Microsoft all in one keyboard linux

All-in-One Media Keyboard

Устройтесь поудобнее за этой клавиатурой со встроенной сенсорной панелью и начните успевать больше

Клавиатура All-in-One Media Keyboard — идеальное устройство для гостиной или домашнего офиса. Она обладает полноразмерным набором клавиш и интегрированной мультисенсорной панелью (последняя поддерживает разнообразные действия: печать, проведение, перетаскивание, увеличение и нажатие). Также имеются настраиваемые горячие мультимедийные клавиши, обеспечивающие быстрый доступ к Интернету и любимой музыке, фотографиям и фильмам. Клавиатура прочна, поэтому можно не опасаться ударов, падений или пролитого кофе, что периодически случается в жизни. All-in-One Media Keyboard — это все, что вам нужно для комфортной печати и беспроблемной навигации.

Интегрированная мультисенсорная панель

Интегрированная мультисенсорная панель — это удобная навигация с поддержкой жестов, призванная упростить работу с Windows. Поддерживает различные действия: касание, проведение, перетаскивание, увеличение и нажатие.

Настраиваемые горячие мультимедийные клавиши

Настраиваемые горячие мультимедийные клавиши обеспечивают быстрый доступ к музыке, фотографиям и видео.

Доступные регуляторы громкости

Легкодоступные и простые в использовании регуляторы громкости обеспечивают дополнительное удобство при работе с мультимедиа.

Долговечный дизайн с защитой от пролитой жидкости

Спроектирован так, чтобы остаться целым, даже если вы будете на него время от времени садиться или ронять его. Выдержит и случайно пролитый кофе.

Беспроводная связь (USB)

Свободно перемещайтесь по комнате, сохраняя надежное беспроводное соединение с компьютером на расстоянии до 10 метров.

128-битное шифрование Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Эта клавиатура использует технологию шифрования Advanced Encryption Standard (AES*), которая разработана с целью защиты вашей информации путем шифрования данных о нажимаемых клавишах. Каждая клавиатура надежно соединена со своим приемопередатчиком на производстве — важная информация никогда не передается беспроводным способом.

Работает с рядом ТВ и игровыми консолями

Обеспечивает основные функции клавиатуры при использовании с определенными USB HID-совместимыми телевизорами Smart TV и игровыми консолями. 1


Media key problems with Microsoft keyboard

I have a Microsoft All-in-One wireless media keyboard (n9z-00001) which behaves weirdly with my current distribution, Arch Linux. ( Linux 3.19.3-3-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 8 14:10:00 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux )

$ lsusb | grep -i micro Bus 001 Device 008: ID 045e:0800 Microsoft Corp. 

And this is what xinput yields. Note that there are two keyboards for this device, one with the peculiar (keys)

$ xinput list | grep -i micro ⎜ ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 [slave pointer (2)] ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 (keys) [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 [slave keyboard (3)] 
$ sudo evtest No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event* Available devices: /dev/input/event0: Lid Switch /dev/input/event1: Power Button /dev/input/event2: Video Bus /dev/input/event3: Video Bus /dev/input/event4: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard /dev/input/event5: Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 /dev/input/event6: Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 /dev/input/event7: Microsoft Microsoft® Nano Transceiver v2.0 /dev/input/event8: ThinkPad Extra Buttons /dev/input/event9: HDA Digital PCBeep /dev/input/event10: HDA Intel PCH Mic /dev/input/event11: HDA Intel PCH Headphone /dev/input/event12: HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=3 /dev/input/event13: HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=7 /dev/input/event14: HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=8 /dev/input/event15: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad /dev/input/event16: Integrated Camera /dev/input/event17: Logitech M705 /dev/input/event18: TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint /dev/input/event19: daskeyboard /dev/input/event20: daskeyboard Select the device event number 20: 
  • The device id 9 from xinput corresponds to /dev/input/event5 , which has all the regular keys except some of the media keys.
  • id 10 corresponds to /dev/input/event7 , and has the media keys on F1-F4 and 6 other keys related to volume control and other microsoft stuff.
  • I am guessing that /dev/input/event6 corresponds to the touchpad on the keyboard.
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The problem is with the function keys. Media keys that are placed where F1-F5 should be are assigned to the » (keys) » device, whereas F6-F12 are assigned with the other one. I want to map the media keys back to the function keys so that I don’t have to press Fn every time.

Problem 1: Media keys (keys that are channeled through input device 10, the (keys) one) are not registered by xev . They generate output with showkey —scancodes and evtest , but they are not picked up by X. How to solve that?

Problem 2: Media keys that work through input device 9 send multiple scancodes, and AFAIK there is no way of remapping multiple keys with hwdb , as shown in here. The following are the scancodes sent by the media key on F7

Event: time 1430059493.552417, -------------- EV_SYN ------------ Event: time 1430059493.560416, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 700e0 Event: time 1430059493.560416, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 29 (KEY_LEFTCTRL), value 0 Event: time 1430059493.560416, type 4 (EV_MSC), code 4 (MSC_SCAN), value 700e3 Event: time 1430059493.560416, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 125 (KEY_LEFTMETA), value 0 Event: time 1430059493.560416, -------------- EV_SYN ------------ 

I have no idea how to bind multiple scan codes to a single event; right now X is detecting all the individual keys and maps them to the respective events. For example, according to the output above, media key on F7 sends Ctrl+Alt+Scanner . How can I do this, since googling left me with no results?


Microsoft sculpt keyboard linux support

I have a microsoft sculpt keyboard that have double space. I want to use it on linux. I can’t find document, hack etc. I want to remap one of space key to enter key. I don’t idea where i can start digging for solving problem. [Edit 1] I used «showkeys -s» command that output «0x39 0xb9» value. But both of space are give same output. Is there a possible any other information that can be differ each other? Thanks

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If you press a key, your kernel get a scan code. It is not ascii-code, but a highly architecture/hw-specific thing. This is the same everywhere. The OS has a table, which maps this scancodes to ascii codes. This table is, what you can modify. Please edit in your question, where do you want to change the keyboard mapping. There are good tools (both UI & command line) for this, and with this info you can alreadly better googling for one, if you don’t get an enough good answer.

Did you see any information that the keyboard should differentiate the two spaces? Normal PC keyboards have multiple scancode sets so it is possible that in one of the sets the two spaces can produce two different scancodes. See

Note: it depends on the Sculpt keyboard. Mine is a butterfly type where both sections of the spacebar are actually the same key. They are just split because that way they can move independently giving a better typing experience. Those will give you the same scancode, no matter what you do 🙁 And yes, I asked Microsoft this (!)

1 Answer 1

The technical data sheet of the keyboard says this:

«Right side of space bar has typical space bar functionality; left side of space bar will toggle between backspace functionality and typical space bar functionality. To activate, depress and hold both sides of space bar for 3 seconds.»

This suggests it is a built-in feature of the keyboard and does not require a driver. If you activate this feature, showkeys will most likely report the scancode for the backspace if you hit the left space bar (in which case you’re still out of luck). If, on the other hand, the keyboard does happen to give off two different scancodes for the left space bar and the real backspace, you can map that keycode to an Enter. Keyboard mappings kan be manipulated with tools like xkbcomp or make your own mapping. Beware however, that the handling of keycodes by X is highly esoteric and documentation is . rather terse. A start is the documentation of xkbcomp.

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BTW, note that the reported keycodes «0x39 0xb9» are for the same key, the latter just has the high bit set to indicate key release. 0x39 is 57 decimal, which maps to the Space key in X for PC keyboards.


Microsoft All in One Media Keyboard Scrolling

So, just finished building an HTPC for the living room and have only one small issue. The keyboard listed above works perfectly, except the two finger scroll on the track pad. Even the media keys elicit a response, which I didn’t expect. Running most current version of Ubuntu, windows website shows absolutely zero support/drivers for Linux. Manual says to download the Microsoft software to customize media keys, but seems to indicate the two finger scrolling gesture should work native with the keyboard. Ubuntu settings do not detect a track pad under mouse and keyboard, only settings shown are pointer speed and double click speed. I would really like to stop using a dedicated wireless mouse on my leg, so any and all advice is appreciated. (Even if it is to buy a different, compatible keyboard) Thanks so much!

1 Answer 1

I am using ubuntu 17.10 and the two finger scroll worked for me straight out of the box.

I’ve had this keyboard a mere minutes, but I am very happy with it. I don’t think the backlit keys justified the extra money being sought and while the logitech k400 does have pg dn, pg up, home and ins keys, the larger track pad and spill resistance of the Microsoft product persuaded me me to purchase it instead.

As a linux novice I rely on reading forums for help, so I tbought I would reciprocate accordingly with where I could about what is a good product to purchase with a linux system.


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