Manjaro linux удаленный доступ


How to Install xrdp with Command Line on Arch-Based Linux (Manjaro, BlackArch)

Quoting from xrdp ‘s own definition, it is «An open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server». To install this package ( xrdp ) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Anarchy and Artix is pretty uncomplicated. This guide will show you step-by-step how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

Table of Contents

Two common approaches are used to install xrdp from AUR. pacman is what you’re looking for if you are comfortable using Arch Linux and have the knowledge of how packages are built. If not, yay is a common alternative to install packages without the trouble to review PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg on your own.

sudo pacman -S --needed git && git clone && cd xrdp && makepkg -si
  1. Install git if it’s not already installed.
  2. clone the package’s git repository from upstream URL.
  3. cd into the folder of the repository.
  4. Build the package with makepkg , then install it with pacman .

Updating AUR packages is practically the same as installing them. All you have to do is pull it from source then re-build it. Even so, it is still a good practice to upgrade your whole system first with sudo pacman -Syu before updating any packages to avoid breaking your system, since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro.

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Check if you are in the directory of the repository you previously cloned before running the command:

git pull && makepkg -si
  1. pull from the package’s git repository.
  2. Build the package with makepkg . Also, it will automatically be updated with pacman if built successfully.

Compared to installing and updating packages, removing is the simplest of these three,all you have to do is choose whether to keep the unused dependencies and the configuration files generated by the package.

sudo pacman -R xrdp
sudo pacman -Rs xrdp
sudo pacman -Rns xrdp

For more information about AUR packages installation on Arch Linux, please refer to Two Ways to Install Packages from AUR on Arch Linux/Manjaro from NoCache.

How to Install interception-space2meta (Full Instructions) on Arch Linux (Manjaro/BlackArch)

«space2meta: turn space into meta when chorded to another key (on release)» is the developer’s description of interception-space2meta. To install and update this package (interception-space2meta) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, RebornOS and ArcoLinux is pretty easy. This guide will be covering how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

Installing fillets-ng-data with One Line of Command on Arch Linux/Manjaro/EndeavourOS

Referring to extra/fillets-ng-data’s gist, it’s «Data files for the port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets». To install this package (extra/fillets-ng-data) from Arch official repository (Extra) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, ArcoLinux) is fairly straightforward. This guide will be covering how to install, update and remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

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How to Install perl-email-stuffer with Command Line on Arch Linux/Manjaro/ArcoLinux

perl-email-stuffer is «A more casual approach to creating and sending emails» based on its own outline. To install and update perl-email-stuffer from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Anarchy and Garuda is quite easy. This guide will taught you how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

How to Install rusty_ulid (Step-by-Step Guide) on Arch Linux (Manjaro, ArcoLinux)

Based on rusty_ulid’s gist, it’s «Rust ULID generation and processing». To install and update rusty_ulid from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Artix and Parabola is comparatively straightforward. This guide will be covering how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

zsh-fish Install (Update, Remove) Tutorial on Arch Linux (Manjaro/Parabola)

«Configure zsh to be like fish» is their description of zsh-fish. To get this package (zsh-fish) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Parabola, RebornOS, BlackArch) is quite straightforward. This guide will cover how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

Installing love07 (Step-by-Step Guide) on Arch Linux/Manjaro/RebornOS

love07 is «An open-source 2D game engine using Lua scripting language (legacy 0.7.x version)» according to its own gist. To install and update this package (love07) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, BlackArch, Artix, Anarchy) is rather uncomplicated. This guide will show you step-by-step how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

More guides… copyright 2023 ArchPKGs. All Rights Reserved.


Как из Manjaro подключаться к другим ОС

Если вы используете Manjro и вам необходимо иметь удаленный доступ к другим операционным системам не важно Windows или Linux. То вам потребуется установить клиент удаленного рабочего стола для Linux Remmina. В большинстве дистрибутивов Linux, remmina уже установлена. Но в Manjaro нужно будет установить её самостоятельно. Это делается очень просто всего одной командой.

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Можете прочитать статьи на тему установки и использования клиента удаленного рабочего стола в других Linux системах.

Как подключиться к Windows или Linux из Manjaro

Для начала нужно запустить терминал, найти его можно через поиск.

Manjaro как запустить терминал

Далее водим команду которая установить remmina

Manjaro установка Remmina

Дожидаемся окончание установки, после чего можно запускать клиента. Найти его можно так же через поиск.

Manjaro как подключиться к другим ос

Остается только выбрать протокол SSH для Linux, RDP для подключения к WIndows и указать IP адрес.

Manjaro подключение к Windows и Linux

Интерфейс программы Remmina одинаков во всех операционных системах где бы вы его не использовали.


Install VNC on Manjaro for Remote Access

install tigervnc on manjaro linux

Recently I set up Proxmox on an old PC so that I could create a home lab. One of the VMs is for development that I would need to access remotely through some sort of remote viewing utility. The VM is running Manjaro Linux and while I could use TeamViewer to accomplish remote abilities, I’ve found that it doesn’t always provide the best performance so I wanted to explore other options. One of the more common options for Manjaro is TigerVNC so that is the remote access tool I decided to go with for my setup. This quick guide will help you install TigerVNC on Manjaro Linux so that you can remotely connect to and view your desktop, just as if you are sitting at the machine with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse directly connected to it.

While this guide is targeted at Manjaro, you can likely adapt it to work for other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu by swapping out commands like pacman for apt install for example.

Table of Contents

RDP Instead of VNC

Instead of VNC, you may want to consider trying out RDP. RDP has been known as a Windows remote desktop technology, but open-source Linux-compatible versions exist. One of these is XRDP, in many cases, it performs better than VNC.

Check out our guide on installing XRDP on Linux if you’re interested in trying it out.


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