Math commands in linux

How to do Basic Math in Linux Command Line

bc command is used for command line calculator. It is similar to basic calculator by using which we can do basic mathematical calculations.

Can I do math in Bash?

Since you can’t do floating-point arithmetic natively in Bash, you will have to use a command-line tool. The most common one is “ bc — An arbitrary precision calculator language”. To start the interactive mode, you simply need to type bc in your command prompt.

What are different types of commands in Linux?

  • pwd command. Use the pwd command to find out the path of the current working directory (folder) you’re in. .
  • cd command. To navigate through the Linux files and directories, use the cd command. .
  • ls command. .
  • cat command. .
  • cp command. .
  • mv command. .
  • mkdir command. .
  • rmdir command.

Where is run command in Linux?

  • Use Linux Bash Shell on Windows 10. .
  • Use Git Bash to run Bash commands on Windows. .
  • Using Linux commands in Windows with Cygwin. .
  • Use Linux in virtual machine.

How do I run a calculator in Linux terminal?

To open it, simply type calc in a terminal and hit Enter. Like bc, you’ll need to use typical operators. For example, 5 * 5 for five multiplied by five. When you type a calculation, hit Enter.

How do you do calculations?

  1. Convert the problem to an equation using the percentage formula: P% * X = Y.
  2. P is 10%, X is 150, so the equation is 10% * 150 = Y.
  3. Convert 10% to a decimal by removing the percent sign and dividing by 100: 10/100 = 0.10.
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How do you sum in Linux?

  1. sum -r: This option will use BSD sum algorithm, use 1K blocks. Example: sum -r myfile.txt.
  2. sum -s: This option will use System V sum algorithm, use 512 bytes blocks. Example: sum -s myfile.txt.
  3. sum –help : This option displays the help text and exit. .
  4. sum –version : This option will show the version information and exit.

Which command is used for calculation?

Other Operations with the Calculate Command

Use To Expression
/ Divide $7000/12
* Multiply 12*$583
+ or space Add 19,000+16,500 or 19,000 16,500
% Calculate percentage $155.79*6%

How do you add numbers in Linux terminal?

If you want the user to input the number as an argument to the script, you can use the script below: #!/bin/bash number=»$1″ default=10 sum=`echo «$number + $default» | bc` echo «The sum of $number and 10 is $sum.» Check: ./ 50 The sum of 50 and 10 is 60.

Which command is used to show any message on Linux terminal?

5 Answers. Normally, a welcome message can be shown by customizing the /etc/motd file (which stands for Message Of The Day). /etc/motd is not a script but a text file which contents are shown before the first prompt of a login session.

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The simplest way to check for the CentOS version number is to execute the cat /etc/centos-release command. Identifying the accurate CentOS version may.

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Download Visual Studio Code for Ubuntu 18.04 – Open the web browser and navigate to and download the . deb installer to.

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5 Useful Ways to Do Arithmetic in Linux Terminal

In this article, we will show you various useful ways of doing arithmetic’s in the Linux terminal. By the end of this article, you will learn basic different practical ways of doing mathematical calculations in the command line.

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1. Using Bash Shell

The first and easiest way do basic math on the Linux CLI is a using double parenthesis. Here are some examples where we use values stored in variables:

$ ADD=$(( 1 + 2 )) $ echo $ADD $ MUL=$(( $ADD * 5 )) $ echo $MUL $ SUB=$(( $MUL - 5 )) $ echo $SUB $ DIV=$(( $SUB / 2 )) $ echo $DIV $ MOD=$(( $DIV % 2 )) $ echo $MOD

Arithmetic in Linux Bash Shell

2. Using expr Command

The expr command evaluates expressions and prints the value of provided expression to standard output. We will look at different ways of using expr for doing simple math, making comparison, incrementing the value of a variable and finding the length of a string.

The following are some examples of doing simple calculations using the expr command. Note that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells, for instance the * operator (we will look at more under comparison of expressions).

$ expr 3 + 5 $ expr 15 % 3 $ expr 5 \* 3 $ expr 5 – 3 $ expr 20 / 4

Basic Arithmetic Using expr Command in Linux

Next, we will cover how to make comparisons. When an expression evaluates to false, expr will print a value of 0, otherwise it prints 1.

Let’s look at some examples:

$ expr 5 = 3 $ expr 5 = 5 $ expr 8 != 5 $ expr 8 \> 5 $ expr 8 \< 5 $ expr 8 \

Comparing Arithmetic Expressions in Linux

You can also use the expr command to increment the value of a variable. Take a look at the following example (in the same way, you can also decrease the value of a variable).

$ NUM=$(( 1 + 2)) $ echo $NUM $ NUM=$(expr $NUM + 2) $ echo $NUM

Increment Value of a Variable

Let’s also look at how to find the length of a string using:

$ expr length "This is"

Find Length of a String

For more information especially on the meaning of the above operators, see the expr man page:

3. Using bc Command

bc (Basic Calculator) is a command-line utility that provides all features you expect from a simple scientific or financial calculator. It is specifically useful for doing floating point math.

If bc command not installed, you can install it using:

$ sudo apt install bc #Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo yum install bc #RHEL/CentOS $ sudo dnf install bc #Fedora 22+

Once installed, you can run it in interactive mode or non-interactively by passing arguments to it – we will look at both case. To run it interactively, type the command bc on command prompt and start doing some math, as shown.

Start bc in Non-Interactive Mode

The following examples show how to use bc non-interactively on the command-line.

$ echo '3+5' | bc $ echo '15 % 2' | bc $ echo '15 / 2' | bc $ echo '(6 * 2) - 5' | bc

Do Math Using bc in Linux

The -l flag is used to the default scale (digits after the decimal point) to 20, for example:

$ echo '12/5 | bc' $ echo '12/5 | bc -l'

Do Math with Floating Numbers

4. Using Awk Command

Awk is one of the most prominent text-processing programs in GNU/Linux. It supports the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus arithmetic operators. It is also useful for doing floating point math.

You can use it to do basic math as shown.

$ awk 'BEGIN < a = 6; b = 2; print "(a + b) = ", (a + b) >' $ awk 'BEGIN < a = 6; b = 2; print "(a - b) = ", (a - b) >' $ awk 'BEGIN < a = 6; b = 2; print "(a * b) = ", (a * b) >' $ awk 'BEGIN < a = 6; b = 2; print "(a / b) = ", (a / b) >' $ awk 'BEGIN < a = 6; b = 2; print "(a % b) attachment_31503" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-31503" style="width: 822px" >Do Basic Math Using Awk Command
Do Basic Math Using Awk Command

If you are new to Awk, we have a complete series of guides to get you started with learning it: Learn Awk Text Processing Tool.

5. Using factor Command

The factor command is use to decompose an integer into prime factors. For example:

$ factor 10 $ factor 127 $ factor 222 $ factor 110

Factor a Number in Linux

That’s all! In this article, we have explained various useful ways of doing arithmetic’s in the Linux terminal. Feel free to ask any questions or share any thoughts about this article via the feedback form below.


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