Metamod cs go linux


The MetaMod:Source 1.11 branch has now been declared the new stable branch. This is mostly a maintenance release with under the hood changes. There are no new features beyond additional game support. Users have been using MM:S on those games for years now in some cases. Below is a list of what’s new in the 1.11 branch compared to 1.10.

  • Fixed linking errors with some compilers when MM:S plugins call functions in tier1 interface.h
  • Added support for the following engine variants: Source SDK 2013, Blade Symphony, Insurgency, Contagion, Black Mesa, and Day of Infamy.
  • Updated Dota 2 support for the move to Source 2 from Source. (Currently broken due to other game changes since then).
  • Added 64-bit support for games with supported 64-bit dedicated server versions, including 64-bit support in SourceHook.
  • Ported Episode 1 build from Core Legacy API to Core API.
  • Removed support for plugins using the «Core Legacy» API.
  • Updated AMBuild dependency to version 2.2.

Move to Rolling Release Model

Metamod:Source, like SourceMod, is now officially on a rolling release cycle.

What this means to you
There won’t be any more «point» releases (1.10.7, etc). Instead, we’re going to continue to make an effort to keep the stable branch stable, and better relay information about what has changed in each build.

Major releases with potential API breakage will still occur and will still have release notes, along with continued updates even after the branch is considered to be stable.

Some of the recent, potentially-breaking changes in the Dev branch include support for Source 2, support for 64-bit dedicated servers, and removal of the old v1.4 «ep1» plugin API. (The newer v1.6 API is now used for The Ship and Source SDK 2006 mods).

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The old Downloads and Snapshots pages have been merged and now contain more useful information than before. There are immediate links at the top to download the latest build for your OS, as well as other recent builds displayed below with information about the changes in that build over the previous one. We may still need to sort out some small things, but most everything is in place now. If you come across any issues with these changes, please post a comment in the forum.


Metamod cs go linux

git clone cd steamcmd/ ./steamcmd login anonymous app_update 740

Go to
App ID — 730
Memo — just a label
Click «Create» and grab your login token

cd .steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive\ Beta\ -\ Dedicated\ Server/ nano csgo/cfg/server.cfg

Add there «sv_setsteamaccount YOUR-LOGIN-TOKEN«

You can take server.cfg somewhere end edit it or write it by yourself, do what you want.

./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active -tickrate 128 +map de_mirage

Download archives from there and extract it into «csgo» folder

The mod path should look like this «.steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike\ Global\ Offensive\ Beta\ -\ Dedicated\ Server/csgo/addons/«

Now start your server again and type «meta list».

If you see list of addons — your server is ready to go.

If console prints that there is no such command, read text below.

Unable to load plugin «addons/metamod/bin/linux64/server»
Failed to load plugin «addons/metamod/bin/server»

If you see this error in console during server start, then you should download lib32-gcc-libs.

Now start your server.
If you still have the same problem, then you should downgrade these libs.

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I’ve downgraded these libs to 10.2.0-6 version, any earlier version didn’t solve this problem to me.

If pacman failing because of PGP signature, then you should edit /etc/pacman.conf to have the following lines under [options]

Now type «meta list» in console
If it prints list of plugins, then Metamod and SourceMod are successfully installed!


Установка Metamod:Source

Эта статья посвящена установке Metamod:Source. Используйте данное руководство, если вы хотите установить Metamod:Source вручную, или по каким-то причинам вы не можете (или не будете) использовать автоматическую установку.

1. Загрузите по ссылке Metamod:Source (1.7 или выше) .
2. Извлеките содержимое скачанного архива в папку игры вашего сервера. Например, для Counter-Strike:Source, вы должны получить cstrike/addons/metamod после распаковки. Если вы работаете с сервером через FTP, скопируйте извлеченные файлы в папку игры вашего сервера.
3. Нажмите здесь если хотите создать файл metamod.vdf для вашего сервера. После завершения разместите этот файл в папке addons вашего сервера.
Примечание: если вы хотите использовать старый Metamod, вам нужно изменить файл gameinfo.txt. Тогда пропустите этот (3ий) шаг и изучите пункт Gameinfo этой статьи.
4. Перезагрузите сервер если он запущен.
5. Введите в консоли сервера

[COLOR=Black]Metamod:Source version 1.7.1 Build ID: 644:f526469efdeb Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin Compiled on: Feb 25 2009 Plugin interface version: 10:7 SourceHook version: 4:3[/COLOR]

Gameinfo (этот способ использовать не рекомендуется)
Metamod:Source 1.4.2 и ниже использует более старый метод для загрузки себя. Преимущество этого метода заключается в том, что Metamod:Source может быть загружен фактически до мода игры, этот метод дал ему небольшое количество дополнительных функций. Эта функция не была использована в плагинах разработчиков, и обновления Valve перезаписывают файл gameinfo.txt после регулярных обновлений , поэтому мы перешли к другому механизм загрузки Metamod’a.
Однако этот механизм погрузки может быть желательным, если вы столкнетесь с обратной совместимостью, или у вас есть плагин который использует преимущества механизма загрузки используемого ранее. Если это ваш случай, вот gameinfo.txt ниже:
Откройте файл gameinfo.txt в папке вашего мода, вы увидете несколько подобных строк:

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Metamod:Source uses rolling releases, and updates are continuous. Updates to stable versions of MM:S are small and non-disruptive. It is generally recommended to run the latest stable build, however, it is not necessarily urgent to upgrade when a newer build appears.

These are unstable, development MM:S builds. For stable builds, see this page instead.

Metamod:Source’s PDB Symbol Server: .
Click here to see how to use this URL in Visual Studio. The URL is not web-browseable.

Latest 20 Builds from 1.12 Branch (Click here for all)

Build Download Change Details Src
1168 Only load plugins that have executable extensions.
1167 Revert «add support for IServerPluginCallbacks v3 and v4»
1166 add support for IServerPluginCallbacks v3 and v4
1165 Add support for Military Conflict: Vietnam (#100)
1164 Update Github Action workflow versions
1163 Make PVKII also link against stdc++ for Linux (#98)
1162 Split PVKII into its own engine branch (#97)
1161 Trigger build for Blade/Insurgency SDK changes.
1160 Trigger build against hl2sdk-csgo changes.
1159 Fix helpers module path lookup on newer Perl versions.
1158 Trigger build against hl2sdk-csgo changes.
1157 Trigger build for Contagion hl2sdk update.
1156 Don’t build SDKs that aren’t present.
1155 Exclude mock from all SDKs.
1154 Fix hl2sdk-mock build.
1153 Disable hl2sdk-mock build until it builds without errors.
1152 On Linux Blade Symphony, link against server libs instead of client. (Fixes META_CONPRINT)
1151 Add support for hl2sdk-mock.
1150 Fix snapshot links in readme
1149 Switch to python3 for ambuild.

Click here to view the Metamod:Source License


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