Setting up an Ubuntu System as an Email Server
Setting up an email server is a difficult process involving a number of different programs, each of which needs to be properly configured. The best approach is to install and configure each individual component one by one, ensuring that each one works, and gradually build your mail server.
Mail Transfer Agent
Mail filtering
- PostfixAmavisNew — this guide explains how to integrate amavisd-new with Postfix.
- PostfixGreylisting — this guide explains how to install Postgrey to implement greylisting
- EximClamAV — this guide explains how to integrate anti-virus with the Exim mail server
Mail Delivery Agent
- Dovecot — this guide explains how to set up Dovecot as a mail server. Dovecot is a good mail server which is simple to setup.
- Courier — this guide explains how to set up Courier as a mail server. Courier is also quite simple to use and can be used with external database for managing virtual users. It is widely used.
- MailServerCourierSpamAssassin — this guide provides an example of a complete mail server using Courier MTA and SpamAssassin.
- Cyrus — this guide explains how to set up Cyrus as a mail server. Cyrus is of those MDA the most complicated server. Neverthless, it is the more scalable and a widely used server. It only supports virtual users. Warning: Cyrus has been dropped from main. It is in universe on dapper and edgy and thus doesn’t necessarily receive security updates.
- Squirrelmail — this guide explains how to set up Squirrelmail webmail.
- OpenWebMail — this guide explains how to set up the OpenWebMail application.
Mailing lists
Related Articles
- POP3Aggregator — this guide explains how to set up an IMAP mail server with Dovecot that will download your mail from an external POP3 server, and allow you to access the mail using any IMAP-compatible email client.
MailServer (последним исправлял пользователь 138 2009-03-31 20:01:23)
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