Login incorrect linux ubuntu

Cannot login to any TTYs — Wrong password

I am using Ubuntu 12.10 with Unity desktop. I go to TTY1 by pressing keys CTRL + ALT + F1 , where I am asked to enter username and password, which I do, but I get the message «Login incorrect». In my log file /var/log/auth.log this entry has been made:

Oct 23 13:17:45 SomeName login[3361]: FAILED LOGIN (1) on 'dev/tty1' FOR 'aUser', Authentication failure 

I do not have the wrong username or password. It is the same username/password I use to log in when Unity starts. So how come I can’t log in to TTY1?

Have you tried typing out the password once at the TTY (as the username, just to see what is displayed) and once when logged in (use the dash or somthing) just to see if this isn’t a keyboard layout issue?

I was having a problem logging into tty*. I thought my login name was capitalized but i was wrong. For some reason its not. Switched to all lowercase and logged in fine.

3 Answers 3

Perhaps your keymap configuration is wrong fo the tty (which is a different setting than Xorg / Unity) and your password is wrong because of this. Try entering your password when you’re prompted for your username and see if the characters turn out right; don’t press enter, but delete your input (since login tries get logged and your password would be in that logfile). If something is wrong, you must set the keymap. In unity, open the terminal application and enter

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup 

and choose the right layout there. You might have to reboot.

lol, funny thing. Numlock wasn’t on and my password has some numbers in it =) Man do i feel dumb or what. Thing is I googled this issue of course and got all kinds of answers out there so I couldn’t imagine that the solution was this simple =)

I should also say why I want to log into another TTY. I am testing the echo command and now I know it works like a charm. For a newly weed like I am, login to a TTY of your choice, say TTY1, go back to the Unity terminal window and enter: echo test message > /dev/tty1 .

The most common cause of this error is simply typing your password (or username) wrong. The keymap in the console is often subtly different from the one in X.

Make sure you’re typing the correct password by first typing it in the login field where you can see if it’s being written as expected.

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Check that you’re typing your username exactly as it should be (including case), by comparing it to the output of whoami run in a terminal.

Another thing that will cause this exact same error message is if your login shell is not listed in /etc/shells . Find which shell you’re using by searching for your username in /etc/passwd :

(replacing dave with your username) you should see something like this:


The last field ( /bin/zsh ) is your shell. Let’s search for it in /etc/shells :

We should see something like this:

But if you don’t, that’s what the problem is. Try re-installing zsh (or whatever shell is missing from /etc/shells ), and if that doesn’t work, add it manually:

echo `/bin/zsh` | sudo tee /etc/shells 

(we use tee because > redirection doesn’t work with sudo )


vsftpd: 530 Login incorrect

I can’t get vsfptd working on Ubuntu 12.04. my vsftpd.conf file looks like this, and I try to connect with a local user:

listen=YES anonymous_enable=NO local_enable=YES write_enable=YES dirmessage_enable=YES use_localtime=YES xferlog_enable=YES connect_from_port_20=YES secure_chroot_dir=/var/run/vsftpd/empty pam_service_name=vsftpd rsa_cert_file=/etc/ssl/private/vsftpd.pem 
Response: 331 Please specify the password. Command: PASS **** Response: 530 Login incorrect. 

try restarting the vsftpd. >sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart I had the same issue, but this worked for me.

For me, there was just wrong format for the user in /etc/passwd — i needed to set the right home dir, shell, and the . part.

7 Answers 7

Back up the config file before making a change;

sudo cp /etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd.conf.back 

and then edit vsftpd.conf (with vi or nano)

Then make the following change

Save your change and restart the ftp server (if you use nano hit CTRL + O & enter to save then CTRL + X to exit)

sudo service vsftpd restart 

You are disabling default access control via PAM, because default «ftp» has no rules. The default pam_service_name=vsftp uses the file /etc/pam.d/vsftpd . This file by default requires FTP users to have a shell listed in /etc/shells and requires them not to be listed in /etc/ftpusers .

@JeroenVermeulenBVBA +1 you are right. I fear some people just don’t know what’s actually happening underneath and why it appears to «work».

By default vsFTPd uses the file /etc/pam.d/vsftpd . This file by default requires FTP users to have a shell listed in /etc/shells and requires them not to be listed in /etc/ftpusers . If you check those 2 things your probably find what the problem is.

@Allen This is defined in the file /etc/passwd . Each line is the info about one user. The fields are separated by a colon (:). The 7th field contains the path to the shell binary of the user.

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I did not need to change the vsftpd.conf . Only needed to make sure that a shell was set in my /etc/passwd file, that also was lited in /etc/shells .

So basically after useradd without a shell I needed to make sure the home directory was created and that the user had /bin/bash as it’s shell.

Thanks that’s what happened to me. The other solutions worked by removing all safety mechanisms, this one was actually solved the problem.

I met this problem when I tried to login in with root and I just solved it.

Check the following file (it contains list of users disallowed FTP access):


In my case, I commented out root from the file, then it worked.

Please make some changes in /etc/vsftpd.conf :

If you want to set access by default /var/www directory for local user you can do that with below line:

Restart vsftpd server using:

sudo service vsftpd restart 

The suggested resolution did not work for me. I gave up on the ftp user, and switched my attention to the ubuntu user. I made sure there was a password associated with the ubuntu user.

I made sure to enable passive mode, and set local_enable=YES in the vsftpd.conf file.

I was able to authenticate just fine using the ubuntu account. And I successfully uploaded a large file to my Amazon Ubuntu FTP server. Clearly there was something amiss with the ftp user.

I used Ubuntu 18.04 and LetsEncrypt certificates for TLS encryption. What worked was changing the name of the pam_service_name=ftp the error I was getting in Filezilla was:

"GnuTLS error -15": An unexpected TLS packet was received. 

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[SOLVED]Login incorrect

Загружаю /bin/bash, passwd, новый пароль.

localhost login: root Password: Login incorrect 

Решение: отключить SELinux

от рута уже давно входить нельзя. очнись.

По-умолчанию, пароль рута в федоре не установлен. Надо сделать sudo su , чтобы в него войти.

от рута уже давно входить нельзя

localhost login: user Password: Login incorrect 

По-умолчанию, пароль рута в федоре не установлен

4.2 ставил спин с корицей, пароль рута задаётся при установке.

ну тогда думай че ты последнее менял/настраивал. ну и убедись, что все кнопки в tty нажимаются и работают.

ну тогда думай че ты последнее менял/настраивал.

Менял /etc/shadow, права доступа к нему(644). После сломался GDM(черт бы с ним).
Даже через tty войти не могу.

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Позже покажу логи загрузки.

Была такая ерунда на свежей Федоре 32. Установил минималку через нетинстал, перезагрузка и не пускает. Не стал разбираться, снес этот самый лучший дистр.

utanho ★★★★★ ( 04.10.20 18:13:38 MSK )
Последнее исправление: utanho 04.10.20 18:14:52 MSK (всего исправлений: 2)

Разобрался. SELinux мешал. Отключил его к черту.

Как именно это делается в федоре?


Can’t login even with password Linux ubuntu [closed]

This describes a problem that can’t be reproduced that seemingly went away on its own or was only relevant to a very specific period of time. It’s off-topic as it’s unlikely to help future readers.

I can’t log on, it lets me type my password in and almost logs in but then goes back to the login screen. Can’t even login on the guest account. I tried Ctrl + Alt + F2 but it tells me my login is wrong even though I know it isn’t. Ubuntu 14.04.3

Honestly am not sure what graphic hardware is or what you mean by installed driver but I’ll add my version

At the Ctrl+Alt+F2 prompt, make sure your are using your login name (usually all lower-case, with no whitespace) not your «full name» (which is what is usually displayed on the GUI login screen)

1 Answer 1

You may need to change your password, or you may have the wrong username (does happen!).

First restart, then the moment the BIOS screen goes, press and hold Left Shift . This will open the GBUB menu.

From there, chose Advanced options for Ubuntu and then «Ubuntu with Linux 3.16.0-**-generic (recovery mode). If the numbers are different, don’t worry. Just make sure it is recovery mode.

Then select «Drop to root shell prompt»:

Next run the command ls /home . That will give you a list of usernames — check that yours is in that list (mine is tim ).

If it is, then we will see if we can login from here. Type the following, followed by enter:

replace with the username we just checked is correct. It will ask you for your username, like this:

If you get it correct, you should see a prompt that says » User@Computer-Name:~$ «. If the password is wrong, it will show «Login incorrect».

If your login is incorrect, we need to change it. That’s pretty simple.

First, mount your file system:

then just use this command:

and change username out for your username.

It will ask you for a password twice — make sure to enter the same one both times.


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