Menu lst puppy linux

GRUB is a BootLoaders BootLoader. Within Puppy Linux GRUB may be installed onto any partition using: Menu > System > Grub

This file should contain entries similar to these:

# For booting GNU/Linux on /dev/sda1 (H.D.D. primary partition) title Puppy Linux rootnotify (hd0,0) kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz
# For booting GNU/Linux on /dev/sda1 (U.S.B. flash drive partition) title Puppy Linux rootnotify (hd0,0) kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz



When the GRUB menu comes up, press ‘c’ to go to a command line.
Type ‘find /vmlinuz’ and ‘find /initrd.gz’
This will tell you where GRUB thinks the files are.

GRUB GRand Unified Bootloader, a multiboot bootloader that is easy to install and configure. It can boot from the Master Boot Record on a hard drive or from a CD. Especially easy to set up for Puppy.

To learn about the GNU GRUB project, please see:

The manual for «legacy» GRUB, including 0.96 installable from Puppy installer, please see:

GRUB (short for GRand Unified Boot Loader) is a boot loader, similar in overall function to LILO. It is the standard way to boot into an operating system (or several) used by most recent Linux distributions, but capable of being loaded on any Linux distro.

Go here for a comparison of Lilo & Grub, written by Laurence Bonney (IBM).

From TheBabbs — I run Puppy Linux 1.0.6 (soon to be 1.0.7) and Fedora Core 3 on the same desktop machine. Each has its own partition on different drives. When I first added Puppy Linux to this system, I had the hardest time configuring the GRUB install which Fedora had previously installed. It was not until someone provided me a sample configuration that I was able to hack «/boot/grub/grub.conf» to add an option to choose which Linux I wanted to use. In light of that, here is what I presently have in my grub.conf file:

# grub.conf
password —md5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
title Puppy Linux (1.0.6)

MBR Solving problems with

if grub is more or less working, you should be able to boot Win XP by booting, press C to get a grub command line interface, then type:

you should be able to fix the mbr by booting the Win XP installation cd, getting the recovery console interface, then typing

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but your Windows cd may not have a recovery console

i’m not sure, but i think you can install any standard mbr . all the mbr should need to do is transfer control to the boot sector of the partition that Windows is installed on

one way to install a standard mbr from Puppy is to download mbr.bin and type:
dd if=mbr.bin of=/dev/hda
see: pclinuxos wiki
i think this should work without overwriting your partition table, because mbr.bin is 446 bytes

if it were to over write the entire 512 bytes of the mbr, your partition table would be gone, and everything on your drive would be lost . you should be able to backup the entire mbr sector first by typing something like:
dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
you should be able to restore it by typing:
dd of=/dev/hda bs=512

you should be able to burn a bootable floppy or floppy image to a cd using any burning program, so if you don’t have a floppy drive but you do have a cd drive, it should not be a problem

Ultimate Boot CD should be able to install a standard mbr:

Booting Puppy using the Grub bootloader

This is a series of pages from the Puppy HowTo forum giving you a simple guide to setting up the Grub bootloader to boot Puppy from the’ Master Boot Record’ on your hard drive or creating a CD that will allow you to boot Puppy and Windows if you have Puppy installed in a Windows partition.

Grub — Windows — Linux Partition naming conventions

This is an introduction for beginners to Grub and how it works with Windows and Linux.

First we must introduce the idea of hard drives and partitions for those of you who know a little or nothing about the subject.

A hard drive is composed of platters stacked inside a case and accessed through what are called heads. These platters resemble CDs to a certain extent but differ in that both sides are written to and read from and the way they are divided into sections is different to a CD.
Hard drives are divided into sections called sectors and the sectors are arranged into what are refered to as cylinders, the combination of sectors and cylinders makes up the total of the hard drive.

Hard drives can by divided into partitions which are separate from each other and the divisions are defined by cylinder numbers starting at number1 and continuing on to the end of the hard drive as desired. For example on a 4.1G hard drive you could have one big partition that takes up all the space on the hard drive and it might look like this:

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Start of partition = cyl no. 1

End of partition = cyl no. 525

In Windows this partition would be called C drive ( C: ) as this is how Windows describes partitions.
If you decided to create two partitions on your hard drive Windows would call the second one D drive
( D: ) so you would have:
on your hard drive as displayed in Windows, this all applies to DOS but I will just use Windows to cover all Microsoft operating systems, so for every extra partition you create Windows just uses the next letter in the alphabet. You will notice it does the same with CD drives as well.

Linux on the other hand uses a different naming convention, first it names the hard drive as hd and starting with the first hard drive it too uses letters of the alphabet so that the first hard drive on your system, the master hard drive, is named hda. The partitions are numbered starting at number 1.
So your C: drive in Windows would be named hda1 in Linux and subsequent partitions would be, hda2, hda3, and so on. If you had a second hard drive, a slave hard drive, under Linux it would become hdb and the partitions would become hdb1, hdb2.

Grub starts it’s notation from zero, 0, it also uses the hd convention but does things slightly different.
For the first hard drive Grub shows hd0, for the second, hd1 etc.
Partitions also start at zero, so first hard drive — first partition is hd0,0 . For Grub to recognize this it must be enclosed in brackets i.e. (hd0,0).

At the beginning of the hard drive is a small section that never shows up in Windows or most operating systems called the Master Boot Record which is accessed by the BIOS in your computer to boot operating systems. This is where Grub is installed if you do a complete installation to a hard drive otherwise Grub can be set up on a CD and used to boot operating systems.

When Grub boots it looks for a boot directory with a grub directory inside it containing a configuration file, this is the file that you edit to allow your operating system/systems to start. Depending on what version of Linux you are using this file may be named, grub.conconf or somthing similar but they all use the same terminology to describe what and how Grub should boot.

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To sum up we will compare the partition naming conventions.

When partitioning a hard drive there are certain rules that apply to Windows and Linux.
In Windows you are only allowed one Primary partition on your hard drive, to have extra partitions you must create an extended partition which does not hold data as it is only a receptacal for more partitions called Logical drives.
In Linux you can have four Primary partitions on your hard drive.

I hope this will help you understand the way drives and partitions are named and the way Grub sees things. This should help when it comes to editing the Grub configuration file.

Set up Grub on a single HDD Puppy installation.

If you have done the same as me and installed Puppy as a standalone OS in its own ex2fs partition on a hard drive and are still using a floppy to boot with, here is a quick and easy way to set up a bootloader.
I used Grub and set it up manually, it doesn’t have a pretty splashscreen but it boots quicker than using the floppy.

Grub requires just four files plus the vmlinuz of your current installation.
The Grub files are:

e2fs_stage1_5 (If you use a different filesystem you must select the appropiate stage1_5 file to suit. )

These are available from the Puppy forum here.

If you download the ‘grub_files.tar.gz’ tarball from the forum save it to /root/my-applications. To unpack it, open a terminal, click on rxvt on the desktop and type in,

this will place a folder called ‘Grub_files’ in my-applications.

To boot from Grub you must have a boot directory.containing a grub directory to hold the required files. As I had only one partition on my hard drive I just created a boot directory under the main tree /.
Open rxvt and type:

Now you need vmlinuz installed in the boot directory, ( I copied mine from the Puppy boot floppy made during the hard drive install)

Insert the boot floppy and using Start / File managers / Mount/unmount drives mount the floppy.
Go to /mnt/floppy and either drag or copy vmlinuz to /boot.

Next copy stage1 stage2 menu.lst and e2fs_stage1_5 (or whatever) to /boot/grub.

Now copy stage1 and stage2 to a floppy:


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