Magic trackpad windows bluetooth

Bluetooth first aid

Note: For Bluetooth pairing no additional software is required, it is fully handled by Windows.
Again: There is no need to install the Magic Utilities to pair your device.

Windows update breaks paired devices

In rare cases a Windows update breaks existing Bluetooth device pairings. Even worse you might not be able to (re)pair your device again. Let’s (try to) fix this.

Uninstall all Magic Utilities

Usually, this step is not necessary, but you never know.

To ensure the Magic Utilities are not the cause of your pairing issues, uninstall all versions of all Magic Utilities . Your license or trial period will not be affected.

Prepare pairing properly

Windows is often guessing

The new Windows settings interface is not always correct in displaying information when it comes to Bluetooth devices. It’s often a guess, so do not trust what you see there. You need to wait a minute or two until it’s correct, Really! Have patience.

1. Turn off all your Magic Devices.

Most Magic devices have a power toggle switch, so turn it off there.

The silver Magic Trackpad 1 (2011) and the Apple Wireless Keyboards (2007-2011) have a round power switch on the right side.

  • Press and hold its power button down,
  • Until you see the green light (top surface of the device near the power button) goes out.
  • Release the power button.

In case the green light is blinking repeat the steps above.

2. Remove your Magic Bluetooth device

In case your Magic device is already paired remove it from Windows Bluetooth devices. In Windows Settings > Devices, select your magic device, click the Remove button and confirm.

If you can not remove a paired device

This is usually the case if you paired the device with a different Bluetooth adapter. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Windows Device Manager,
  • From the menu select View > Show hidden devices.
  • Right click on the (dimmed) device you can’t remove,
  • Select Uninstall device and confirm.

3. Disable the Bluetooth radio on all nearby computers

To ensure the right computer sees your Magic device for pairing, turn off Bluetooth on all other nearby computers. This includes mobile phones, laptops, and desktop computers as well as Bluetooth speakers.

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4. Wait until Windows updates it’s Bluetooth device cache

Keep your Magic device turned off and open the Windows Add Bluetooth Device dialog. If you see any Magic device there, wait until they are gone (remember all your devices are turned off so the can’t be there). This can take a minute or two.

Instead of waiting you can also just restart your computer.

Pair your device

Now Windows has cleared all its caches you can pair your Magic device.

Bring your Magic device in pairing mode

Just turn your device on and keep it on, this is critical! Do not turn it off and back on again.

Most Magic devices have a power toggle switch, so turn it on there.

The silver Magic Trackpad 1 (2011) and the Apple Wireless Keyboards (2007-2011) have a round power switch on the right side.

In case the green light is only going off repeat the steps above.

Pairing is still not working!

That’s a rare event but does happen, so let’s try harder. Repeat all steps from above (except the pairing) and then reset your entire Bluetooth configuration, see below.

Reset your Bluetooth configuration

Please read this section before you actually do it. You might need to download your BIOS user manual.

Repeat all steps from above (except the pairing). Save your work and close all applications.

Ensure all Bluetooth devices have been removed

  • Open the Windows Device Manager.
  • From the menu select View > Show hidden devices.
  • Expand the Bluetooth branch.
  • Remove any dimmed (hidden) Bluetooth entries
    (Bluetooth device help is above, Bluetooth adapter help is below).

Now you should see 3 (or 2) nodes here:

  • Generic Bluetooth Adapter (this name might be different on your computer)
  • Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator
  • Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator

If you see more nodes, you still have Bluetooth devices paired, remove them all, see above.

The next steps will delete all leftovers from previously paired devices.

1. Uninstall your Bluetooth adapter

  • Right-click your Bluetooth Adapter.
  • Select Uninstall device.
  • Confirm the dialog.

Now Shut down your computer, you need to prevent that the Bluetooth adapter gets automatically reinstalled again.

2. Disable / Remove your Bluetooth adapter

With the step above you removed the adapter from Windows, but it needs to be removed entirely from your system. Do not start Windows again until the Bluetooth adapter is gone.

If you have an external USB dongle as Bluetooth adapter:

If you have a built-in Bluetooth adapter (usually in laptops):

  • Make sure you know how to enter the BIOS, often it’s pressing F12 after turning the computer on.
  • Turn your computer on, enter the BIOS and disable the Bluetooth adapter/radio there. Refer the computers user manual for this step.
  • Save your BIOS settings.

3. Restart Windows

  • Now start Windows.
  • Open the Device Manager and verify that there is no Bluetooth node.
  • Shut down your computer again.

Apparently, this restart without a Bluetooth Adapter is required otherwise Windows still remembers your old Bluetooth configuration.

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4. Enable your Bluetooth Adapter again

If you have an external USB dongle as Bluetooth adapter:

If you have a built-in Bluetooth adapter (usually in laptops):

  • Turn on your computer
  • Enter the BIOS
  • Enable your Bluetooth adapter radio.
  • Save the BIOS settings.

5. Start Windows

Start Windows. Now you have a new Bluetooth configuration, and paring should work again.

6. Install the Magic Utilities

After you have paired your Magic devices, install the Magic Utilities again.

  • Known issues
  • Bluetooth connection
  • Bluetooth pairing
  • Bluetooth issues
  • Update adapter driver
  • Disable power saving
  • Wireless interference
  • Bluetooth first aid
  • USB connection
  • USB issues
  • KVM Switches
  • Thunderbolt docks
  • Gestures and Mouse
  • Trackpad gestures
  • Drag and drop
  • Scrolling and swipes
  • Smooth scrolling
  • Browser scrolling
  • Horizontal scrolling
  • Mouse pointer speed
  • Middle mouse button
  • Button area
  • Trackpad Utilities
  • Exit and restart
  • User interface
  • Settings
  • Battery alerts
  • Battery saver
  • Device configuration
  • Updates
  • Driver
  • Driver settings
  • Driver options
  • License
  • License handling

Copyright © 2023 Magic Utilities Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This site is independent and not related to Apple Inc.


How To Use the Apple Magic Trackpad on a Windows PC

Windows has a bunch of trackpads you can use that get the job done nicely. If you have an Apple Magic Trackpad or use both Mac and Windows, it is possible to use the Apple Magic Trackpad on your PC.

How To Use the Apple Magic Trackpad on a Windows PC

It takes a little configuration to get the trackpad working, but where there is a will, there is a way.

In fact, there are three ways that I know of because a graphic designer friend of mine has gotten the Apple Magic Trackpad to work on her PC and tried out different methods.

I checked how she got her Apple Magic Trackpad working on her Windows 10 desktop and she walked me through it. She used Boot Camp but said the other two methods work too.

Use the Apple Magic Trackpad on your PC

You will need an Apple Magic Trackpad or Apple Magic Trackpad 2, a Bluetooth dongle or enabled PC and a piece of software.

Exactly what software depends on how you want to do this so I’ll include links to all of them. The first method uses an app that’s available through GitHub, the second method uses Boot Camp and the third uses a third-party utility called Magic Utilities.

The Mac Precision Touchpad method

The process of getting your Trackpad working on your PC is very straightforward. Here are the instructions for installing Mac Precision Touchpad on your PC:

  1. Navigate to this page and download the latest version of the file.
  2. Extract the file somewhere on your PC.
  3. Right-click AmtPtpDevice.cer and select Install.
  4. Open the AmtPtpDevice folder in the download.
  5. Right-click AmtPtpDevice.inf and select Install.

The Apple Boot Camp method for getting an Apple Magic TouchPad to work on a Windows PC

Apple Boot Camp is a software package that allows you to use Windows 10 within the macOS.

Apparently, you can also use it to enable some Apple hardware to work on your Windows PC. This is how my friend got her Apple Magic Trackpad working on her Windows 10 desktop.

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You will need a copy of the Apple Boot Camp software from Apple. If you use 32-bit Windows, use this file. If you use 64-bit Windows, use this one. Support for Boot Camp is here and includes a section on getting Mac hardware to run within Windows.

Here’s are the instructions for implementing the Apple Bootcamp method:

  1. Download the correct version of Boot Camp for your PC.
  2. Download the Apple Magic Trackpad Control Panel from here.
  3. Install both onto your PC and connect the Trackpad if you haven’t already.
  4. Your Apple Magic Trackpad should now work.

Apparently, without the control panel, the trackpad doesn’t include all gestures which many Mac users are so used to. Adding this last piece of software increases compatibility and allows you to use many more gestures and have more control over how the Apple Magic Trackpad works.

It is a little backward though. As mentioned, Boot Camp is predominantly for using Windows 10 within Mac OS but it does work this way.

The Magic Utilities method

Magic Utilities is a third party software vendor that develops apps that help Windows and Mac play nicely together. It includes Bluetooth support for Apple devices and Boot Camp compatibility so works fine with the Apple Magic Trackpad. It does cost money, currently $5.99 a year for a single user but has a free trial.

Here’s the process of using the Magic Utilities application to get your Apple Trackpad working on your Windows PC:

  1. Download the Magic Utilities app from here.
  2. Install it onto your PC and allow it access to devices and anything else it requires.
  3. Use your Apple Magic Trackpad.

While this is a premium product, the software does make it easy to use the Apple Magic Trackpad on your PC. Install the software, allow it access to Bluetooth and anything else it asks for and it finds the trackpad and works right away. I only got to see this in action already installed but the configuration options are generous alone and I was assured installation and configuration was as easy as described.

There are apparently compromises if you use the Apple Magic Trackpad on your PC. Not all gestures are supported, sometimes the driver freezes or hesitates and sometimes the driver stops altogether. While my friend loves her Apple Magic Trackpad, she also has a different touchpad that is native to Windows and works just as well as her Apple version. It was less than half the price too!

So while you can use the Apple Magic Trackpad on your PC if you want to, there are other options as well. Do you know of any other ways to use the Apple Magic Trackpad on a WindowsPC? Do you know of any Windows trackpads equal to or even better than the Apple Magic Trackpad? If you do, please leave us a comment below!


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