One of the main reasons why Linux is popular among C/C++ programmers is the support provided by Linux to them. This includes the g++ compiler suite and its related tools used for program development such as the make command.
In this tutorial, you will learn about the make command in Linux, its use, the basis of the makefile, and how it is used with the make command.
Large and complex software applications consist of hundreds of source code and other files. Compiling and linking these files is not easy and can be erroneous. During the build process of these applications, several object files are also created. To manage these files and the entire software development project, the make command is used in Linux.
Consider the case when the programmers have their projects in simple folders. They don’t have any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Eclipse or Visual Studio available to compile and handle their project. The only available option is to use the terminal to compile the source code. Instead of remembering all the commands to compile their files manually, or keeping track of files that are changed and need to be recompiled, they can simply use the make command to handle things for them automatically.
Instead of performing the compilation steps individually and remembering the file names and commands, the make command can be used to automatically perform these tasks. In short, make allows you to automatically build, compile, execute or even install complex software applications using a single command. Thus, it makes the life of a C/C++ programmer easier.
The basis of the make command is a text file called Makefile. The Makefile contains the instructions regarding options passed to the compiler.
Makefile is usually created as a text file without any extension, like this
In this file, you can write a set of commands to perform various tasks. For example,
g++ main.cpp -o example_code ./example_code
You can consider Makefile as a simple bash script that contains commands to build, compile, and run your code files. Now if you enter the make command like this
it will execute the instructions (commands) written in the Makefile. In the example given above, it will first compile the main.cpp file and will create an executable file named ‘example_code’, then it will execute the ‘example_code’ file.
In this way, you can write multiple commands in the Makefile and execute them all using the simple make command.
Wait, you might be thinking that a Makefile is just like a simple bash script, so what is the big deal? No, the make command can do more than what you just thought, so keep on reading.
You can set up several targets in a Makefile, which you can then use with the make command. A target can be specified by writing its name followed by a colon ( : ), for example,
all: g++ main.cpp -o example_code run: ./example_code
here ‘all’ and ‘run’ are targets. By default, the make command will execute the instructions written after the first target (‘all’ in this case).
If you want to execute instructions written after a specific target, you have to specify its name, for example,
This command will run the executable ‘example_code’, as mentioned after the target ‘run’ in the above example.
The other important thing you can specify in a Makefile is file dependency. It means that Makefile can specify the code modules which are required to build the program. In addition, it can also specify the required source code files for a particular code module. Therefore, you can use a Makefile for dependency checking.
In a Makefile, you can specify a dependency after the target name is separated by a space, like this
The above line says that the object file ‘main.o’ has a dependency on ‘main.cpp’. In other words, to execute this target the ‘main.cpp’ must exist.
You can use the make command to delete all object and executable files created during the build process. For that, you have to create a target in the Makefile similar to the example given below.
clean: 'rm -rf *o example_code'
this target when executed (using $ make clean ) will delete all object files and the executable named ‘example_code’.
You can declare and use variables in a Makefile to represent values that might change. For instance, you can represent the name of the compiler using a variable like this
Suppose you want to change the compiler (say to gcc), then you need to change only this value if you are using a variable. There would be no need to change it in all the occurrences in the Makefile because there the name of the variable is used.
You can see a variable is specified with the help of a $ sign. You can also specify options using variables, like
And then use them as shown below:
install -g root -o root skel /usr/local/bin
Now, it is also possible to build and install a program in a single step (i.e., by executing the make command). If you want only installation, you can use the following command.
Here are some advantages of the make command and the Makefile, which will show you, its importance.
In this tutorial, you have studied the make command and Makefile in detail. The make command is used to manage large development projects comprising of tens of source code files. The Makefile is simply a text file that is being used by the make command to set up targets. It allows us to represent the whole project systematically and efficiently thereby making it easier and more readable to debug.