Merging files in linux

Linux merging files

Solution 3: If the files have the same number of rows, you can do something like: to print colums 1 and 3 from file 1 and column 2 from file2. Note: this question, in its simplest form, has already an answer in: Merging file by row Solution 1: Here’s an extension of the simpler case you linked to, using an array in Unlike , it doesn’t require pre-sorting of the files on the key field.

Linux merging files

I’m doing a linux online course but im stuck with a question, you can find the question below.

You will get three files called , and . Merge the contents of these three files and write it to a new file called Respect the order: must contain the contents of first, followed by those of, followed by those of

Example Suppose the given files have the following contents:

The file should then have

as its content. I know how to merge the 3 files but when i use cat my output is:

When i use paste my output is «+++ ‘a lot of spaces’ [][][][] ‘a lot of spaces’ <><><>«

My output that i need is +++[][][][]<><><> , i dont want the spaces between the content. Can someone help me?

What you want to do is delete the newline characters.

cat .bf | tr --delete '\n' > 
echo $(cat .bf) | sed -E 's/ //g' > 
.bf xargs | sed -E 's/ //g' > 

Note that sed is only used to remove the spaces.

echo -n «$(cat$(cat$(cat» >

How to Use the join command on Linux, You can use the —check-order option if you want to see whether join is happy with the sort order of a files—no merging will be attempted. To do so, we type the following: join —check-order file-1.txt file-3.txt. join tells you in advance there’s going to be a problem with line seven of file file-3.txt. Files with Missing …

Automatic merging of files in Linux (One way)

I’m looking for a linux command line utility, that can auto-merge
differences between two files(one way only).

For all diffs present only in source file, the tool should apply
those automatically to destination.
If there is a conflict, the tool should skip it for manual resolution.

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1. This has to be done over 100s of files, that’s why GUI tool is not suitable.
2. Source code control tools can’t be used, otherwise I would have used ‘p4 resolve’
3. I looked at ‘sdiff -o’, but it is interactive

dest file

src file

After merge, dest file should be

Are these files in source control? Source control can manage diffs this way because they have engines that build files from a series of deltas. When you merge files there are well-defined ways to walk delta trees based on timestamp or hash-entry order and assemble the final file.

If you are using source control just use their merge facilities. If you just have two files with similiar content then there is no sensible way to accomplish this. How could a program understand how you want the files merged?

To be succinct,A merge requires three parties the first file, the second file, and a common ancestor.

Linux — Bash — joining (merging) files by columns, I need to join second and third files to first using columns 3 and 4 in first file, and column 1 in second and Stack Overflow. About; Products (merging) files by columns. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. Modified 7 years, 6 months ago. linux bash file join awk. Share. Follow edited Jan 15, …

Merge two files in linux with different column

I have two files in linux, the first file has 4 columns and the second has 2 columns. I want to merge these files into a new file that has the first 3 columns from file 1 and the first column from file 2. I tried awk, but my data from file 2 was placed under file 1.

Not sure which columns you want from each file, but something like this should work:

The first three columns would be picked from file1 , and the fourth skipped, then pick the first column from the second file.

If the files have the same number of rows, you can do something like:

to print colums 1 and 3 from file 1 and column 2 from file2.

you can try this one without paste command: awk '' file1 >> mergedfile awk '' file2 >> mergedfile 

Merging multiple files by row

Is it possible to copy the rows of File1 and File2 in a new File4 following the instruction given by File3 by using a simple bash script (sed? awk?).

 File1: /*two or more columns, tab delimited*/ AC 456324 DC 689712 GH 123677 KL 236587 File2: /*two or more columns, tab delimited*/ DC AABBC TTYJU AC DDDEE YYUKI KL GGHHG QQSSD File3: /*one column*/ AC DC File4 /*tab delimited*/ AC 456324 DDDEE YYUKI DC 689712 AABBC TTYJU 

I’m actually performing this using Python dictionaries, and I wondered if you knew a simple way out.

Note: this question, in its simplest form, has already an answer in: Merging file by row

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Here’s an extension of the simpler case you linked to, using an array in awk

$ awk 'BEGIN NR==FNR \ $1 in a END' File3 File1 File2 AC 456324 DDDEE YYUKI DC 689712 AABBC TTYJU 

Unlike join , it doesn’t require pre-sorting of the files on the key field.

You can accomplish it fairly with the join command.

$ join -j 1 <(sort file3) <(sort file1) >tmp ; \ join -j 1 <(sort tmp) <(sort file2) | sed 's/ /\t/g' >file4 
  • I first use join on file3 and file1 since file3 has the keys.
  • Now, I write the output of the above command to tmp and now again do the join on tmp and file2 .
  • Now, as per the above command, the output will be in space delimited format.
  • As your requirement is tab delimited format, I fed this to sed command which replaces all spaces by tab.
  • Finally, I write it to file4 as per your requirement.

If by «simple» you mean that you don’t have to write a lot of code, there are a lot of tools like csvkit or csvfix out there that can help you with this — in particular, have a look at the «join» sub-commands they both provide.

But if you meant that it must not have any extra requirements, I don’t think there is a «simple» way. At least it’s definitely not going to be a one-liner.

Besides, this isn’t a problem that I’d try to solve using just bash plus the standard Unix utilities, anyway. For things like these, you’re doing fine with Python, in my opinion — especially if the problem becomes more complex.

Merging .csv Files in Linux, Once we call the csvstack command on these two files, it will merge them as tables: $ csvstack A2.csv B2.csv > out2.csv $ cat out2.csv A,B 1,2 7,9. If two columns have the same title, this command will simply merge their data from all files into a single column rather than creating a file with duplicated columns. 3.


How to merge all (text) files in a directory into one?

This is technically what cat («concatenate») is supposed to do, even though most people just use it for outputting files to stdout. If you give it multiple filenames it will output them all sequentially, and then you can redirect that into a new file; in the case of all files just use ./* (or /path/to/directory/* if you’re not in the directory already) and your shell will expand it to all the filenames (excluding hidden ones by default).

Make sure you don’t use the csh or tcsh shells for that which expand the glob after opening the merged-file for output, and that merged-file doesn’t exist before hand, or you’ll likely end up with an infinite loop that fills up the filesystem.

The list of files is sorted lexically. If using zsh , you can change the order (to numeric, or by age, size. ) with glob qualifiers.

To include files in sub-directories, use:

find . ! -path ./merged-file -type f -exec cat <> + > merged-file 

Though beware the list of files is not sorted and hidden files are included. -type f here restricts to regular files only as it’s unlikely you’ll want to include other types of files. With GNU find , you can change it to -xtype f to also include symlinks to regular files.

Would do the same ( (-.) achieving the equivalent of -xtype f ) but give you a sorted list and exclude hidden files (add the D qualifier to bring them back). zargs can be used there to work around argument list too long errors.


Merge Files in the Linux Command Line

Learn various ways of merging multiple files into another file in the Linux command line.

Got two or more files and need to merge them in a single file? The simplest way would be to use the cat command. After all, the cat command’s original purpose is to concatenate files.

Use the cat command to merge files in Linux

Merging two files is simple. You just have to append the filename to the cat command and that’s it:

merging two files using cat command in linux

As you can see, I used the cat command to show the contents of a file and then merged them.

But it won’t save any changes. To save those changes, you have to redirect the file contents to another file.

merge two files using cat command in linux

Remember, the > will override the contents of the file so I would recommend using a new file as the cat will create the file if it doesn’t exist.

So how can you modify the editing file while keeping the previous content intact?

Append changes to the existing file

To modify the existing file, you just have to use >> instead of single > and you’d be good to go.

For example, I will make edit the existing file File_3.txt by appending Hello.txt and Sagar.txt :

merge into existing file using cat command

As you can see, it added new text in the end line while keeping the old content intact.

Automate the merging files using the loop in Linux

Here, I will be using for loop (till three iterations as I want to merge three files) also you can use > or >> as per your needs.

for i in ; do cat "File_$i.txt" >> NewFile.txt; done

using for loop to merge files in linux

Use the sed command to merge files in Linux (temporary)

There are many times when you want to apply changes only for a specific time and in those cases, you can use sed.

Being a non-interactive way of editing files, the sed utility can be tremendously useful when used in the right way.

And when used with the h flag, it will hold the buffer temporarily:

use sed command to merge files

Wrapping Up

This was my take on how you can merge files using the sed and cat command. And if you have any queries, leave us a comment.


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