Listing devices linux command

  1. linux list devices
  2. How much RAM do I have Linux?
  3. How do I see devices on Linux?
  4. How do I create a device on Linux?
  5. What are the two types of device files?
  6. Does Linux have a device manager?
  7. How do I check my RAM size?
  8. How much RAM does Windows 10 take up?
  9. How much RAM do you need for Ubuntu?
  10. Why do people use Linux?
  11. Does Apple use Linux?
  12. How to List all Linux Disk Devices
  13. How to list disk devices in Linux with lsblk
  14. Lsblk, The column NAME:
  15. Lsblk, The column MAJ:MIN:
  16. Lsblk, The column RM:
  17. Lsblk, The column SIZE:
  18. Lsblk, The column RO:
  19. Lsblk, The column TYPE:
  20. Lsblk, The column MOUNTPOINT:
  21. How to show free and used space in Linux disk devices
  22. About the author
  23. David Adams
  24. Best Linux Commands For Advanced Hardware and System Info
  25. Uname — Linux kernel info
  26. lspci — list of all attached devices to PCI bus
  27. lshw — complete all in one list of installed hardware components
  28. hwinfo — another tool, very similar to lshw
  29. dmidecode -extract info from BIOS/UEFI using SMBIOS API.
  30. lsusb — perfect command to show all pluggable devices
  31. lscpu — first command to get CPU info
  32. lsscsi — print attacked SCSI devices into
  33. dmesg — kernel logs
  34. inxi — «all in one» script
  35. fdisk , gdisk and parted — all about your drive partitions
  36. blkid and lsblk — block devices list
  37. mount — mount a drive and print info about already mounted
  38. df — check used and free disk space
  39. /proc — virtual file system full of hardware/software related info and configuration
  40. hdparm — get/set SATA/IDE device parameters
  41. SoftMaker Office 2024: European Office Suite for GNU Linux that gives Microsoft Office a run for its money
  42. 9 Neat Tips to Manage Files on a Computer
  43. Is Viber a Trojan horse? The mass bans of Ukrainian accounts

linux list devices

In Linux various special files can be found under the directory /dev . These files are called device files and behave unlike ordinary files. The most common types of device files are for block devices and character devices.

How much RAM do I have Linux?

To see the total amount of physical RAM installed, you can run sudo lshw -c memory which will show you each individual bank of RAM you have installed, as well as the total size for the System Memory. This will likely presented as GiB value, which you can again multiply by 1024 to get the MiB value.

How do I see devices on Linux?

  1. The mount Command. .
  2. The lsblk Command. .
  3. The df Command. .
  4. The fdisk Command. .
  5. The /proc Files. .
  6. The lspci Command. .
  7. The lsusb Command. .
  8. The lsdev Command.

How do I create a device on Linux?

  1. Build the driver by using Makefile ( sudo make )
  2. Load the driver using sudo insmod.
  3. Check the device file using ls -l /dev/ . By this time device file is not created for your driver.
  4. Create a device file using mknod and then check using ls -l /dev/ .

What are the two types of device files?

Does Linux have a device manager?

There are endless Linux command-line utilities that show the details of your computer’s hardware. . It’s like Windows Device Manager for Linux.

How do I check my RAM size?

Right-click your taskbar and select “Task Manager” or press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open it. Click the “Performance” tab and select “Memory” in the left pane. If you don’t see any tabs, click “More Details” first. The total amount of RAM you have installed is displayed here.

How much RAM does Windows 10 take up?

In regards to Windows 10 RAM requirements, nowadays most basic Windows 10 systems comes with 4GB of RAM. Especially if you intend to run a 64-bit Windows 10 operating system, 4GB RAM is the minimum requirement. With a 4GB RAM, the Windows 10 PC performance will be boosted.

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How much RAM do you need for Ubuntu?

Can Ubuntu run on 1gb RAM? The official minimum system memory to run the standard installation is 512MB RAM (Debian installer) or 1GB RA< (Live Server installer). Note that you can only use the Live Server installer on AMD64 systems. Once again, these are the bare minimum specifications.

Why do people use Linux?

1. High security. Installing and using Linux on your system is the easiest way to avoid viruses and malware. The security aspect was kept in mind when developing Linux and it is much less vulnerable to viruses compared to Windows.

Does Apple use Linux?

Both macOS—the operating system used on Apple desktop and notebook computers—and Linux are based on the Unix operating system, which was developed at Bell Labs in 1969 by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson.

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How to List all Linux Disk Devices

How to list disk devices in Linux with lsblk

The proper way to list block devices such as hard disks is using the command lsblk.

Note: the -a flag forces lsblk to list also empty devices.

In the first column you can see all the connected devices, in the image above you can see 3 devices: sda, sdc and sdd. Lets see some information on each.

Lsblk, The column NAME:

The NAME column shows the name of each disk device and partition. As you can see in the extract of the column below the disk SDA contains 4 partitions: sda1, sda2, sda3 and sda4. You can ignore the “_crypt_” for now.

The second listed disk device is sdc with only one partition, sdc1.

The second listed disk device is sdd with only one partition, sdd1.

The last listed device is the DVD or CDROM:

Lsblk, The column MAJ:MIN:

Following the column NAME there is the column MAJ:MIN is the internal identificator for each device the kernel uses according to the device type.

Lsblk, The column RM:

The column RM shows if the device is removable (where 1 yes and 0 no), in this case last 2 disk are external and the last device is the DVD.

Lsblk, The column SIZE:

The column SIZE displays the size of each of the disk devices listed.

Lsblk, The column RO:

The column RO means Read Only, being 1 positive and 0 negative, if 0 then devices are not read only, if 1, they are read-only.

Lsblk, The column TYPE:

The column TYPE displays the type of device such as devices, partitions, optical devices, encrypted partitions and more.

Lsblk, The column MOUNTPOINT:

The column MOUNTPOINT shows the mount point of each device or partition, the next image shows the partitions of the device sda.

The screenshot below shows an efi partition belonging to sda1, the encrypted sda2 root partition, the sda3 for boot and an encrypted sda4 SWAP.

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The flag -l will show the devices and partition as a list rather than as tree:

The flag -f instructs lsblk to inform the filesystem of each partition:

Additional flags for the command lsblk are available and explained in the man page which you can also access at

Listing disk devices in Linux with alternative methods: fdisk and fstab

While the correct way to list disk devices in Linux is using the command lsblk, other options are available.
The first one to try is fdisk, to list all block devices with fdisk run:

How to show free and used space in Linux disk devices

Additionally to listing your storage devices you may need to show the free and used space, this can be achieved using the command df.

As you see in the screenshot below, the availability of space of all disks formerly listed is now displayed.

The command df allows you to easily check each partition identified both by its device name or its mountpoint, yet, the -h option makes it easier to be readed by humans.

For example the image above shows the partition /dev/sda2_crypt which is the root mount point / has 150 GB available and 64 GB used.

About the author

David Adams

David Adams is a System Admin and writer that is focused on open source technologies, security software, and computer systems.


Best Linux Commands For Advanced Hardware and System Info

Best Linux Commands For Advanced Hardware and System Info

Sometimes you need info about hardware, and you probably lost your invoice, spec list or a password to a store website. Maybe you did an upgrade and this info isn’t accurate anymore. It’s an easy case for home users, but what to do is you have many machines in a corporate environment? The commands below will also be useful for hardware debug.

Uname — Linux kernel info

uname -a — kernel version
uname -m — system architecture

lspci — list of all attached devices to PCI bus

lspci -vvv — enable verbose mode.

# lspci 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 5500 I/O Hub to ESI Port (rev 13) 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 1 (rev 13) 00:09.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 7500/5520/5500/X58 I/O Hub PCI Express Root Port 9 (rev 13) 

lshw — complete all in one list of installed hardware components

lshw works without sudo , but provides much less info. Includes memory configuration, firmware revisions, CPU info and core frequencies. —sanitize flag is super useful when you want to upload result to the internet, it will hide IP addresses and serial numbers, —short flag is good for compact output.
Report in HTML is very helpful for easy sharing: $ sudo lshw –html > report.html

hwinfo — another tool, very similar to lshw

Hwinfo, created by SUSE developers, is another general purpose hardware probing utility capable off reporting detailed and brief information about multiple different hardware components.

dmidecode -extract info from BIOS/UEFI using SMBIOS API.

—type option for device-related info like bios,system,chassis

$ sudo dmidecode -t processor $ sudo dmidecode -t memory 

lsusb — perfect command to show all pluggable devices

Useful flags: -vvv for verbose mode, -s [bus]:[devnum] will show only specific device on you need to watch. You can easily sort by vendor with -d [vendor]:[product] , view all in three modes with -t and use device-file config with -S /dev/X option.

$ lsusb Bus 005 Device 002: ID 045e:00cb Microsoft Corp. Basic Optical Mouse v2.0 Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub 

lscpu — first command to get CPU info

Verbose mode can be enabled with -e flag, -p also very useful for better formatting. —online and —offline can be specified for better visualization.

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lsscsi — print attacked SCSI devices into

«Old bud gold» SCSI drives used mostly in enterprise, more costly than PCI & SATA devices. Verbose mode can be enabled with -L , -l and -v options.

$ lsscsi [3:0:0:0] disk ATA ST3500418AS CC38 /dev/sda [4:0:0:0] cd/dvd SONY DVD RW DRU-190A 1.63 /dev/sr0 

dmesg — kernel logs

Kernel logs are very helpful for hardware events like attach, detach, shutdown etc. Works much better with grep and less commands: sudo dmesg | grep -i audio | less .

inxi — «all in one» script

The crazy, bigger than 10k lines of code, bash script, capable to fetch multiple system APIs and provide gigantic pile of info. Useful flags: -z to hide sensitive info if you wanna upload reports to internet, -F for verbose mode, -A for audio information, -m — memory, — -i — networking, -p — disk info, all options you can check in help menu which can be invoked by -H .

fdisk , gdisk and parted — all about your drive partitions

Why are there three commands here, you want to ask? Well, they are doing very similar jobs and completely independent projects. gdisk was a fdisk fork with GTP partitioning mode support; now fdisk supports GPT too. Covering their options will take several posts like this, but here’s how to check your drive info: $ fdisk -l or gdisk -l or parted -l .

blkid and lsblk — block devices list

These commands shows info about available block devices. Examples below:

$ lsblk -a NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 232.9G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 200M 0 part 
# blkid -i /dev/sda /dev/sda: MINIMUM_IO_SIZE="512" PHYSICAL_SECTOR_SIZE="512" LOGICAL_SECTOR_SIZE="512" 

mount — mount a drive and print info about already mounted

$ mount | column -t for better visualization, sudo mount /dev/sdaN /media/data — mount a partition.

$ mount | column -t /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=256) devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=5827492k,nr_inodes=1456873,mode=755,inode64) 

df — check used and free disk space

Useful flag: df -H — human-readable output.

/proc — virtual file system full of hardware/software related info and configuration

/prop/cpuinfo — CPU specs
/proc/version — kernel version
/proc/partitions — partitions info

hdparm — get/set SATA/IDE device parameters

Available by default in most of Linux distribution for many years, very useful for advanced configuration.

$ hdparm -g — display drive geometry

$ hdparm -tT /dev/sdN — partition reading & writing benchmark

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