Mandatory access control linux


This page describes how to go about configuring a system to use the Simplified Mandatory Access Control Kernel (Smack) LSM on your system.


Smack is a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) mechanism that is available in mainline Linux kernels as of the 2.6.25 release. A system with Smack enabled should be indistinguishable from a system without Smack unless the MAC facility is explicitly used. This page describes how to take advantage of MAC using Smack.

Smack Resources

Mandatory Access Control Background

Mandatory Access Control is conceptually simple. Any scheme that controls access by subjects to objects and that does not allow users any discretion over which subjects get access to which objects is a Mandatory Access Control mechanism. A subject is any active entity, on Linux a task or process. An object is any passive entity, examples of which include files, directories, message queues, and in the case of signals other processes. An access is any attempt made by a subject to observe or manipulate an object.

Many MAC systems, including both SELinux and Smack, are label based. This means that every subject and every object on the system is given an attribute called a label, and access control decisions are made based on the label of the subject and the label of the object. Some other MAC systems, such as AppArmor, are path name based. This means that the object attribute used to make the access control decision is the name by which the object is accessed.

In the twentieth century all MAC systems were label based and all implemented the Bell & LaPadula (B&L) sensitivity model. This model is derived from the United States Department of Defense scheme for marking classified paper documents. It was not considered widely applicable outside the intelligence community.

The Smack MAC Model

Smack enforces the policy that a subject can only access an object if their labels match or if there is an explicit rule allowing the requested access.

where access describes the access permitted using the traditional Linux read (R or r) access, write (W or w) access, execute (X or x) access, or append (A or a) access. A dash () can be used as a place holder or to express that no access be permitted if use by itself.

Subject Label Object Label Access
* any
any * rwxa
ordinary ordinary rwxa
any _ rx
^ any rx

the third rule use ordinary to refer to any label except * and describes the case where the subject label and the object label are the same.

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The Trivial Configuration

Smack kernels are built with the configuration options CONFIG_SECURITY_SMACK, CONFIG_SECURITY_NETWORK, and CONFIG_NETLABEL.

To enable Smack you need to add security=smack to the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst

to get the Smack control interface mounted at boot.

Smack will create the init process with the floor label and will use the floor label as the default for all filesystems unless instructed otherwise using mount options. Because processes inherit the label of their parent all processes will run with the floor label unless explicitly set otherwise. Because all processes will have the floor label and all files will have the floor label Smack will never fail an access check in this configuration.

The System Separation Configuration

The single most common use of MAC is to separate system processes and data from user processes and data by giving system processes different labels than those used by user processes. Some systems, including SELinux, use MAC to further divide system processes into subsystems, giving each subsystem its own label or set of labels. The greatest value by far comes from the simple split between the system and users. Arguments will be made for finer granularity of protection within the system but the fact remains that interference between uncompromised system processes is extremely rare.

The most natural way to provide simple separation between the system and users under Smack is to run the system with the floor label (_) and users at another, in this example Rabble will be used, although just about any name will do. The floor label is the right choice for system processes and data because it allows users at any label to read system data but precludes them writing it. System processes running without privilege will be unable to access any user data because the labels will not match and there is no rule that allows floor subjects unusual access. This is exactly the scheme that has been used for decades on Unix based Multi-Level Secure systems, which run system processes at system_low and basic users at unclassified labels.

The version of sshd and the login from busybox in the smack-util get user Smack information from /etc/smack/user. This file lists the user, the user’s default label, and any labels other than the default the user is allowed. A list of allowed labels that includes a single + indicates that the user is allowed to run at any label. This version of sshd always logs the user in at her default label. This version of busybox always uses the default label for login. This version of busybox enforces the allowed label list for su and newlabel. A sample from /etc/smack/user might be:

root _ + casper Ghost casey Rogue Scoundrel Cheat

With processes running at multiple labels there are a small number of labeling issues. The device files /dev/null and /dev/zero are used by many programs and are known never to pass information between processes. These devices are exactly why the star label is defined. A start up script should give these files the star label thus:

/usr/bin/attr -S -s SMACK64 -V '*' /dev/null /usr/bin/attr -S -s SMACK64 -V '*' /dev/zero

Finally, the labels of /tmp, /usr/tmp, and /var/tmp need to be addressed. Like the other system files, these directories will be given the floor label unless explicitly labeled otherwise. Because system processes are run with the floor label there is only an issue for user processes that may expect to use one of these shared resources. Well behaved applications will use the TMPDIR environment variable and this value can be set somewhere with the right label, perhaps under the user’s home directory. While security purists will rightly cringe at the notion, giving these directories the star label is a convenient approach to the situation.

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A Single Special Service

There may be a case where there is a service that requires special protection in an environment for which usual Linux controls are otherwise sufficient. To accomplish this using Smack the service needs to be run at a label that is not used by other processes and needs any data that it writes to be given that same label. There also need to be rules that allow tasks running with other labels to communicate with the service while protecting the data.

Assume a game server tictactoe-server that maintains its scores in /usr/share/tictactoe and a user application that talks to the server on a well known port, in this case 4380. Assume that the server is started by init and runs as user tictac. The label TicTacToe is as good as any for this purpose. To label all of the server's files

# find /usr/share/tictactoe -exec attr -S -s SMACK64 -V TicTacToe <> \;

Note that it is not necessary to label the application binary. The server needs to run at TicTacToe, and changing labels is a privileged operation. One way to achieve this would be

# # This echo must be the shell built-in! echo TicTacToe > /proc/self/attr/current su - tictac -c tictactoe-server &

Finally, there need to be rules that allow the clients to write to the server and the server to write back. These rules go in /etc/smack/accesses

_ TicTacToe w TicTacToe _ w

and they allow write access but not read, execute, or append access. This is sufficient to allow network communications, but not file access because file access, even for write, has to read the file attributes. It will be necessary to load these rules into the kernel using smackload, whose sole purpose is to ensure that the rules are properly formatted before writing them to /smack/load.

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Services Under the System Separation Configuration

The most sophisticated configuration will be one in which services are provided to users at multiple Smack labels, combining the schemes above. Continuing with the game server from the previous example casper can be given access by adding these rules to /etc/smack/accesses.

Ghost TicTacToe w TicTacToe Ghost w

The user casey could be allowed when running at Rogue.

Rogue TicTacToe w TicTacToe Rogue w

Note that while Ghost can write to TicTacToe and that TicTacToe can write to Rogue Ghost can not write directly to Rogue. This is important because unless tictactoe-server has been programmed to deal with clients at different Smack labels it will provide a channel through which Ghosts and Rogues can communicate.

The utility smackpolyport is designed to address this issue. This program redirects connections to multiple servers based on the label of the client connecting. A safer way to allow Ghosts and Rogues to use the service would be to make no explicit access rules and invoke the service thus:

# smackpolyport --client 4380 --server 4381:Ghost --server 4382:Rogue & # This echo must be the shell built-in! echo Ghost > /proc/self/attr/current su - tictac -c "tictactoe-server --data /usr/share/tictactoe-ghost --port 4381" & echo Rogue > /proc/self/attr/current su - tictac -c "tictactoe-server --data /usr/share/tictactoe-rogue --port 4382" &

The labeling on the directories /usr/share/tictactoe-ghost and /usr/share/tictactoe-rogue will of course need to match that of the servers using them. The smackpolyport program also provides a --master option, which identifies a server to be used for all labels that are not identified with a --server option. Needless to say, this has all the dangers of unlabeled communications, but there are cases where it can be handy.

SmackConfiguration (последним исправлял пользователь c-68-38-204-119 2011-05-23 02:56:04)

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