Linux open source distributions

Open Source Linux Operating System Kernels

Browse free open source Operating System Kernels and projects for Linux below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Operating System Kernels by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.

Organize your knowledge management service portal so any member of your enterprise from any department can access accurate, up-to-date information. Quickly find answers by topic, business category, or service action. With everything the company needs in one place, offer consistently high-quality content across the KMS portal that any member can find and share. Manage high quality content through easy-to-use administrative functions no matter how many people you have on staff. Receive actionable feedback to continue to provide the highest level of consistent knowledge across your business.

The most affordable reporting software on the market today Incident Tracker uses the Microsoft Azure platform for the industry’s highest security and data protection levels.

Incident Tracker works with many different types of businesses and organizations, from start-up companies to Fortune 500 companies. We can help to streamline your reporting process and track the life cycle of each report from open to close. Generate reports based on a category, location, user, date range etc.


Linux DiskQuota

Wubuntu Operating System

Wubuntu aka «Windows Ubuntu» is an operating system that inherits all the appearance and functionality of Microsoft Windows, but does not require TPM, secure boot or any other hardware requirement for its operation. Developed using the Ubuntu operating system as a base, you have a fast, secure and very efficient system. You will also be able to run Microsoft Windows and Android applications using Wubuntu.

squashfs — a compressed fs for Linux

Squashfs is a highly compressed read-only filesystem for Linux. Squashfs compresses both files, inodes and directories, and supports block sizes up to 1Mbytes for greater compression. It is implemented as a kernel module under VFS.

Meaningful, free employee award system for your team. For companies looking for an employee peer award system.

Accolader focuses on employee awards, not rewards. Peer recognition for a job well done is more meaningful than a small monetary reward. Accolader surfaces these achievements in a fun, easy to use lightweight tool that is easy to integrate and free to use.

Linux Test Project

Control Group Configuration

Linux Diagnostic Tools

Project’s goal is to create better tools for diagnosing Linux systems. Diagnostics include first failure data capture, error log analysis, preventative testing, and system inventory gathering. You can now find Power System specific packages on github. libservicelog : servicelog : lsvpd : libvpd : ppc64-diag : sysfsutils is moved to github. New home for sysfsutils :

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Super Grub2 Disk

Super GRUB2 Disk helps you to boot into most any Operating System (OS) even if you cannot boot into it by normal means.

Your single integration to industry leading, secure blockchain infrastructure for web3. Scale with ease through our end-to-end suite of blockchain technology, from dedicated nodes and APIs to easily-accessible staking and liquid staking, MPC tech, and more.


The goal of the project is now to develop a user library called libpfm4 to help setup performance events for use with the perf_events Linux kernel interface. The development of the perfmon kernel subsystem, libpfm and pfmon has now stopped.


The WSL2-Linux-Kernel repo contains the kernel source code and configuration files for the WSL2 kernel. If you discover an issue relating to WSL or the WSL2 kernel, please report it on the WSL GitHub project. It is not possible to report issues on the WSL2-Linux-Kernel project. Instructions for building an x86_64 WSL2 kernel with an Ubuntu distribution are provided. The number one way that we recommend you run Linux distributions is by installing Windows Terminal. Using Windows Terminal enables you to open multiple tabs or window panes to display and quickly switch between multiple Linux distributions or other command lines (PowerShell, Command Prompt, PowerShell, Azure CLI, etc). You can fully customize your terminal with unique color schemes, font styles, sizes, background images, and custom keyboard shortcuts.

FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel (RTOS)

************************************************************************************************************************ * The primary FreeRTOS repository is now in Git. Go to for the latest FreeRTOS kernel and libraries. * Our support has moved to ************************************************************************************************************************ FreeRTOS is a market-leading real-time operating system (RTOS) for microcontrollers and small microprocessors. Distributed freely under the MIT open source license, FreeRTOS includes a kernel and a growing set of libraries suitable for use across all industry sectors. Visit for more information and other download options. Note about support/discussions forum: The FreeRTOS support forum has moved to Please update your bookmarks and create new posts in the appropriate category in the new community forums.


Now you can easily install pure arch linux from my Arch Live Linux with Calam-Arch-Installer through video instructions, following the steps. Install Legacy-Bios or UEFI, Support Luks Yes There are also 9 selectable graphical environments for installation, Xfce, Gnome, Plasma,Cinnamon, Budgie, Openbox, I3, Mate, Deepin Good Luck!


Archcraft is an arch-based rolling-release distribution aimed at users who cares more about minimalism and aesthetics of their desktop. It comes pre-configured with various lightweight applications which makes it super fast. It can run under 500Mb of memory. There’s no desktop environment in (main) Archcraft, just two highly configured window managers — Openbox and Bspwm. The default username & password is ‘liveuser’ for live ISO. The installer can be found in the app launcher and in openbox menu under the Application > System category, namely ‘Install Archcraft’. Archcraft uses two Installers, Calamares and ABIF

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CachyOS — Arch Linux Based Distribution With Heavy Optimizations & Multi-Architectures For Ultimate Desktop Experience Filesystems: — btrfs — zfs — ext4 — xfs — f2fs Our installer will auto detect which micro architecture your machine got, if x86-64-v3 or x86-64-v4 is detected it will automatically use the optimized packages, which is around a 10 % performance improvement. Desktop Environments: — KDE — CuteFish — i3 — Gnome — Openbox — Wayfire — Xfce — LXQT — bspwm All packages are compiled with Full LTO and other optimization flags. Depending on the march your cpu have it is compiled against x86-64, x86-64-v3 or x86-64-v4. For the Desktop Environment we provide basic theming. In CachyOS-Hello can be also security related packages enabled, like: DNScrypt-proxy Firejail apparmor Security and Performance!

ArcoLinuxB Editions

At ArcoLinux we learn how to build our personal iso aka BYOI. This is Phase 4 in our learning path. We can reuse the ArcoLinux iso and build any desktop environment on it you want. You decide what applications to install. Then we build an iso. All the iso’s created in Phase 4 of our learning path will be hosted here on Sourceforge. We call iso’s created with the BYOI scripts from github/arcolinuxb : ArcoLinuxB iso’s. It is not our goal to maintain these iso’s. We will update them ad hoc. Mainly to test if the scripts are still working. The goal is always to follow the BYOI articles and build the iso yourself. Then the last updates and improvements will be included. And that is the ideal way. Use the iso’s to get a taste of what YOU can achieve/build by running the BYOI script.


lmbench is a suite of simple, portable, ANSI/C microbenchmarks for UNIX/POSIX. In general, it measures two key features: latency and bandwidth. lmbench is intended to give system developers insight into basic costs of key operations.

JBoss Community

Community driven projects featuring the latest innovations for cutting edge apps. Our flagship project JBoss AS is the leading Open Source, standards-compliant, Java EE based application server implemented in 100% Pure Java. enables you to boot into many types of operating systems using lightweight tooling to get you up and running as soon as possible. Discover new operating systems without having to download and rewrite media over and over again. Rescue operating systems from a single image. An essential for any sysadmin. netboot.XYZ uses the iPXE project to enable you to provision, rescue, or load into a live boot environment leveraging the Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) on most systems. is a convenient place to boot into any type of operating system or utility disk without the need of having to go spend time retrieving the ISO just to run it. iPXE is used to provide a user-friendly menu from within the BIOS that lets you easily choose the operating system you want along with any specific types of versions or bootable flags.

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4 Linux Distros That Are Completely Open Source

Linux is the distro of choice for freedom loving software hippies, but not everything you see is open source! Let’s take a look at four Linux distros that are totally open source.


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Linux is the OS of choice for freedom loving software hippies, but there’s a dirty little secret buried within the kernel: not everything you see is open source!

The Linux kernel contains binary blobs, proprietary code that makes certain hardware run. Many laptops have Wi-Fi or graphics cards that don’t run without the manufacturer-supplied firmware.

This doesn’t bother many Linux users. If manufacturers don’t want to share their code but want to contribute to Linux, let them! But, on the other hand, this is closed source code, and that means users can’t verify what’s going on inside. This is partly why the Free Software Foundation doesn’t endorse many of the most popular distributions. This includes Fedora, which doesn’t allow any non-open source software in its repos.

Instead, the FSF recommends distributions that don’t contain any closed source code, even at the kernel level. These distros aren’t as popular, but there’s still a diversity of options.

1. Trisquel — The Easy Choice

Looking for a simple and easy to use distribution with plenty of software? Trisquel is a good place to start. This distro is based on Ubuntu LTS releases, making it relatively modern.

The big difference between Trisquel and Ubuntu is the lack of binary blobs and proprietary software of any kind. Trisquel won’t recommend you install closed hardware drivers or codecs. But you maintain the freedom you have to tweak your experience as you would on Ubuntu. Add PPAs to install software that isn’t available in the repos.

Since each release is based on an Ubuntu LTS, the experience does start to feel dated after a while. A lot happens within two years in the free software world. Installing Trisquel 7 means you will run applications from 2014. Though with Ubuntu 16.04 now available, the next release shouldn’t be too far off.

2. Parabola — For the Latest Software

Parabola is Arch Linux with the closed bits removed or replaced.

Like Arch, Parabola is what you make it. The website provides you with a text-based installer that gives what you need to make your own custom machine. There’s a guide online, but expect little in the way of hand-holding here.


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