Login incorrect linux kali

Can’t login in Kali Linux

I installed Kali Linux a month ago. It was good until today. When I submit username and password the box disappears and reappears again asking about username and password. It shows no error. I just can’t login. I also tried to make new account and try login but same problem occur. I don’t wanna reinstall it.

Since it doesn’t show an error, it’s probably not a problem with the account. I suspect that there is an error with whatever desktop environment/window manager is started. Can you use ++ to switch to a console and login there? It might be useful to look for errors in ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log

If you have reason to believe your installation of Kali Linux was compromised, as is the case here, you really have to reinstall it from a known-good source.

Recently I have this login problem while run Kali on Virtual Box. It turn out that I was out of space on virtual disc drive. When I remove some files, that I have there I was able to log in like always.You can enter tty from Virtual Box using your hot key — default is your Right Ctrl and F1. If you want to exit from tty to GUI use Right Ctrl and F7.

8 Answers 8

I saw this post on a quest for a solution to the same problem. I couldn’t find an answer. What i then tried doing was this and it worked.

  1. While in the username screen press Ctrl + Alt + F1
  2. Login with root.
  3. Type sudo apt-get update
  4. Type sudo apt-get upgrade
  5. Type sudo reboot

After that the system rebooted and the login worked! I hope this works for who ever finds this post.

This seems to happen when a lot of updates are run. It happened to me when using the 2016.2 OVA and running a full update and upgrade. Here are the steps that worked:

This will finish the updates that were interrupted.

If all those precious answers fail, drop in a tty using Ctrl + Alt + F3 or any other Function key and login. Now, create a directory first with mkdir -p ~/dotfiles_backup . Then, execute the following command:

find ~ -name '.*' -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv <> ~/_dotfiles_backup/ \; 

If after this you’re still unable to login, run it again but remove the -type f option. If you get Operation not permitted or Permission denied, use sudo.

This will reset most of your saved preferences. After you’re able to login again, you can try to restore them one by one and see what was causing the problem.

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Incorrect password on first login to Kali Linux in VirtualBox

enter image description here

I tried to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox following this guide on Youtube As per the guide, there was no setup page, as Kali Linux was configured. When I turned on the machine, it booted and went straight to the login page. I tried root as username and toor as password, but it said incorrect password. I tried leaving the password blank, still didn’t work. This is my first time dealing with Kali. What should I do now? Are there any alternate passwords?

2 Answers 2

username: kali password: kali

note: qwerty keyboard by default

Welcome on the SU! It is some like a default user name in Kali linux? If yes, please explain it in an edit of your post.

Please explain to the user exactly what you are trying to tell them. It is they’re first logon to Kali Linux, they may not understand what it is you are trying to explain.

When you set up Kali (I have Kali running here — and in a Virtual Machine), it will ask you to create a password for the root account. Do that and that will be the password. There is no preset password.

Try setting up the Virtual Machine again and this time, watch for the root account creation process and set up the password of your choice.

Once running, create a regular account and, if you wish, set it up as an admin account:

sudo useradd -m YOUR_USERNAME sudo passwd YOUR_USERNAME # (asks you to create a new password and do that) sudo usermod -a -G sudo YOUR_USERNAME 


Kali Linux: On install, designated root password cannot login — incorrect password

I found an old laptop lying around and I figured I would install Kali Linux on it to learn more about penetration testing and to try to break into my servers for practice and learning more about creating a secure network. I used unetbootin to install the Kali Linux ISO I downloaded via the torrent from their site, and the install to my flash drive went successfully. On the laptop I was wanting to put Kali on, I went into the BIOS and ordered the USB to be the priority to boot from. After that, I booted live into Kali and installed the operating system from there. It loaded up the graphical install page from Kali and the install seemed to go successfully. However, once the installation was successful, it would take me to the login page and prompt me for the root password. I would type in the root password I had used during the initial setup, yet it gives me the Incorrect password prompt, even though I am 100% sure I was using the password I had installed at the start. To confirm this, I tried reinstalling from the live boot multiple times, using the same password from the first attempt and even just doing «password» for testing purposes. Neither one worked. As a final measure, I opened up the GParted Partition Editor from the Kali live boot and deleted all of the partitions on my laptop’s hard drive. From there, I went through the Kali installation process again successfully, only to encounter the EXACT same issue as before when trying to log in after installation. Does anyone know what is going on? I am clueless as to what I could do to be able to log into my Kali installation. thanks.

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I have tried running through the installation process to no avail. is there any way to figure out what this issue is?

First you should type «root» as your user name. and then when it ask for password type the password you enter first.

Are you sure you did not create a different user during the installation? Is root the only user? Is root the username you see on the login screen? Did you set up the keyboard layout correctly? If you have a non-US keyboard, the login screen might not be aware of that. Try entering the password as though you had a US layout.

@SwapnilJain I did attempt try logging in as the root user, unfortunately. @terdon Yes, root was the only user on my system. root was also the only user on the startup screen. I did setup the keyboard correctly for my keyboard (US standard), as I was able to try logging in as another user and type a fake username with my keyboard layout.

Most systems won’t allow you to log in from the GUI as root . Try dropping to a tty (Ctrl+Alt+F1 or one of the other F keys) and logging in there. Does that work?


[SOLVED]Login incorrect

Загружаю /bin/bash, passwd, новый пароль.

localhost login: root Password: Login incorrect 

Решение: отключить SELinux

от рута уже давно входить нельзя. очнись.

По-умолчанию, пароль рута в федоре не установлен. Надо сделать sudo su , чтобы в него войти.

от рута уже давно входить нельзя

localhost login: user Password: Login incorrect 

По-умолчанию, пароль рута в федоре не установлен

4.2 ставил спин с корицей, пароль рута задаётся при установке.

ну тогда думай че ты последнее менял/настраивал. ну и убедись, что все кнопки в tty нажимаются и работают.

ну тогда думай че ты последнее менял/настраивал.

Менял /etc/shadow, права доступа к нему(644). После сломался GDM(черт бы с ним).
Даже через tty войти не могу.

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Позже покажу логи загрузки.

Была такая ерунда на свежей Федоре 32. Установил минималку через нетинстал, перезагрузка и не пускает. Не стал разбираться, снес этот самый лучший дистр.

utanho ★★★★★ ( 04.10.20 18:13:38 MSK )
Последнее исправление: utanho 04.10.20 18:14:52 MSK (всего исправлений: 2)

Разобрался. SELinux мешал. Отключил его к черту.

Как именно это делается в федоре?


Login incorrect

У меня dmesg в экран не влезает. Там слишком много текста. А как он поможет?

Может быть, надо поменять пароль рута.

надо в консоли дать команду sudo dmesg -T | tail -n20
и всё сразу начнёт влезать

А можно ли изменить пароль через chroot. Или сама система не даёт мне войти как рут. Я создал пользователя(не рут) и после безошибочного ввода пароля тоже самое — login incorrect

как это создал пользователя если под рутом залогиниться не можешь?

С помощью команды useradd Я сделал пароль рута. Перезагрузка. Ввожу root. Ввожу пароль. Пишет incorrect login. Загрузился с live. Смонтировал корень в /mnt. Создал юзера через useradd. Сделал ему пароль. После загрузился с диска с системой. Вхожу в рут: incorrect login. Вхожу в юзера — incorrect login. Что я делаю не так?

useradd не создает пароль. passwd тебе нужен

Смонтировал корень в /mnt. Создал юзера через useradd

Смонтировал то смонтировал,а перешел в систему перед тем как пользователя создать?

Да-да. Выразился некорректно. useradd создаёт пользователя, а passwd — пароль

У меня один вопрос — зачем ты ставишь Arch, если документацию по установке не читаешь и не думаешь при этом?

С помощью команды useradd Я сделал пароль рута.

Пользователь root всегда есть в системе по умолчанию, пароль меняется командой passwd, когда ты под ним залогинен (например, в чруте). Ну или от любого пользователя можно поменять. Команда useradd добавляет любого другого пользователя, пытаться заново добавить системного пользователя root — не надо.
Под рутом постоянно не сиди, иначе любое непривелигированное приложение может нанести непоправимый вред системе. Добавь простого пользователя, настрой sudo (выполнение команд от рута), и работой из под него. А непосредственно на рута надо переключаться в редких случаях, когда требуется выполнить большой обьём привелигированных команд.

Гражданин создал 5 тем по настройке, не детализировал, не говорил что делал, не говорил пытался ли исправить, не уточняет что за вики, где он всё читал… Этикета лора тоже почти нет, заголовки никудышные и не проставлены «решено» на каждой теме.

Может ему совсем не в арче нужно помочь, скорее с чем-то внешним?


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