Main process in linux

What are Linux Processes, Threads, Light Weight Processes, and Process State

Linux has evolved a lot since its inception. It has become the most widely used operating system when in comes to servers and mission critical work. Though its not easy to understand Linux as a whole but there are aspects which are fundamental to Linux and worth understanding. In this article, we will discuss about Linux processes, threads and light weight processes and understand the difference between them. Towards the end, we will also discuss various states for Linux processes.

Linux Processes

In a very basic form, Linux process can be visualized as running instance of a program. For example, just open a text editor on your Linux box and a text editor process will be born. Here is an example when I opened gedit on my machine :

$ gedit & [1] 5560 $ ps -aef | grep gedit 1000 5560 2684 9 17:34 pts/0 00:00:00 gedit

First command (gedit &) opens gedit window while second ps command (ps -aef | grep gedit) checks if there is an associated process. In the result you can see that there is a process associated with gedit. Processes are fundamental to Linux as each and every work done by the OS is done in terms of and by the processes. Just think of anything and you will see that it is a process. This is because any work that is intended to be done requires system resources ( that are provided by kernel) and it is a process that is viewed by kernel as an entity to which it can provide system resources. Processes have priority based on which kernel context switches them. A process can be pre-empted if a process with higher priority is ready to be executed.

For example, if a process is waiting for a system resource like some text from text file kept on disk then kernel can schedule a higher priority process and get back to the waiting process when data is available. This keeps the ball rolling for an operating system as a whole and gives user a feeling that tasks are being run in parallel. Processes can talk to other processes using Inter process communication methods and can share data using techniques like shared memory. In Linux, fork() is used to create new processes. These new processes are called as child processes and each child process initially shares all the segments like text, stack, heap etc until child tries to make any change to stack or heap. In case of any change, a separate copy of stack and heap segments are prepared for child so that changes remain child specific. The text segment is read-only so both parent and child share the same text segment. C fork function article explains more about fork().

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Linux Threads vs Light Weight Processes

Threads in Linux are nothing but a flow of execution of the process. A process containing multiple execution flows is known as multi-threaded process. For a non multi-threaded process there is only execution flow that is the main execution flow and hence it is also known as single threaded process. For Linux kernel , there is no concept of thread. Each thread is viewed by kernel as a separate process but these processes are somewhat different from other normal processes. I will explain the difference in following paragraphs. Threads are often mixed with the term Light Weight Processes or LWPs. The reason dates back to those times when Linux supported threads at user level only. This means that even a multi-threaded application was viewed by kernel as a single process only. This posed big challenges for the library that managed these user level threads because it had to take care of cases that a thread execution did not hinder if any other thread issued a blocking call. Later on the implementation changed and processes were attached to each thread so that kernel can take care of them. But, as discussed earlier, Linux kernel does not see them as threads, each thread is viewed as a process inside kernel. These processes are known as light weight processes. The main difference between a light weight process (LWP) and a normal process is that LWPs share same address space and other resources like open files etc. As some resources are shared so these processes are considered to be light weight as compared to other normal processes and hence the name light weight processes. So, effectively we can say that threads and light weight processes are same. It’s just that thread is a term that is used at user level while light weight process is a term used at kernel level. From implementation point of view, threads are created using functions exposed by POSIX compliant pthread library in Linux. Internally, the clone() function is used to create a normal as well as alight weight process. This means that to create a normal process fork() is used that further calls clone() with appropriate arguments while to create a thread or LWP, a function from pthread library calls clone() with relevant flags. So, the main difference is generated by using different flags that can be passed to clone() function. Read more about fork() and clone() on their respective man pages. How to Create Threads in Linux explains more about threads.

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Linux Process States

  • RUNNING – This state specifies that the process is either in execution or waiting to get executed.
  • INTERRUPTIBLE – This state specifies that the process is waiting to get interrupted as it is in sleep mode and waiting for some action to happen that can wake this process up. The action can be a hardware interrupt, signal etc.
  • UN-INTERRUPTIBLE – It is just like the INTERRUPTIBLE state, the only difference being that a process in this state cannot be waken up by delivering a signal.
  • STOPPED – This state specifies that the process has been stopped. This may happen if a signal like SIGSTOP, SIGTTIN etc is delivered to the process.
  • TRACED – This state specifies that the process is being debugged. Whenever the process is stopped by debugger (to help user debug the code) the process enters this state.
  • ZOMBIE – This state specifies that the process is terminated but still hanging around in kernel process table because the parent of this process has still not fetched the termination status of this process. Parent uses wait() family of functions to fetch the termination status.
  • DEAD – This state specifies that the process is terminated and entry is removed from process table. This state is achieved when the parent successfully fetches the termination status as explained in ZOMBIE state.


Commands for Process Management in Linux

Commands for Process Management in Linux

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In this article, we’ll discuss process management in Linux. A process in Linux is nothing but a program in execution. It’s a running instance of a program. Any command that you execute starts a process.

Types of Processes in Linux

  • Foreground Processes
    depend on the user for input
    also referred to as interactive processes
  • Background Processes
    run independently of the user
    referred to as non-interactive or automatic processes

Process States in Linux

A process in Linux can go through different states after it’s created and before it’s terminated. These states are:

  • Running
  • Sleeping
    • Interruptible sleep
    • Uninterruptible sleep

    Different Commands for Process Management in Linux

    There are two commands available in Linux to track running processes. These two commands are Top and Ps.

    1. The top Command for Mananging Linux Processes

    To track the running processes on your machine you can use the top command.


    Top command displays a list of processes that are running in real-time along with their memory and CPU usage. Let’s understand the output a little better:

    • PID: Unique Process ID given to each process.
    • User: Username of the process owner.
    • PR: Priority given to a process while scheduling.
    • NI: ‘nice’ value of a process.
    • VIRT: Amount of virtual memory used by a process.
    • RES: Amount of physical memory used by a process.
    • SHR: Amount of memory shared with other processes.
    • S: state of the process
      • ‘D’ = uninterruptible sleep
      • ‘R’ = running
      • ‘S’ = sleeping
      • ‘T’ = traced or stopped
      • ‘Z’ = zombie

      You can use the up/down arrow keys to navigate up and down through the list. To quit press q. To kill a process, highlight the process with the up/down arrow keys and press ‘k’.

      Alternatively, you can also use the kill command, which we will see later.

      2. ps command

      ps command is short for ‘Process Status’. It displays the currently-running processes. However, unlike the top command, the output generated is not in realtime.

      Ps Command

      The terminology is as follows :

      PID process ID
      TTY terminal type
      TIME total time the process has been running
      CMD name of the command that launches the process

      To get more information using ps command use:

      Ps U

      • %CPU represents the amount of computing power the process is taking.
      • %MEM represents the amount of memory the process is taking up.
      • STAT represents process state.

      While ps command only displays the processes that are currently running, you can also use it to list all the processes.

      Ps A

      This command lists even those processes that are currently not running.

      3. Stop a process

      To stop a process in Linux, use the ‘kill’ command. kill command sends a signal to the process.

      There are different types of signals that you can send. However, the most common one is ‘kill -9’ which is ‘SIGKILL’.

      You can list all the signals using:

      Kill L

      The default signal is 15, which is SIGTERM. Which means if you just use the kill command without any number, it sends the SIGTERM signal.

      The syntax for killing a process is:

      Alternatively you can also use :

      This command will send a ‘SIGKILL’ signal to the process. This should be used in case the process ignores a normal kill request.

      4. Change priority of a process

      In Linux, you can prioritize between processes. The priority value for a process is called the ‘Niceness’ value. Niceness value can range from —20 to 19. 0 is the default value.

      The fourth column in the output of top command is the column for niceness value.


      To start a process and give it a nice value other than the default one, use:

      $ nice -n [value] [process name] 

      To change nice value of a process that is already running use:


      This tutorial covered process management in Linux. Mainly the practical aspects of process management were covered. In theory, process management is a vast topic and covering it in its entirety is out of scope for this tutorial.

      Thanks for learning with the DigitalOcean Community. Check out our offerings for compute, storage, networking, and managed databases.


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