Mac os wifi list

Find & Scan Wireless Networks from the Command Line in Mac OS X

A long hidden airport command line utility buried deep in Mac OS X can be used to scan for and find available wireless networks. This powerful tool is very helpful for network admins and systems administrators, but it’s handy for the average user to help discover nearby wi-fi routers as well.

Accessing the Wi-Fi Utility in Mac OS X Command Line

To use this tool to find nearby wifi networks, the first thing you’ll want to do is create a symbolic link from the airport utility to /usr/sbin for easy access. The command for this varies per version of Mac OS in use, select which is relevant to your Mac OS X version on the Mac in question.

Launch the Terminal and type the following command:

Making a symbolic link for airport tool in MacOS High Sierra, Sierra, OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, and later
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport

If you see an “operation not permitted” error message it’s likely because you either don’t have a bin directory in /usr/local/ (you can make one yourself), or you have SIP enabled, the SIP rootless feature can be disabled if desired by advanced users.

Make a symbolc link for airport tool in Mac OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Snow Leopard

sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport

Either of the above commands must appear on a single line to work properly.

Enter the administrator password to create the symbolic link, which functions as an alias would in the Finder. Now you can use the airport command without the lengthy path to access it.

How to Scan for Wireless Networks from Terminal in Mac OS X

Now, to scan for and find all wireless networks within range, type the following:

The list returned will show all available wifi networks and their router name (SSID), the router address (BSSID), signal strength (RSSI), channel, and security types used by the network.

This basically works like a command line wi-fi stumbler, revealing the available wireless networks that are within range.

By watching the output of airport -s and the RSSI strength, you could use the airport command line tool in a similar fashion to the Wi-Fi Diagnostics utility to optimize a wireless connection.

You can also get much of the same detailed information from the Wi-Fi menu by holding the Option key on click, although that will only show you details of one access point at a time.

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Alternatively, Mac users can turn to the Wi-Fi scanner tool native to Mac OS X to stumble for nearby wireless networks entirely in the GUI. The output will be the same for either the Wireless Diagnostics app approach, or the command line approach offered here.

Do you have any handy tips or tricks for scanning wireless networks from the command line of a Mac? Either using built-in tools or third party options? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


Mac Terminal WIFI Commands

Mac Terminal WiFi Commands

I’m seeing over a thousand people a day show up here looking for the mac terminal WiFi commands.

The OSX terminal has several command line tools that allow you to manage your WiFi settings. Connecting, disconnecting and scanning for available WiFi networks is easy once you know which command does what.

Hopefully this list of command line wifi tools is helpful.

#1. Turn off wifi on your macbook from the Mac OSX terminal command line:

> networksetup -setairportpower en0 off

#2. Turn on wifi on your macbook from the Mac OSX terminal command line:

> networksetup -setairportpower en0 on

#3. List available wifi networks from the Mac OSX terminal command line:

> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport scan

#4. Join a wifi network from the Mac OSX terminal command line:

> networksetup -setairportnetwork en0 WIFI_SSID_I_WANT_TO_JOIN WIFI_PASSWORD

#5. Find your network interface name:

> networksetup -listallhardwareports

Once you know how, it’s easy to use the mac terminal WiFi commands. Not sure why they’re buried in the OSX documentation so deeply, but hopefully this is helpful to someome.


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I’ve been a software developer and engineering manager for the last 18 years, currently focused on building SaaS products for SMB and enterprise companies.

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I founded API Canary in 2017 to allow companies with mission critical production systems to catch outages before their customers do. We’re currently hiring so come check us out. Previously I co-founded and served as CTO of Gigwalk, a mobile work marketplace designed to help businesses mobilize people so they can get field work done.

I live in San Leandro, California and originally hail from Kalamazoo, Michigan. I love meeting new people from all walks of life, drop me a line below and introduce yourself.


Вывод списка и выбор точек доступа WLAN (базовых станций) в Mac OS X

В Mac OS X легко использовать графический интерфейс AirPort для отображения списка всех сетей WLAN (SSID) и выбора одной. Но как я могу перечислить все точки доступа (базовые станции) в одной сети и вручную выбрать одну из них на основе ее MAC-адреса?

Причиной, по которой я спрашиваю, является слишком распространенная ситуация, когда одна из точек доступа в сети перестала работать и, например, перестала давать IP-адреса или пакеты маршрутизации.

В Linux я мог бы использовать инструменты командной строки, такие как iwlist, чтобы перечислить точки доступа, и iwconfig, чтобы выбрать одну из них. Как я могу сделать что-то похожее на Mac OS X? Я использую новый MacBook Pro и Mac OS X 10.6.4.

1 ответ 1

Mac OS X не предоставляет способ внесения в белый или черный список точек доступа по BSSID или иным образом.

Даже если кто-то найдет / обратный инжиниринг какого-нибудь частного API, который позволит теневому инструменту указывать BSSID во время соединения, это все равно не сильно поможет; поскольку в ОС нет черного или белого списков, ваш клиент может немедленно перейти к неисправной точке доступа, если уровень сигнала хорошей точки доступа недостаточен, а уровень сигнала неисправной точки доступа достаточно лучше.

Как отметил @Chealion, в airport -s перечисляются все видимые точки доступа по отдельности, а не сворачиваются по SSID.

Обычно я делаю это, чтобы поместить символическую ссылку на команду airport в каталог в моем $PATH :

ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport 

. так что после этого я могу просто выдать airport -s .

Если вы нашли стороннюю карту 802.11, возможно, USB-ключ, который использует собственный драйвер Mac OS X, который не использует какую-либо клиентскую инфраструктуру Apple AirPort (семейство IO80211 IOKit, частную платформу Apple80211 и AirPort) GUI), то, возможно, этот продукт мог бы содержать функцию белого или черного списка BSSID, но его поддержка просто отсутствует во встроенной инфраструктуре Mac OS X 802.11.


Listing and choosing WLAN access points (base stations) in Mac OS X

On Mac OS X, it’s easy to use the AirPort GUI to list all WLAN networks (SSIDs) and choose one. But how can I list all access points (base stations) within one network, and manually choose one of them based on its MAC address? The reason I’m asking is the all-too-common situation in which one of the access points in a network has failed and, e.g., stopped giving IP addresses or routing packets. On Linux, I could use command line tools like iwlist to list the access points and iwconfig to choose one of them. How can I do something similar on Mac OS X? I’m using a new MacBook Pro and Mac OS X 10.6.4.

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To start: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -s will give you the scan results. sudo networksetup -setairportnetwork en1 «SSID» «Password» joins but does not allow a way to choose a access point based on MAC address.

1 Answer 1

Mac OS X does not provide a way to whitelist or blacklist APs by BSSID or otherwise.

Even if someone were to find/reverse-engineer some private API that could allow a shady tool to specify a BSSID at join time, it still wouldn’t help much; since there is no blacklist or whitelist mechanism in the OS, your client could immediately roam to the failing AP if the good AP’s signal strength is insufficient, and the failing APs signal strength is enough better.

As @Chealion noted, airport -s lists all the visible APs individually instead of collapsing them by SSID.

I usually do this to put a symlink to the airport command in a directory in my $PATH :

ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport 

. so that after that I can just issue airport -s .

If you found a third-party 802.11 card, perhaps a USB dongle, that uses its own Mac OS X driver that doesn’t leverage any of Apple’s AirPort client infrastructure (the IO80211 IOKit family, the Apple80211 private framework, and the «AirPort» GUI pieces), then maybe that product could contain a BSSID whitelist or blacklist feature, but the support for it just isn’t there in Mac OS X’s built-in 802.11 infrastructure.


Как посмотреть список всех Wi-Fi-сетей, к которым подключался ваш Mac?

Зачем нужно знать, к каким беспроводным сетям был подключён ваш Mac ранее? Причин может быть много: от простого любопытства, до решения техничеcких проблем. В любом случае, поиск ранее использовавшихся Wi-Fi-сетей отличается от способа показа доступных беспроводных точек, поэтому стоит поговорить об этой теме отдельно.

Wi-Fi в OS X

Есть два способа отображения истории беспроводных подключений. Первый можно осуществить через Системные настройки, а второй — с помощью длинной команды в командной строке.

Показываем историю подключений через Системные настройки.

Шаг 1. Откройте Системные настройки и выберите Сеть.
Шаг 2. Выберите пункт Wi-Fi справа и нажмите на кнопку «Дополнительно».
Шаг 3. Непосредственно в списке предпочитаемых сетей можно найти историю использованных Wi-Fi-подключений.

wi-fi history

Показываем историю подключений через командную строку.

Откройте командную строку и введите (в одну строчку):

defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ RememberedNetworks | egrep -o ‘(SSID_STR|_timeStamp).+’ | sed ‘s/^.*= \(.*\);$/\1/’ | sed ‘s/^»\(.*\)»$/\1/’ | sed ‘s/\(8\-..-..\).*/\1/’

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