Mac os bluetooth serial

Is there anyway to use Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) devices on Mac OS X Mavericks?

I am working a project that transmits data over Bluetooth SPP and would like to use Mac OS X «Mavericks» as an interface. I have read that certain options in the Bluetooth Menu in System Preferences have been removed which may prohibit this from being possible. Is there anyway («maybe virtual machine of a Linux variant») that will allow this to work?

Resolved issue. Paired device with Bluetooth menu. Checked /dev/ for specific tty listing. «screen» connection ensures that the device stays connected.

Post that as an answer, please, and then accept it after two days. We want other users to find their answers easily. Why? Because the purpose of Super User (and sites in the Stack Exchange network in general) is not to solve your specific problem; it’s to provide knowledge to the worldwide audience of the Internet.

@AlejandroEscobar I don’t think you’re around here anymore, but if you can further explain how you got this working, that’d be great 🙂

1 Answer 1

I was able to pair a bluetooth serial port via the preferences panel (using the paring wizard from the menu extra should also work):

Apple Menu > System Preferences. > Bluetooth 

My adapter was discoverable, failed auto-pairing, but I was able to pair with the pin code provided in the online documentation. The system automatically created a serial port:

alf@my-mac:~ ls -l /dev/tty.* . crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 18, 6 Aug 12 15:09 /dev/tty.HC-06-DevB 

Screen will open this port, but I don’t have the correct baud rate just yet:

screen /dev/tty.HC-06-DevB 9600 


Using Serial Communication over Ethernet, WiFi, or Bluetooth on Mac OS X

When an application is hosted on multiple machines or processes, the issue of cache invalidation may arise, causing some visitors to see the new article while others still access the old one. This is because the cache invalidation may only go to one of the servers, leaving the others to serve the outdated version of the page. Unfortunately, hosting the application on a single machine or process inhibits scalability and limits the application’s ability to grow. The question then becomes, what is the problem with stateful applications?

Serial-Ethernet or Serial-WiFi (or Serial-Bluetooth?) on OS X

I’m attempting to wirelessly link my MacBook Pro to a remote serial port and possibly other devices like Windows or laptops, plus Android tablets and smartphones.

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I have encountered Serial-WiFi as well as Serial-Ethernet adapters. The latter can be connected to a router and accessed through my existing wifi network. However, I am unsure of the procedure to access the serial port from my Mac. These devices depend on drivers that simulate a COM port on the computer. Unfortunately, none of the available adapters come with drivers that are compatible with OS X. Another option is the Serial-Bluetooth adaptor, which could serve the same purpose if it could be made to work. Nonetheless, I assume that the same issue exists with these.

This is meant to aid in linking the NMEA 0183 outputs from diverse marine navigational tools to my computer. The objective is to utilize navigational software, particularly OpenCPN. NMEA 0183 is a protocol that allows marine navigational instruments to exchange data with one another through ASCII broadcasts sent over a serial interface. Further information can be found on Wikipedia for those unfamiliar with it.

It would be equally satisfactory if there is another means of transferring the information to my device via wireless connection.

Bluetooth could be the preferred option since there is no established standard for Serial-WiFi or Serial-Ethernet adapters, which means that the manufacturers need to provide OS X drivers. However, Bluetooth functions come from a set of standardized profiles, which don’t require specific device drivers. For instance, a headset would only require the correct audio profile to work with anything that supports that profile. Bluetooth serial adapters use the Serial port profile and are supported by OS X.

After pairing your device, it will be recognized as a regular serial port device device, such as /dev/cu.bluetooth or /dev/tty.bluetooth, similar to a Serial-USB adapter.

In case the serial port is not created automatically, it can be manually added through the Bluetooth advanced preferences. Furthermore, there is a documented instance of SPP being used with a Mac, which can be found in the article titled «Using Bluetooth Serial Port on OS X Mountain Lion».

Support Tip: Install Rosetta 2 on new Apple Silicon (M1), Recommend users to open Terminal and run the following command or provide a script that runs this command to users: /usr/sbin/softwareupdate —install-rosetta (root permission not required) /usr/sbin/softwareupdate —install-rosetta —agree-to-license (root permission required)

How To Search For Property List Files That Contain A String On Mac

Is it possible to locate all property list files that include a specific string? Unfortunately, Spotlight cannot search within .plist files, even with the ‘System Files Are Included’ option enabled.

Suppose there is a plist with an unidentified name that holds abc information. Can the Mac system be searched entirely to find and display the location of this particular plist file?

With EasyFind (Freeware), nothing is out of reach.

Although the search process is not indexed, it is thorough and can locate the file if it exists, albeit at a slower pace.

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I am not associated with it, but I am a contented user.

There is an available option in the defaults command that is identified by the code » /usr/bin/defaults find word «.

The program scans the user’s defaults, domain names, keys, and values for the specified word, and generates a list of corresponding matches.

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How do I know if my nodejs application is stateless or not?

As per the PM documentation available at, in order to utilize the load balancing feature that leverages node’s clustering to create instances, it is necessary to have a stateless nodejs application.

Before clustering, it is important to ensure that your application does not have any internal state, which usually involves storing data such as a set of websocket connections or local session-memory. To avoid this, consider using external databases like Redis to share states among processes.

Is it possible to determine if my nodejs application has a state or not?

Before proceeding, it’s advisable to verify what defines a stateless application. Essentially, a stateless web application doesn’t retain its data in the server’s memory between multiple requests like a stateful web application does. Instead, it relies on other systems like the database or external cache.

Consider a scenario where a stateful application such as a blog engine is utilizing an in-memory cache for storing pages generated, with one cache entry assigned to each article. In case of an article update, the cache becomes invalid. This approach is suitable for a single server hosting the blog. However, if multiple servers are involved, the cache invalidation may occur on one server while others continue to serve an outdated version of the page. This can lead to some visitors accessing the updated article while others still viewing the old one.

The limitation imposed by the state prevents the application from being hosted on various machines, which in turn, prevents the application from scaling. As the user base grows, a more robust server is required to host the app, and eventually, the application will be unable to handle the load.

Is it possible to determine whether my nodejs application is stateless or not?

As the developer of the application, you should already be familiar with the concept of «stateless» now that you have an understanding of it.

In case you haven’t already, examine the code and review the utilization of variables. Is there any data that is retained between requests, such as global variables?

To begin with, it is recommended to inspect the subsequent components:

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Frequently, state is found in this location. However, the absence of stateful behavior in this area doesn’t confirm that the application is stateless. Unless it was designed to be stateless, it’s likely not. A useful approach is to host it on multiple nodes and observe the outcome, though this doesn’t provide a definite answer on whether it has state or not. Nevertheless, sometimes it becomes evident that state is present.

My curiosity was piqued as to how incorporating socket or «local session-memory» can transform a nodejs application into a «stateful» one.

In case you are referring to the global variables within JavaScript code when mentioning local session memory, then the application is indeed stateful.

Regarding the sockets, it’s unclear if you’re referring to the physical sockets or if you accidentally meant to mention the WebSocket protocol. If you’re discussing physical sockets, then state isn’t a relevant factor. However, if you’re referring to WebSocket, the statefulness of the message queue implementation is what matters. You could opt for a completely stateless implementation that depends on a message queue service or Redis pub-sub, or you could use a global variable as a substitute for a queue, which would make the application stateful.

How to redirect page without nesting the url in react, For example, I’m at checkup/step-1/:id so I want to redirect from there to checkup/step-2/:id. To redirect I use hisory.push() . But …


Bluetooth Serial Terminal Mac

You can use this App to communicate with Serial Bluetooth devices like the RN-42 that are used for arduino projects and other custom projects. Make sure to pair the device first in PC Settings. If you have any feedback or questions email [email protected].

How to Run Bluetooth Serial Terminal on Mac

Option 1: Use Parallels

Parallels is the fastest, easiest, and most powerful option to run Windows on your Mac. Data can be shared between Mac and Windows and switching between the two is as simple as switching screens. Run it On Mac recommends Parallels as the #1 best way to run Bluetooth Serial Terminal on your Mac desktop or laptop.

Pros: Very Cost-Effective; Easily transfer files; Easily switch between Windows & Mac.

Cons: May see a slight decrease in performance; Cost varies from $50-80 for a personal license.

Option 2: Use Bootcamp

Boot Camp is a boot utility included with most Apple desktop and laptop products that allows users to install a Windows operating system alongside the native macOS/OS X operating system. Using Bootcamp is a relatively technical process and should probably only be undertaken by someone who understands the process.

Pros: Free; Good option if you need high performance or are using an older machine.

Cons: Switching between operating systems requires a restart; difficult, technical installation process.

Bluetooth Serial Terminal System Requirements

Windows 10/Mobile Also Available for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1 (ARM, x86, x64)


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