- Управление сетевыми драйверами папки «Входящие»
- FoD драйвера Ethernet
- FoD драйвера Wi-Fi
- Удаление неиспользуемых FOD драйверов
- Определение активного сетевого драйвера
- Обновление адаптера беспроводного дисплея Майкрософт
- Нужна дополнительная помощь?
- Нужны дополнительные параметры?
- Updating to a new version of Windows 10 on devices with some driver versions for certain Qualcomm Wi-Fi adapters
- Cause
- Next steps
Управление сетевыми драйверами папки «Входящие»
Образы Windows включают драйверы для поддержки многих наиболее популярных устройств Ethernet и Wi-Fi PCIE. Начиная с Windows 11, набор этих драйверов доступен в виде функций по запросу, чтобы упростить экономию места на диске путем удаления драйверов, которые неприменимы к вашему устройству.
При настройке образа определите драйверы, которые применяются к конфигурации оборудования, а затем с помощью команды DISM /remove-capability удалите не нужные вам диски FOD сетевого драйвера.
Сведения об удалении компонентов по запросу из образа см. в статье Добавление и удаление компонентов по запросу .
FoD драйвера Ethernet
Следующие драйверы Ethernet включены в образы Windows в качестве FOD:
Имя пакета FOD | Inf | DriverName | Arch | IHV | Приблизительный размер (МБ) |
Microsoft-Windows-Ethernet-Client-Intel-E1i68x64-FOD | net1ic64.inf | E1i68x64.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 0.928 |
Microsoft-Windows-Ethernet-Client-Intel-E2f68-FOD | net2ic68.inf | E2f68.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 0.544 |
Microsoft-Windows-Ethernet-Client-Realtek-Rtcx21x64-FOD | rtcx21x64.inf | Rtcx21x64.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 0.516 |
Microsoft-Windows-Ethernet-Client-Realtek-Rtcx21x86-FOD | rtcx21x86.inf | Rtcx21x86.sys | x86 | Realtek | 0.448 |
FoD драйвера Wi-Fi
Следующие драйверы WiFI включены в образы Windows в качестве fods:
Имя пакета FOD | Inf | DriverName | Arch | IHV | Приблизительный размер (МБ) |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmpciedhd63-FOD | bcmwdidhdpcie.inf | Bcmpciedhd63.sys | Amd64 | Broadcom | 2.14 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmwl63a-FOD | netbc64.inf | Bcmwl63a.sys | Amd64 | Broadcom | 7.3 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmwl63al-FOD | netbc63a.inf | Bcmwl63al.sys | Amd64 | Broadcom | 5.03 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwbw02-FOD | netwbw02.inf | Netwbw02.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 7.09 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwew00-FOD | netwew00.inf | Netwew00.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 11 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwew01-FOD | netwew01.inf | Netwew01.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 11.2 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwlv64-FOD | netwlv64.inf | Netwlv64.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 8.13 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwns64-FOD | netwns64.inf | Netwns64.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 8.46 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwsw00-FOD | netwsw00.inf | Netwsw00.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 11.2 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtw02-FOD | netwtw02.inf | Netwtw02.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 17.3 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtw04-FOD | netwtw04.inf | Netwtw04.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 10,7 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtw06-FOD | netwtw06.inf | Netwtw06.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 11,3 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtw08-FOD | netwtw08.inf | Netwtw08.sys | Amd64 | Intel | 12.1 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Marvel-Mrvlpcie8897-FOD | mrvlpcie8897.inf | Mrvlpcie8897.sys | Amd64 | Marvel | 1.05 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Athw8x-FOD | netathrx.inf | Athw8x.sys | Amd64 | Qualcomm | 4.56 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Athwnx-FOD | athw8x.inf | Athwnx.sys | Amd64 | Qualcomm | 4.38 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Qcamain10x64-FOD | netathr10x.inf | Qcamain10x64.sys | Amd64 | Qualcomm | 5.58 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Ralink-Netr28x-FOD | netr28x.inf | Netr28x.sys | Amd64 | Ralink | 2.69 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl8187se-FOD | net8187se64.inf | Rtl8187se.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 0.456 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl8192se-FOD | net8192se64.inf | Rtl8192se.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 1.23 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl819xp-FOD | net819xp.inf | Rtl819xp.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 0.64 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl85n64-FOD | net8185.inf | Rtl85n64.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 1.97 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane01-FOD | netrtwlane01.inf | Rtwlane01.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 8.08 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane13-FOD | netrtwlane_13.inf | Rtwlane_13.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 3.65 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane-FOD | netrtwlane.inf | Rtwlane.sys | Amd64 | Realtek | 11,1 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmpciedhd63-FOD | bcmwdidhdpcie.inf | Bcmpciedhd63.sys | x86 | Broadcom | 0.848 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmwl63a-FOD | netbc64.inf | Bcmwl63a.sys | x86 | Broadcom | 6.56 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Broadcom-Bcmwl63l-FOD | netbc63.inf | Bcmwl63l.sys | x86 | Broadcom | 4.59 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwbn02-FOD | netwbn02.inf | Netwbn02.sys | x86 | Intel | 6.48 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwen00-FOD | netwen00.inf | Netwen00.sys | x86 | Intel | 10.4 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwen01-FOD | netwen01.inf | Netwen01.sys | x86 | Intel | 10.5 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwlv32-FOD | netwlv32.inf | Netwlv32.sys | x86 | Intel | 7.27 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwns32-FOD | netwns32.inf | Netwns32.sys | x86 | Intel | 7.42 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwsn00-FOD | netwsn00.inf | Netwsn00.sys | x86 | Intel | 10.1 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtn02-FOD | netwtn02.inf | Netwtn02.sys | x86 | Intel | 16.6 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Intel-Netwtn04-FOD | netwtn04.inf | Netwtn04.sys | x86 | Intel | 10.1 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Athw8-FOD | athw8.inf | Athw8.sys | x86 | Qualcomm | 3.42 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Athwn-FOD | netathr.inf | Athwn.sys | x86 | Qualcomm | 3,6 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Qualcomm-Qcamain10x86-FOD | netathr10.inf | Qcamain10x86.sys | x86 | Qualcomm | 5.12 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Ralink-Netr28-FOD | netr28.inf | Netr28.sys | x86 | Ralink | 2.09 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl8187se-FOD | net8187se86.inf | Rtl8187se.sys | x86 | Realtek | 0.392 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl8192se-FOD | net8192se32.inf | Rtl8192se.sys | x86 | Realtek | 1.12 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl819xp-FOD | net819xp.inf | Rtl819xp.sys | x86 | Realtek | 0,572 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtl85n86-FOD | net8185.inf | Rtl85n86.sys | x86 | Realtek | 1.73 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane01-FOD | netrtwlane01.inf | Rtwlane01.sys | x86 | Realtek | 6.73 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane13-FOD | netrtwlane_13.inf | Rtwlane_13.sys | x86 | Realtek | 3,14 |
Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Realtek-Rtwlane-FOD | netrtwlane.inf | Rtwlane.sys | x86 | Realtek | 9.33 |
Удаление неиспользуемых FOD драйверов
Определение активного сетевого драйвера
get-netadapter | Format-List -Property DriverFileName, InterfaceName
- Для сетевых адаптеров InterfaceName Wi-Fi будет содержать слово wireless и DriverFileName будет указывать имя двоичного файла драйвера.
- Для сетевых адаптеров InterfaceName Ethernet содержит ethernet и DriverFileName указывает имя двоичного файла драйвера.
FoD сетевого драйвера соответствуют следующему соглашению об именовании:
Имя возможности: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client..~~~~
Имя примера пакета: Microsoft-Windows-Wifi-Client-Manufacturer-DriverBinaryName-FOD-Package<><>~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~.cab
Чтобы освободить дисковое хранилище, можно определить возможности, которые не соответствуют двоичному имени активного драйвера, и удалить их. Сведения об удалении возможностей см. в статье Добавление и удаление компонентов по запросу .
Обновление адаптера беспроводного дисплея Майкрософт
Для получения последних версий встроенного ПО и драйверов для Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter выполните следующие действия.
- Установите приложение Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter из Microsoft Store. Это приложение доступно бесплатно, и с его помощью вы можете обновить адаптер беспроводного дисплея Майкрософт. Скачатьhttps://www.microsoft.com/p/microsoft-wireless-display-adapter/9wzdncrfjbb1
- Откройте приложение Wireless Display Adapter и подключитесь к адаптеру. Приложение предоставляет инструкции для подключения.
- После подключения выберите Встроенное ПО в левой области навигации в приложении.
- Если доступно обновление, следуйте инструкциям по его установке.
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Updating to a new version of Windows 10 on devices with some driver versions for certain Qualcomm Wi-Fi adapters
If you are trying to update to the Windows 10 November 2019 Update (Windows 10, version 1909), the Windows 10 May 2019 Feature Update (Windows 10, version 1903), or the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (Windows 10, version 1809), you may encounter an update compatibility hold and receive the message, «Qualcomm wifi driver: Your PC has a driver that isn’t ready for this version of Windows 10. A new version is available.»
Windows 10, version 1909 and Windows 10, version 1903:
Microsoft has identified compatibility issues with some driver versions for certain Qualcomm Wi-Fi adapters. Devices with affected driver versions might experience loss of Wi-Fi connectivity after updating to a newer version of Windows 10.
To safeguard your upgrade experience, we have applied a hold on devices with affected Qualcomm driver from being offered Windows 10, version 1809, Windows 10, version 1903, or Windows 10, version 1909, until the updated driver is installed.
Next steps
You should first try manually checking for updates. For instructions, see Update Windows 10. If you are offered Qualcomm Wi-fi drivers and they install successfully, then you should now be able to update to Windows 10, version 1903. Select Check for Updates again, it should be offered and install as expected.
If you are not offered the driver from Windows Update, we recommend you try the following steps:
- Select Start or the search box in the task bar.
- type «device manager» and open Device Manager.
- Within Device Manager, find Network adapters and expand it to see all the currently installed adapters.
- Right-click or long press on the Qualcomm adapter and select Update driver.
- Select Search automatically for updated drivers on the dialog that opens.
- Wait for it to complete the task. If it says, «The best driver for your device are already installed.» then the driver was not updated. If the driver was updated, you should now be able to Check for Updates and install the newer version of Windows 10.
If you are not offered drivers for your affected Qualcomm Wi-fi adapter using either method above, you can follow the steps below to install an updated Wi-Fi driver:
- Download the Qualcomm Wi-fi adapter drivers to your preferred folder: DriverNote We recommend downloading them to your Documents folder.
- Open File Explorer. If there is no file explorer icon in the task bar, select the search box and enter file explorer and select it.
- Within File Explorer, go the Documents folder or the folder you downloaded the drivers to.
- Find and double click or double tap on the file named qcamainext10x-4-0-3-262-msx64_19fcb71525109fd2831d5a40944ded5663ec6af1.cab
- Select CTRL+a on the keyboard. This should select all of the files.
- Right click or long press on any of the files.
- A warning dialog might open with the text, «Windows Security: Opening these files might be harmful to your computer. Your internet security settings blocked one or more files from being opened. Do you want to open these files anyway?» If you see this warning, select the OK button.
- Select Extract from the right-click menu.
- Select the New folder button and rename it Qualcomm Wi-fi driver.
- Select the Extract button.
- In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager.
- Find Network adapters and expand it.
- Find the device with Qualcomm Wireless Network Adapter or Killer Wireless Network Adapter in the name and right-click or long press on it.
- Select Update Driver from the context menu.
- Select the Browse my computer for driver software button.
- It should default to your Documents folder, if this is where you saved the drivers then just select the Next button. If you did not save the drivers to your Documents folder, select the Browse button and find the folder you downloaded the drivers to and select OK.
- It should now find the updated drivers and install them. Wait for this to complete and select Close.
After you have updated your Qualcomm Wi-Fi adapter drivers, the safeguard hold should be removed and you should be able to install the newer version of Windows 10.
Note We recommend that you do not attempt to manually update using the Update now button or the Media Creation Tool until a new driver has been installed and the Windows 10, version 1903 or Windows 10, version 1909 feature update has been automatically offered to you.