Macbook air wifi драйвер

Macbook air 2013 WiFi issue on Windows 7 x64

Hello, There is problems related to WiFi with macbook air 2013 and windows 7 x64 via bootcamp.

Problem appears when firstly booting mountain lion then if i choose restart>keep alt option>choose windows> WiFi adapter dead.

If i shutdown MBA, choose firstly windows, no issues with WiFi.

Also at bootcamp support site at system requirements macbook air 2013 isn’t listed. So maybe new macbook air isn’t fully supported by bootcamp drivers? any thoughts?

MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

Posted on Aug 31, 2013 11:37 PM

Make sure Mac OS X has been updated to 10.8.5. Then make sure you have the Macbook Air SMC Update v1.9. Both should let you run the EFI update.

Posted on Oct 26, 2013 4:51 PM

Had the same problem. From doing a few hours of research it appears as though the bootcamp support packages Apple has out are not up to date for the new wifi Broadcom cards. Make a long story shot, I did some Hardware ID vendor searches and found out that a recent ASUS windows machine carries the same Broadcom AC 5G chip. I grabbed the driver, installed it (device manager picked up the unknown device). I did a full power cycle (shut off the machine for a while), rebooted and bam, internetz.

Here’s what you need to search: ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter.

Good luck and let me know if you’re still experiencing problems.


Windows wi-fi drivers are not working

I installed windows using bootcamp on my 13-inch MacBook Pro. I tried to connect to wi-fi but it didn’t work. I tried cold-booting it, but that did not work. I found intel wi-fi drivers for windows ( nd-Drivers-for-Windows-7-) but that didn’t work. I need wi-fi in windows.

13-inch MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz Intel core i5.

OSX 10.10.4 Yosemite, Bootcamp Assistant 5.1.4

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.4)

Posted on Jul 25, 2015 2:52 PM

You can download the driver from here Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5621 Click it

Posted on Jul 25, 2015 9:41 PM

Welcome to the Apple Support Communities

Windows requires Boot Camp drivers to work correctly on a Mac.

1. Press Option key when your Mac starts and choose Macintosh HD.

2. Open Boot Camp Assistant, download the Boot Camp drivers and burn them into an USB disk or DVD.

3. Start in Windows and install Boot Camp drivers

You can download the driver from here Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5621 Click it

Thanks, as soon as I Installed it wifi started working. Thanks!

This doesn’t work for me. I used these after I installed Windows 10 on my MBP with no problems using Boot Camp, other than this: Windows will NOT allow me to connect to wifi. It won’t even recognize that I have a wifi network card, even with these new drivers. I can connect via Ethernet to the internet, but that’s it. Any ideas on how to solve this? (I do notice that in Device Manager, under «Other Devices,» there is a «Network Controller» listed there with a yellow exclamation mark and no driver installed or available for it.)

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Install the specific Network driver using Administrative privileges and Windows 7 or Windows 8 compatibility.

I did succeed to install them now using the link above. Finally Windows 10 recognizes my Macbook’s wireless card and show the wireless antenna icon on the bottom. When I click on it, it displays my local wireless network. However, when I try to connect to it, it says Windows cannot connect. I’ve tried my guest network, my 2.4GHz and my 5GHz networks. I’ve tried my neighbor’s (which is open). I can’t connect to any wireless network even though they’re all listed and available. I also can’t connect via ethernet unless the ethernet cable is connected to my MBP when I boot into Windows 10. If it’s not, I can never get ethernet recognized once inside Win 10. Ideas please?

lucky you even by installing bootcamp, i am still having wifi issue. i will try the privilege thing

Please ensure that the drivers support your specific Mac year/model as shown in System requirements to install Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp — Apple Support .

  • MacBook Air (11-inch & 13-inch, Mid 2011)
  • MacBook Air (11-inch & 13-inch, Mid 2012)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch & 17-inch, Mid 2010)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, & 15-inch, Early 2011)
  • MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch,15-inch & 17-inch Late 2011)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch & 15-inch, Mid 2012)
  • MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012)
  • MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012)
  • MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch and 15-inch, Early 2013)
  • Mac Pro (Early 2009)
  • Mac Pro (Mid 2010)
  • Mac Pro (Mid 2012)
  • Mac mini (Mid 2011)
  • Mac mini (Late 2012)
  • iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010)
  • iMac (21.5-inch & 27-inch, Mid 2011)
  • iMac (21.5-inch & 27-inch, Late 2012)
  • iMac (21.5-inch) Early 2013
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1, 64 bit

I am having the above issue where my MBP won’t recognize my network card. i have tried every option listed above to no avail. I have a MBP OS X El Capitan (retina 13″ Early 2015) I have windows 8.1 64GB pro installed on the bootcamp partition and have installed bootcamp 5.1.5621. What if any remedy is available for this platform?

If you have a 2013 Macbook (up until the new release in 2016) then you will want the package at Boot Camp Support Software 5.1.5640

Just download, put it onto a USB drive and run setup on Windows.

I had just updated my Network Card on my Windows 7 partition and could not get my Network Card to connect to the Internet.

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On my initial boot-in to my Windows 7 bootcamp on my MacBook Pro a message about available Apple Updates popped up and one was my Network card needed to be updated. The Update downloaded fine and I was then asked to restart my MacBook Pro which I did and I had No Connection to the Internet.

After an hour chat with Apple Support with uninstalling the Network Adapters through Device Manager several times I was getting a message about a problem with my Firewall. Windows Firewall under Security was saying my Firewall was being handled by Bitdefender.

It turned out that somehow during the update something got changed in my Internet Security program Bitdefender. So I went to my Control Panel and selected under Programs — Uninstall Programs and selected Bitdefender and it’s confirmation panel popped up with two option Uninstall and Repair to which I chose Repair. Once done I was connected to the Internet.

I am unsure if Windows 7’s Firewall could be the issue when one does not have a third party Internet Security Software installed. Hope this helps.


Debian GNU/Linux + Macbook Air 2017 (установка wifi драйверов)

Так случилось что захотелось снести MacOS на Macbook’е Air и поставить что то более свободное и линуксовое. Макбук 2017 года, долгое время пользовался MacOS Mojave, обновляться до новых выпусков, зная возможные проблемы, желания не было. Немного перебирая варианты дистрибутивов и попробовав различные Live образы, выбор пал на Debian 11 но так как официально он еще не вышел (выход намечен на 14 августа 2021), то взял его второй релиз кандидат Bullseye RC 2.

Проблема 1

Вот тут и появился первый подводный камень: Debian поддерживает не все wifi устройства из коробки. На помощь могут прийти non-free прошивки, которые можно установить после установки системы, добавив репозитории этих несвободных прошивок, в файле sources.list .

Проблема 2

Теперь появляется второй подводный камень: а как мы установим прошивку для wifi устройства если у нас не работает сеть после установки? Тут уже на помощь пришел смартфон с включенным режимом USB Tethering. Подключив с помощью кабеля USB к макбуку, установщик на удивление сразу распознал это как проводное сетевое соединение. Таким образом интернет соединение для установки драйверов на wifi и первоначальных пакетов, мы себе обеспечили.

Действия после установки

Сам процесс инсталляции я описывать не буду так как все индивидуально, и это тема для отдельной статьи.

После установки открываем терминал и утилитой lspci узнаем модель нашего wifi устройства, введя следующую команду:

На выводе получим название модели устройства, в моей случае это:

Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)

BCM4360 это и есть модель wifi устройства. Свободных прошивок к сожалению на него нет и теперь чтобы wifi заработал, нам придется установить несвободный драйвер broadcom-sta-dkms который предоставляет исходный код для модуля ядра wl Остальной список поддерживаемых моделей можно посмотреть в описании драйвера

Так же перед установкой, поставим пару необходимых пакетов wireless-tools и wpasupplicant

sudo apt install wireless-tools sudo apt install wpasupplicant

Далее открываем из под рута, файл sources.list (я использую nano)

sudo nano /ect/apt/sources.list

И вписываем возле каждого урла репозитория, напротив слова main , теги contrib non-free . Должно получится примерно следующее:

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Затем сохраняем файл и обновляем инфу о пакетах командой sudo apt update .

Теперь устанавливаем сам драйвер введя команду:

sudo apt install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms

По ее завершению, убираем модули b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma из ядра системы, командой:

sudo modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma

После этого в Network manager’е (я использовал его для настройки сети) появится раздел Wi-Fi Networks где мы уже сможем выбрать доступную сеть и ввести пароль для доступа.


Данный гайд может быть полезен не только владельцам маков но и других ноутбуков и десктопов. Так же гайд подойдет остальным Debian производным дистрибутивам (хотя могут быть нюансы).


How to Install MacBook Air Wifi Driver on Linux Mint 20

GNU/Linux Mint 20 MacBook Air Wi-fi Driver Installation Guide

Hi! The linked Post shows you How to Install MacBook Air Wireless Wifi/Bluetooth Driver in Mint 20.x Ulyana/Ulyssa/Uma/Una GNU/Linux Desktop.

And the MacBook Air are equipped of the Broadcom Wi-fi Cards.

So the linked Guide describe Step-by-step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Driver on Linux Mint 20.

Linux Mint 20 MacBook Air Wifi Driver Installation Guide - Featured

1. Launching Terminal


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