Маршрутизатор huawei ne40e m2k b

About This Document

This document applies to V800R010C00 and later versions.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for:

  • On-site maintenance engineers
  • System maintenance engineers
  • Network monitoring engineers

Security Declaration

  • Notice on Limited Command Permission The documentation describes commands when you use Huawei devices and make network deployment and maintenance. The interfaces and commands for production, manufacturing, repair for returned products are not described here. If some advanced commands and compatible commands for engineering or fault location are incorrectly used, exceptions may occur or services may be interrupted. It is recommended that the advanced commands be used by engineers with high rights. If necessary, you can apply to Huawei for the permissions to use advanced commands.
  • Encryption algorithm declaration The encryption algorithms DES/3DES/RSA (with a key length of less than 2048 bits)/MD5 (in digital signature scenarios and password encryption)/SHA1 (in digital signature scenarios) have a low security, which may bring security risks. If protocols allowed, using more secure encryption algorithms, such as AES/RSA (with a key length of at least 2048 bits)/SHA2/HMAC-SHA2 is recommended. For security purposes, insecure protocols Telnet, FTP, and TFTP as well as weak security algorithms in BGP, LDP, PECP, MSDP, DCN, TCP-AO, MSTP, VRRP, E-Trunk, AAA, IPsec, BFD, QX, SSH, SNMP, IS-IS, RIP, SSL, NTP, OSPF, and keychain features are not recommended. To use such weak security algorithms, run the undo crypto weak-algorithm disable command to enable the weak security algorithm function. For details, see the Configuration Guide.
  • Password configuration declaration
    • When the password encryption mode is cipher, avoid setting both the start and end characters of a password to «%^%#». This causes the password to be displayed directly in the configuration file.
    • To further improve device security, periodically change the password.
    • Your purchased products, services, or features may use users’ some personal data during service operation or fault locating. You must define user privacy policies in compliance with local laws and take proper measures to fully protect personal data.
    • When discarding, recycling, or reusing a device, back up or delete data on the device as required to prevent data leakage. If you need support, contact after-sales technical support personnel.
    • The NetStream feature may be used to analyze the communication information of terminal customers for network traffic statistics and management purposes. Before enabling the NetStream feature, ensure that it is performed within the boundaries permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Effective measures must be taken to ensure that information is securely protected.
    • The mirroring feature may be used to analyze the communication information of terminal customers for a maintenance purpose. Before enabling the mirroring function, ensure that it is performed within the boundaries permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Effective measures must be taken to ensure that information is securely protected.
    • The packet header obtaining feature may be used to collect or store some communication information about specific customers for transmission fault and error detection purposes. Huawei cannot offer services to collect or store this information unilaterally. Before enabling the function, ensure that it is performed within the boundaries permitted by applicable laws and regulations. Effective measures must be taken to ensure that information is securely protected.

    Special Declaration

    • This document serves only as a guide. The content is written based on device information gathered under lab conditions. The content provided by this document is intended to be taken as general guidance, and does not cover all scenarios. The content provided by this document may be different from the information on user device interfaces due to factors such as version upgrades and differences in device models, board restrictions, and configuration files. The actual user device information takes precedence over the content provided by this document. The preceding differences are beyond the scope of this document.
    • The maximum values provided in this document are obtained in specific lab environments (for example, only a certain type of board or protocol is configured on a tested device). The actually obtained maximum values may be different from the maximum values provided in this document due to factors such as differences in hardware configurations and carried services.
    • Interface numbers used in this document are examples. Use the existing interface numbers on devices for configuration.
    • The pictures of hardware in this document are for reference only.
    • The supported boards are described in the document. Whether a customization requirement can be met is subject to the information provided at the pre-sales interface.
    • In this document, public IP addresses may be used in feature introduction and configuration examples and are for reference only unless otherwise specified.
    • The configuration precautions described in this document may not accurately reflect all scenarios.
    • Log Reference and Alarm Reference respectively describe the logs and alarms for which a trigger mechanism is available. The actual logs and alarms that the product can generate depend on the types of services it supports.

    Symbol Conventions

    The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

    Indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

    Indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

    Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.

    NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.

    Supplements the important information in the main text.

    NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

    Command Conventions

    The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

    Command arguments are in italics.

    Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

    Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected.

    Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

    Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected.

    Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

    The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n times.

    A line starting with the # sign is comments.

    Change History

    Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains all updates made in previous issues.

    This issue is the sixth official release.

    This issue is the fifth official release.

    This issue is the fourth official release.

    ADD «HTTPS Redirection Troubleshooting».

    This issue is the third official release.

    This issue is the second official release.

    This issue is the first official release.


    Универсальные сервисные маршрутизаторы NetEngine40E

    Универсальные маршрутизаторы услуг серии NetEngine40E

    Универсальные профессиональные устройства NetEngine40E (NE40E) предназначены для выполнения функций маршрутизаторов ядра в корпоративных глобальных сетях, маршрутизаторов доступа в крупных корпоративных сетях, маршрутизаторов взаимосвязи и агрегации в кампусных сетях и граничных маршрутизаторов в крупномасштабных сетях IDC.

    В данных устройствах, спроектированных на основе 2-Тбитной платформы, используются микросхемы Solar и универсальная платформа маршрутизации (VRP) разработки Huawei. Линейные платы маршрутизации 2 Тбит/с позволяют применять устройства в высокоразвитых решениях WAN SDN. Благодаря высокой производительности, низкому потреблению энергии, инновационной технологии «жестких» IP-каналов и быстрой эволюции, маршрутизаторы NE40E отвечают требованиям низкой задержки и высокой надежности критически важных для бизнеса сервисов.

    Маршрутизаторы NE40E завоевали ряд международных наград и применяются в государственным секторе, а также в финансовой, энергетической и транспортной отраслях, сферах радиовещания и телевидения.


    88 all flash optimization

    Платы 2 Тбит/с с лучшими в отрасли характеристиками и возможностью расширения до 4 Тбит/с, в ближайшем будущем планируется предоставление портов 400 Гбит/с. Высокая плотность портов обеспечивает экономию пространства, а запатентованные микросхемы Solar и энергосберегающие технологии Huawei обеспечивают высокую производительность при низком потреблении энергии.


    165 leading business capabilities

    NE40E созданы на базе архитектуры SDN. Лучшие в отрасли технологии оптимизации сетей с использованием MPLS и встроенной поддержки оптимизации IP позволяют решить проблемы неравномерного распределения трафика, низкой эффективности использования полосы пропускания и низкой сходимости сетей, возникающих в результате повторных вычислений маршрутов в случае неисправности.


    166 innovative pipeline technology

    Технология «жесткого» IP-канала — это еще одно новаторское решение Huawei (RFC 7625). В решении применяются уже известные технологии MPLS TE и HQoS, гарантирующие применение специального «жесткого» канала для передачи сервисов по выделенным линиям, подобно технологии SDH, путем планирования и выделения аппаратных ресурсов, обеспечивающих низкую задержку и высокую надежность.



    Модель NE40E-X16A NE40E-X16 NE40E-X8A NE40E-X8 NE40E-X3A NE40E-X3
    81.92 Тбит/с 12.58 Тбит/с 25.16 Тбит/с 7.08 Тбит/с 2.76 Тбит/с 1.08 Тбит/с
    Скорость передачи 14,464 млн.пакетов/сек. 5,760 млн.пакетов/сек. 5,760 млн.пакетов/сек. 2,880 млн.пакетов/сек. 900 млн.пакетов/сек. 540 млн.пакетов/сек.
    Слоты MPU 2 2 2 2 2 2
    Слоты SFU 4 4 2 1 0 0
    Слоты LPU 16 16 8 8 3 3
    (В x Ш x Г)
    1,778 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (40U) 1,420 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (32U) 930 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (21U) 620 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (14U) 264 мм x 442 мм x 664 мм (6U) 175 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (DC 4U)
    220 мм x 442 мм x 650 мм (AC 5U)
    Максимальное потребление электроэнергии 9,040 Вт (480G) 4,610 Вт (120G)
    7,970 Вт (240G)
    4,770 Вт (480G) 2,340 Вт (120G)
    4,100 Вт (240G)
    600 Вт (200G) 1,070 Вт (AC)
    920 Вт (DC)
    Вес (при полной конфигурации) 356 кг (480G) 246 кг (120G)
    279 кг (240G)
    186 кг (480G) 119 кг (120G)
    136 кг (240G)
    75 кг (200G) 42 кг (DC)
    52 кг (AC)
    Модель NE40E-M2H NE40E-M2K NE40E-F1A-14H24Q
    Коммутационная ёмкость 960 Gbps 1.82 Tbps 4 Tbps
    Скорость передачи 330 млн.пакетов/сек. 410 млн.пакетов/сек. 820 млн.пакетов/сек.
    Слоты LPU 2 2 0
    Габариты 89 мм x 442 мм x 220 мм (2U) 88.1 мм x 442 мм x 220 мм (2U) 44 мм x 442 мм x 600 мм (1U)
    Максимальное потребление электроэнергии 525 Вт (AC) 309 Вт (AC) 470 Вт (AC)
    487 Вт (DC) 271 Вт (DC) 470 Вт (DC)
    Вес(при полной конфигурации) 11 кг (DC) 11 кг (DC) 11.95 кг (DC)
    12 кг (AC) 12.2 кг (AC) 11.95 кг (AC)


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