Microsoft bluetooth device driver

Update Microsoft Bluetooth Drivers

It is recommended you update your Microsoft Bluetooth Drivers regularly in order to avoid conflicts. Driver updates will resolve any Driver conflict issues with all devices and improve the performance of your PC.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Downloading the latest Driver releases helps resolve Driver conflicts and improve your computer’s stability and performance. Updates are recommended for all Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, XP and Vista users.

Download and install Microsoft Drivers

How Do I Install Driver updates?

To fix your Drivers problems you will need to know the particular model of the Microsoft device you are having problems with. Once you have the details you can search the Microsoft website for your drivers and, if available, download and install these drivers.

How do I know if I need to update my Drivers?

If you are unsure of whether or not you need to update your Drivers, or indeed which Drivers may need to be updated, you can run a Drivers scan using a driver update tool (you will need to pay to register this tool but usually the Drivers scan is free). This will allow you to assess your Driver needs without any commitment. Alternatively, you can use the device manager to check if there are problems with any of your hardware devices.

Can I update the Drivers myself?

In many cases the answer to this is yes, however in some cases the manufacturers no longer make the Drivers available so you need to use a Driver Update Tool to install the missing Drivers. The purpose of such as tool is to save you time and effort by automatically downloading and updating the Drivers for you.

How will a Driver Update Tool fix my Microsoft Bluetooth Drivers?

A Driver Update Program will instantly resolve your drivers problems by scanning your PC for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers, which it then automatically updates to the most compatible version.

Why should I download Driver Update Software?

Apart from updating your Microsoft Drivers, installing a Driver Update Tool gives:

  • Up to 3 times faster internet connection and download speeds
  • Better PC performance for games and audio applications
  • Smooth-running of all your PC devices such as printers, scanners etc.
  • Better all-round performance of your PC due to automatic driver updates which will
  • keep all your devices and your PC in top condition
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Common Microsoft Bluetooth Driver Downloads

By clicking the Start Download button above and installing Driver Downloader ($29.95 USD), I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy of this site.

Driver Downloader Installation:

1. Click Here to Start Download
2. Click ‘Run’ (‘Save’ in Firefox)
3. Click ‘Run’ Again
4. Follow on-screen Instructions
Operating System: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

windows compatible software

System RequirementsWindows Platform: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP
8.1 MB free disk space
256 MB RAM
Processor: Pentium Class

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Installing a Bluetooth device

There are two installation types for Bluetooth profile drivers:

  • Client-side installation for remote devices where the remote device advertises its services and the computer connects to it. Examples include: mice, keyboards, and printers.
  • Server-side installation where the computer advertises services and remote devices can connect to the computer to use those services. For example, a vendor could author a server-side installation to enable a mobile device to print to a printer attached to the computer.
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These two installation types require different installation procedures.

Installing a client-side profile driver

A user that wants to use a Bluetooth-enabled device will bring the device within range of the computer and initiate a connection from the computer to the remote device using the following installation sequence for a client-side profile driver.

  1. Select Add a Bluetooth device in Control Panel to find all devices within range of the computer.
  2. Select the device to pair with.
  3. Pair the device with the local radio. This may or may not involve a PIN exchange.
  4. The local radio issues an SDP inquiry to identify the services supported on the remote device.
  5. The Found New Hardware Wizard searches for appropriate drivers on the local hard disk drive, and on Windows Update.
  6. If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not find an appropriate driver for the device, it prompts the user to insert the profile driver installation media that contains the profile driver’s device setup information file (INF file).

Installing a server-side profile driver

The Bluetooth driver stack supports service GUIDs as defined by the Bluetooth SIG, as well as custom GUIDs (that is, GUIDs that are not defined by the Bluetooth SIG).

The guidgen.exe tool provided with the Microsoft Windows SDK can be used to create custom GUIDs.

A user-mode installation application must be written to expose computer functionality that remote Bluetooth devices can use.

The installation application must communicate with the Bluetooth driver stack to create a service GUID for the functionality to expose. Vendors specify the service GUID in the application and in their device installation INF file.

The installation application must call the user-mode API BluetoothSetLocalServiceInfo. Before the application can call this API the application must have the SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME security privilege. The following code example demonstrates how to obtain this privilege. Note that the example does not demonstrate error handling.

HANDLE procToken; LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &procToken); LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME, &luid); Tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; Tp.privileges[0].Luid = luid; Tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges(procToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, (PDWORD)NULL) 

Profile driver INF file

A profile driver’s INF file contains information about a Bluetooth device for client-side installation. For a server-side installation, the INF file specifies a device ID that corresponds to the service GUID created by the installation application. All Bluetooth devices are members of the Bluetooth class. The Bluetooth class installer (Bthci.dll) assists in installing profile drivers.

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For more information about creating and distributing INF files and installing drivers, see Creating an INF File and INF File Sections and Directives.

Plug and Play IDs

The Bluetooth driver stack generates hardware IDs according to the following templates:

  • BTHENUM\< ServiceGUID>_VID& nnnnnnnn
  • BTHENUM\< ServiceGUID>_VID& nnnnnnnn_PID& nnnn
  • BTHENUM\< ServiceGUID>_LOCALMFG& nnnn

The Bluetooth driver stack generates compatible IDs according to the following template:

ServiceGUID is a 16-bit GUID expanded into a 128-bit GUID, as defined by the Bluetooth specification. For example, corresponds to an HID device.

  • The 8 digits following VID& correspond to the vendor ID code.
  • The 4 digits following PID& correspond to the product ID code.
  • The 4 digits following LOCALMFG& correspond to the manufacturer of the local Bluetooth radio.
  • The VID/PID and LOCALMFG tags are independent of each other.

The most generic device ID is a ServiceGUID by itself. For example:

The Bluetooth driver stack can be restricted to load your profile driver and software to run only on a specific release of a remote device by using Plug and Play IDs in both the remote device and the INF file. Note that the Bluetooth driver stack generates a VID/PID pair only if the device publishes a Plug and Play ID that the stack can detect using SDP. For example:

The Bluetooth driver stack can be restricted to load profile driver and software to run only on a specific local Bluetooth radio by specifying the LOCALMFG tag in the device ID in your INF file. For example:


Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator

Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator

Программное обеспечение, установленное в операционной системе Windows, которое обеспечивает поддержку технологии Bluetooth и управляет связью между устройствами Bluetooth.

Драйвер Bluetooth Enumerator от компании Microsoft поможет пользователям обмениваться файлами и передавать информацию по беспроводному каналу связи Bluetooth. Установка драйвера не занимает много времени.

Диагностика неполадок

Если вы используете устаревшие версии драйверов, советуем вам провести диагностику и обновить компоненты. За счет этого удастся повысить производительность системы. Перед обновлением и удалением устаревших компонентов, советуем вам провести диагностику.
Для этого выполните следующие действия.

  • воспользуйтесь комбинацией клавиш Win+R и наберите devmgmt.msc;
  • в диспетчере устройств найдите Bluetooth модуль;
  • если напротив устройства показана стрелочка вниз, вам нужно включить и задействовать этот компонент, так как он отключен;
  • если вы видите восклицательный знак, скачайте и установите нужный драйвер с нашего сайта.

Если во время проверки вы не нашли модуль Bluetooth, значит вам следует открыть каталог «Вид» и выбрать значение демонстрации срытых устройств. Если модуль отсутствует, значит, следует зайти в BIOS и задействовать этот компонент. Скачать и установить драйвер вы можете по приведенной ссылке ниже.


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