Macbook pro as wifi роутер

А Вы знаете как сделать Wi-Fi роутер из Mac.

Огромное количество пользователей Макбук с установленной Mac OS, даже и не догадываются на что способен их девайс. Например, вышеуказанное устройство способно стать точкой доступа или роутером для раздачи Wi-Fi другим аппаратам. Ранее мы писали о создании точки доступа на машинах с Windows на борту, прочитать можно здесь .

Вам не потребуется для этого скачивать сторонние программы из сети, достаточно лишь зайти в настройки Мака и выбрать некоторые пункты.

Польза этой функции достаточно велика, ведь если с обычным роутером произойдет неприятность и он выйдет из строя, вы не останетесь без средств связи обеспечив свои ноутбуки беспроводным интернетом.

Теперь по порядку расскажем, как же активировать раздачу Wi-Fi на Макбук.

Во-первых, что вам точно понадобится, так это iMac, Mac mini или MacBook с операционной системой OS X и Wi-Fi приемником.

Во-вторых, девайс должен иметь доступ к интернету через USB-устройства, либо Ethernet.

Когда оба требования выполнены, приступаем к активации «режима модема»:

  • Нажимаем в верхнем левом углу иконку «яблока» и в открывшемся меню выбираем раздел «Системные настройки» . Далее открываем пункт «Общий доступ» .
  • По левой стороне окна настроек имеется строка «Общий Интернет» , ее необходимо выделить, но галочку пока не ставить. В разделе «Общее подключение» выбираем то интернет соединение, к которому у вашего компьютера имеется подключение. Выделяем галочкой ваше Wi-Fi соединение, оно находится немного ниже в пункте «Для компьютеров, использующих:».
    При необходимости изменить данные или поставить пароль к Wi-Fi сети, заходим в «Параметры Wi-Fi» и делаем все, что требуется.
    Теперь самое время поставить галочку для строки «Общий Интернет» и нажать «подтвердить».
  • Если вы выполнили все действия правильно, в верхней панели управления появится новая иконка подтверждающая, что девайс стал точкой доступа.


How to Use a Mac As a WiFi Router

If you have Internet access on a network that doesn’t have Wi-Fi, you can use a Mac computer as your own makeshift router by sharing its Wi-Fi. This way you can access the Internet from any Wi-Fi device including any smartphone, tablet or even an Apple TV. Setting up Wi-Fi sharing on Mac OS X takes only a minute or two. Remember to set up encryption and choose a strong password to make sure you don’t open your data to nearby hackers.

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1 Requirements

In order to use a Mac as a Wi-Fi access point for connecting to the Internet, your Mac first needs to be connected to the Internet itself. In most cases, this is most easily done using Ethernet. Most modems and home routers have an Ethernet port, usually located in the back, which can be connected to a Mac with an Ethernet cable. The MacBook Air doesn’t have an Ethernet cable, however you can connect to many modems and routers using a USB cable. Bluetooth can also be an option, if you have an iPhone or other Bluetooth device that can share its Internet access via Bluetooth.

2 Sharing Wi-Fi

Once your Mac has Internet access using any other method besides its Wi-Fi adapter, the adapter is then available for sharing. To share the Mac’s Wi-Fi, click the «Sharing» icon in the Mac’s System Preferences. If the Sharing options are locked, you will need to click the «Lock» icon in the bottom left corner and enter your administrative password first. Once the options are unlocked, select the «Internet Sharing» option in the left menu and then click the «Wi-Fi» check box. The Mac’s Wi-Fi is now available for sharing.

3 Wi-Fi Security

Setting up Wi-Fi on a Mac without adequate security opens your Mac, your network and your Internet service to anyone and can jeopardize your personal data. After selecting Wi-Fi as a sharable resource in your Mac’s system preferences, click the «Wi-Fi Options» button. You can then click the «Security» menu and then select WPA2 Personal» to encrypt the Mac’s Wi-Fi signal. Type a strong password in both «Password text fields. In this same options window, you can also change the network name to anything you want.

4 Connecting to a Mac’s Wi-Fi

After you have made your Mac’s Wi-Fi sharable, you can access it from any computer, tablet, smartphone or other Wi-Fi device like an Apple TV. Use the same method you would normally would to connect to any Wi-Fi router, and select your Mac from the list of available networks. If you have connected the Mac to a campus network or any network that you didn’t set up yourself, make sure you contact the network administrator before using the Mac’s Wi-Fi to access the network. Depending on the network configuration, Internet sharing using this method could disrupt other computers on the network.

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How to Use Your Mac as a Wireless Router

Did you know that you can turn your Mac into a wireless router for your home or office? This is a great option if you have cable or DSL service, but have yet to purchase a wireless router! These instructions will show you how to connect several computers or devices — such as an iPhone or iPad — to the Internet via your Mac’s wireless network. The best part is that you can save big money on expensive devices like the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express by setting up your Mac to do the same thing!

Using your Mac as a wireless router

Take a look at the diagram above. You’ll need a cable or DSL modem and a Mac connected to the modem via an ethernet cable. Then you can connect any number of computers and devices to the Mac’s new wireless network.

Here’s how to use your Mac as a wireless router:

  1. Connect the ethernet cable from your Mac to the cable or DSL modem, if you haven’t already.
  2. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences. The window shown below appears. Using your Mac as a wireless router
  3. Click Sharing. The window shown below appears. Using your Mac as a wireless router
  4. Click the lock icon and authenticate with an administrator account to make changes.
  5. From the sidebar, select Internet Sharing. (Don’t select the checkbox yet — you’ll do that later.)
  6. From the Share your connection from menu, select Ethernet. Remember, we’re selecting Ethernet here because it’s the primary Internet connection for your Mac.
  7. In the To computers using box, select the Wi-Fi checkbox. This tells your Mac to create a wireless network and let any connected computers or devices access the Internet through the ethernet connection.
  8. Click Wi-Fi Options. The window shown below appears. Using your Mac as a wireless router
  9. Enter a name for the wireless network in the Network Name field. This is the name users will see when they try to connect to your network from another computer or device.
  10. Leave the Channel setting alone — your Mac automatically determines the best setting for this.
  11. From the Security menu, select 128-bit WEP. This protects your wireless network — and your Mac — from unauthorized access.
  12. Enter a 13- or 26-character password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  13. Click OK. You should see the Sharing window in System Preferences again.
  14. Select the Internet Sharing checkbox. The window shown below appears. Using your Mac as a wireless router
  15. Click Start. The window shown below appears. Using your Mac as a wireless router
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Now your Mac is acting as a wireless router. You can connect other computers and devices to the new wireless network you just created, and you can also continue to surf the Internet on your Mac. (Remember, your Mac is connected to the Internet via the ethernet connection, and all of the computers and devices are connected to your Mac.)

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Can I use Macbook Pro as a wireless router?

The only internet connection point in my current apartment is PPPoE service(via cable). I can plug it into my Macbook Pro to get internet connection. The problem is how to bring the internet connection to my iPad. Is it possible to configure my Macbook Pro as a wireless rounter for my iPad? Or, if I have a separate wireless router with the PPPoE cable plugged in, how can I get it to work?

1 Answer 1

Your mac will basically create a WiFi network for the iPad to join and then it will share traffic from the ethernet connector/PPPoE/cable.

Your mac’s buit in help might be newer than the link I provided, so check there first. Also, be sure you turn off any firewalls if you don’t know how or what holes to poke in them. You may be less secure, but it’s a bit harder to set up the firewall on one interface and not the other.

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