Macbook linux wifi driver

Macbook linux wifi driver

WiFi wireless networking on MacBooks generally works under Debian, sometimes out-of-the-box, but support and configuration depend on the specific hardware (and kernel support for it), and often requires some hacking.

If the network card is supported by the kernel then simply refer to the documented WiFi instructions in case of problems. However, if the network card is not supported by your running kernel, then some hacking may be required.

Initial setup and check

If you’ve installed Debian with the Laptop or Gnome-Desktop installation, you have the basic necessary tools; otherwise install wireless-tools for wireless, and optionally NetworkManager for a user interface (so you can select a network), or use an alternative, as discussed at WiFi.

  • If iwconfig doesn’t run, please install wireless-tools and then try again (or use the full path, /sbin/iwconfig).
  • If iwconfig runs and shows a WiFi card, your hardware configuration is probably ok, and you should try to connect to your desired network using NetworkManager, iwconfig, or other tools, as discussed in How to use WiFi.
  • Return here if you have reason to believe that you do, in fact, have hardware problems.
  • If iwconfig runs and does not show a WiFi card, and you do have a WiFi card (as all Intel MacBooks do), then you have a hardware configuration problem, and this is the page for you!
  • After you’ve fixed your hardware configuration, you can setup your connection as in How to use WiFi.

Getting packages

It is significantly easier to setup wireless with a working (wired) network connection, for installing packages and finding documentation.

If you do not have access to a wired connection, you can boot into Mac OS X (if you are dual-booting) and download required packages, or else obtain them from a separate computer with working wireless connection, but this may require re-booting into another OS and then back into Debian as well as using dpkg manually to install packages instead of aptitude/apt-get.

Identify wireless card

The first step is to identify your network card; «AirPort» and «AirPort Extreme» are Apple product names for varying hardware, with «AirPort Extreme» meaning «IEEE 802.11g» (and for more recent cards, /n (802.11n)). Different cards require different configuration.

Under GNOME or KDE, one can use a graphical application, as described at How to Identify PCI. Alternatively, one can check manually via:

update-pciids # if necessary; run as root, to update PCI database lspci | grep -E "Atheros|Broadcom" # Finds card

MacBooks before the late 2008 models use Atheros chipsets, while late 2008 are now using Broadcom 4322 chipset.

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Most Atheros models work out-of-the-box; Broadcom chipsets all require non-free firmware, and thus require some user intervention.

Broadcom chipset

The b43 driver requires non-free firmware for device operation. The b43-fwcutter utility can be used to extract firmware from a Broadcom-provided driver.

Atheros chipset

Atheros chipsets will work automatically with either the ath5k (802.11a/b/g) or ath9k (802.11a/b/g/n) modules.


Debian GNU/Linux + Macbook Air 2017 (установка wifi драйверов)

Так случилось что захотелось снести MacOS на Macbook’е Air и поставить что то более свободное и линуксовое. Макбук 2017 года, долгое время пользовался MacOS Mojave, обновляться до новых выпусков, зная возможные проблемы, желания не было. Немного перебирая варианты дистрибутивов и попробовав различные Live образы, выбор пал на Debian 11 но так как официально он еще не вышел (выход намечен на 14 августа 2021), то взял его второй релиз кандидат Bullseye RC 2.

Проблема 1

Вот тут и появился первый подводный камень: Debian поддерживает не все wifi устройства из коробки. На помощь могут прийти non-free прошивки, которые можно установить после установки системы, добавив репозитории этих несвободных прошивок, в файле sources.list .

Проблема 2

Теперь появляется второй подводный камень: а как мы установим прошивку для wifi устройства если у нас не работает сеть после установки? Тут уже на помощь пришел смартфон с включенным режимом USB Tethering. Подключив с помощью кабеля USB к макбуку, установщик на удивление сразу распознал это как проводное сетевое соединение. Таким образом интернет соединение для установки драйверов на wifi и первоначальных пакетов, мы себе обеспечили.

Действия после установки

Сам процесс инсталляции я описывать не буду так как все индивидуально, и это тема для отдельной статьи.

После установки открываем терминал и утилитой lspci узнаем модель нашего wifi устройства, введя следующую команду:

На выводе получим название модели устройства, в моей случае это:

Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)

BCM4360 это и есть модель wifi устройства. Свободных прошивок к сожалению на него нет и теперь чтобы wifi заработал, нам придется установить несвободный драйвер broadcom-sta-dkms который предоставляет исходный код для модуля ядра wl Остальной список поддерживаемых моделей можно посмотреть в описании драйвера

Так же перед установкой, поставим пару необходимых пакетов wireless-tools и wpasupplicant

sudo apt install wireless-tools sudo apt install wpasupplicant

Далее открываем из под рута, файл sources.list (я использую nano)

sudo nano /ect/apt/sources.list

И вписываем возле каждого урла репозитория, напротив слова main , теги contrib non-free . Должно получится примерно следующее:

Затем сохраняем файл и обновляем инфу о пакетах командой sudo apt update .

Теперь устанавливаем сам драйвер введя команду:

sudo apt install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') broadcom-sta-dkms

По ее завершению, убираем модули b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma из ядра системы, командой:

sudo modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma

После этого в Network manager’е (я использовал его для настройки сети) появится раздел Wi-Fi Networks где мы уже сможем выбрать доступную сеть и ввести пароль для доступа.


Данный гайд может быть полезен не только владельцам маков но и других ноутбуков и десктопов. Так же гайд подойдет остальным Debian производным дистрибутивам (хотя могут быть нюансы).


MacBook can’t find WiFi for Ubuntu 18.04

I have installed Ubuntu 18.04 on my mid-2009 MacBook Pro, however, I am unable to even search for a wireless internet connection. I have searched past question from this site and askubuntu re; no wi-fi adapter found, and found they either refer to past versions of Ubuntu or their implementation strategies (e.g. sudo update ) does not to MacBooks or don’t work because they rely on internet connection that I do not have (e.g. sudo. reinstall kernel source).

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Welcome to AskUbuntu! Is using ethernet and option? can you please post the output of sudo lshw -class network to your question?

I suppose your Ubuntu desktop environment is Gnome. Could you open a terminal and run the following command: inxi -c 5 -b and post the output?. Also you can search in hardware section whether your wifi card requires to install the wifi proprietary hardware.

I am getting an command not found I when I type in the code. Excuse my ignorance but would the hardware section be located in the about section?

I am not currently able to upload a photo as I am using my phone (zero laptop internet connect). I have typed what you suggested in the terminal and have the results and able to select useful info

can you take a photo with your phone and upload that? or type in the product and vendor information? can you connect the lappy via ethernet?

7 Answers 7

I think I have the exact same hardware (13 inches?) and OS installed, and I too had problems with my wifi card. The easiest workaround is to have an Ethernet connection while you install Ubuntu and check the «install proprietary drivers», but I guess it’s too late for that one.

Still, you will need an internet connection through Ethernet to solve this, as you have to download and install the drivers.

If you open «Software & Updates» and go to the «Additional Drivers» tab, what do you see? It should look similar to my screenshot.

enter image description here

Make sure «Using Broadcom 802.11 . » is selected, probably it says «Do not use this device». Once you click the other radio button and then hit apply, it should download and install the driver.


How to Install MacBook Pro Wifi Driver on Ubuntu 23.04

GNU/Linux Ubuntu 23.04 MacBook Pro Wi-fi Driver Installation Guide

Hi! The Post shows you How to Install MacBook Pro Wireless Wifi/Bluetooth Driver for Ubuntu 23.04 Lunar GNU/Linux Desktop.

And MacBook Pros are equipped of the Broadcom Wi-fi Cards.

So the linked Guide describe Step-by-step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Driver on Ubuntu Lunar.

How to Install MacBook Pro Wifi Driver on Ubuntu 23.04

1. Launching Terminal


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How to Install MacBook Pro Wifi Driver on Ubuntu 22.04

GNU/Linux Ubuntu 22.04 MacBook Pro Wi-fi Driver Installation Guide

Hi! The Post shows you How to Install MacBook Pro Wireless Wifi/Bluetooth Driver for Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.

And MacBook Pros are equipped of the Broadcom Wi-fi Cards.

So the linked Guide describe Step-by-step How to Install Broadcom Wireless Driver on Ubuntu Jammy.

How to Install MacBook Pro Wifi Driver on Ubuntu 22.04

1. Launching Terminal


Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

«When the Last Tree has been cut down, the Last Fish caught, the Last River poisoned, only then will we realize that One Cannot Eat Money.»

«No usable Computer exists today with completely Open Software and Hardware (as much as some companies want to Market themselves as such).»

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«Being a Winner in a Free Computing OS Mission means to adopt a Commercial like Strategy. Transcending Duality in Oneness and so dispensing both Free and Non Free Software. Cause evangelizing Freedom in a Non Free World is like keeping a Trojan Horse. Hallelujah!»

«Using the Money just for buying Stuff and Not Supporting the Free Gift Philosophy is a sign of a Selfish and Narrow Mind.»

What can Save the World from a Blind and Quick Self-destruction.
The Immediate and Humble Mass Conversion to the Spiritual Way!
Because Earth & Nature has been Ravaged without Pity by the Wild and Selfish mass Competition to Win and Shown that U’re someone Better because you got a Lot of fla$hY Power$$$.

«Taking care if somebody is liking, following, or buying is just a serious hidrance on the priceless Way of Creative Freedom.»



Everlasting Glory to God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Krisna, Laozi, Buddha, Bodhidharma, Ma Gcig, Hakuin, Ikkyu, Nagarjuna, Tilopa, Naropa, Milarepa, Suhrawardi, St Dismas, St Francesco, St Teresa, St John, St Filippo, Eckehart. All The Holy Divinities, Avatars, Saints, Mystics, and True Spiritual Masters. Because they are in the Eternal Light of Truth & Delight Enlightening a World of Darkness, Nescience, Blindness, Uneasiness and Falsehood!


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