companies like Lenovo to bring you laptops pre-loaded with Fedora that include fully-supported hardware components.

Learn more about Fedora Media Writer

Getting going with Fedora is easier than ever. All you need is a 2GB USB flash drive, and Fedora Media Writer. Once Fedora Media Writer is installed, it will set up your flash drive to run a «Live» version of Fedora Workstation, meaning that you can boot it from your flash drive and try it out right away without making any permanent changes to your computer. Once you are hooked, installing it to your hard drive is a matter of clicking a few buttons*.

* Fedora requires a minimum of 20GB disk, 2GB RAM, to install and run successfully. Double those amounts is recommended.

Become a Fedora contributor

Once you’ve got Fedora installed and running, why not join and contribute to one of our online communities?

Officially-supported Fedora community spaces

By clicking on and downloading Fedora, you agree to comply with the Fedora Export Control Policy .


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