Minecraft forge for linux

How do I install minecraft Forge?

I’ve downloaded minecraft via the PPA & want to use mods, the only mods I can find need Forge to run, on Microsoft doing so is easy, anyone know how to on Linux? (I prefer to do it via terminal) (I’ll add info or change info as I get responses) (I’m technically using lubuntu)

3 Answers 3

I figured it out after asking.

then I downloaded it to the desktop (I used 1.10 version, but that doesn’t really matter)

then i used then commands in this order

$ cd Desktop $ java -jar jarfilename.jar 

And now it’s modded. .;,;. (I used the command to launch the jar file due to me not being able to do so any other way on my computer).

As far as I can see this one is easy:

go to ‘http://files.minecraftforge.net/’ and select the forge version you need to use and download either the sources or the universal jar file. For this answer I assume you used the jarfile.

now cp /path/to/downloaded.jar /path/to/minecraft/mods/.jar

start minecraft, it should be modded now and you can copy other mods into your mods directory you want ot use.

is this a command, (ie terminal) or not, if not what does this even mean, i’m somewhat of a beginner to terminal, anyway, I’ve already figured it out.

There is a whole other way. You could used Multi MC . This approach is especially usefull if you want to keep multible differnet modpack around to play with.

You can download the deb package for Ubunutu and install with dpkg . to install forge and other mods, you start multmc create a instance and edit the instance.

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Сервер Forge майнкрафта на линуксе через консоль

Есть ноутбук с неработающей графической картой, который я хочу использовать в качестве сервера для майнкрафта (Forge с модулями). На компьютер я установил линукс (Debian 10) без графического интерфейса, но с SSH-сервером, через который и буду управлять системой.

Выключать компьютер я буду командой: «sudo shutdown -h now».

Установка Java

Для установки java в терминал вводим команду «sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk».

Когда установка закончится, можно проверить введя команду «java —version» в терминале.

Загрузка файлов сервера

В домашней папке создаём новую папку «minecraft» командой «mkdir minecraft».

Чтобы скачать файлы сервера, вначале надо узнать адрес этих файлов. Для этого переходим на сайт forge minecraft. На данный момент актуальная версия 1.16.5. Там я узнаю ссылку на «Installer«.

Теперь приступим к загрузке файлам сервера:

cd ~/minecraft wget https://maven.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.16.5-36.1.0/forge-1.16.5-36.1.0-installer.jar chmod +x forge-1.16.5-36.1.0-installer.jar

Распаковка и настройка сервера

Переходим в новую папку «minecraft»: cd ~/minecraft/

Распаковываем файлы для сервера: «java -jar forge-1.16.5-36.1.0-installer.jar —installServer»

Запускаем сервер в первый раз: «java -Xms1024M -Xmx3000M -jar forge-1.16.5-36.1.0.jar nogui»

Редактируем файл “eula.txt”, там меняем “eula=false” на “eula=true”. (nano eula.txt)

После этого запускаем сервер во второй раз: «java -Xms1024M -Xmx3000M -jar forge-1.16.5-36.1.0.jar nogui«

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Во время второго запуска будет создана папка «world» и конфигурационный файл server.properties.

Сервер останавливается командой «stop».

А папку «world» можно удалять командой «rm -r world».

Настало очередь поправить файл «server.properties» (nano server.properties).

Там подправил следующие параметры:

snooper-enabled=false server-port=25500 online-mode=false motd=Server by Me

Добавление модов

На другом компьютере уже собрал интересные мне моды и упаковал их в zip-архив. Первая попытка перенести файлы через флешку у меня не получилась. Поэтому я их выложил на свой локальный виртуальный сервер, от куда и буду их переносить на сервер.

Для начала установим пакет для распаковки zip-архивов: «sudo apt install unzip».

А теперь загружаем архив и распаковываем его:

cd ~/minecraft/mods/ wget unzip mods.zip mv mods/* . rm -r mods

Иконка сервера

Иконка для сервера является картинка размером 64х64 пикселя, сохранённая в формате PNG, при этом она должна называться «server-icon.png». Создаю на своём компьютере эту картинку и переношу её на свой локальный виртуальный сервер. Дальше делаю по вышеописанной схеме:

cd ~/minecraft/ wget

Автоматическое сохранение мира

Убеждаемся, что мы находимся в папке “minecraft”. (cd ~/minecraft)

Создаём файл “mcbackup.sh” (nano mcbackup.sh) и пишем внутрь:

# What to backup. Name of minecraft folder

# Specify which directory to backup to.
# Make sure you have enough space to hold 7 days of backups. This
# can be on the server itself, to an external hard drive or mounted network share.
# Warning: minecraft worlds can get fairly large so choose your backup destination accordingly.

# Create backup archive filename.
day=$(date +%A)

# Backup the files using tar.
cd /home/user && tar zcvf $dest/$archive_file $backup_files

Проверяем работает ли этот скрипт….

Вписываем команду в кронджоб (crontab -e):

05 3 * * * /home/user/minecraft/mcbackup.sh &> /dev/null


How To Install Minecraft Forge On Linux? (Illustrated Guide)

installing minecraft forge on linux ubuntu

Minecraft Forge is an unofficial extension to the Minecraft game, allowing you to install mods to add new features in your game, or simply change them. As a Minecraft fan and Linux user, it’s often difficult to find help on the official websites. This is why I’m writing this article – I’ll explain all the steps to install Forge on your computer.

Overall, the easiest way to install Minecraft Forge is to download the Java installer from the official website. If Minecraft and Java are installed and configured correctly, a new profile will be added to the Minecraft launcher.

If all of this is still unclear for you, don’t worry, I’ll explain everything in detail now, and add pictures for each step so that you can compare it with what you get on your PC.

Prerequisites to install Minecraft Forge on Linux

Before trying to install Minecraft Forge on your Linux distribution, you need to have Java and Minecraft installed already.

The Java runtime is probably already installed if you use a modern system. For example, you get it when you install LibreOffice. You’ll need it for Minecraft anyway.

To install Minecraft, go to the Mojang website and log in with your Microsoft account. In the downloads section, they will offer a few options for Linux users. I’m testing this tutorial for you on Ubuntu, so I downloaded the DEB version and installed it with the default software manager.

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Nothing complicated here, but just make sure you have your Minecraft launcher installed and running before trying to install Forge.

Minecraft Forge Installation on Linux

Here are the required steps to install Minecraft Forge on Linux:

  • Download Minecraft Forge for Linux from the official website.
  • Run the Java installer to add it to your Launcher.
  • Start a new game and select Minecraft Forge in your profiles list.

You get the idea, I will now explain each step in detail.

Download Minecraft Forge for Linux

Open the official website for Minecraft Forge (click here). By default, the latest stable version available will show up. At the time of writing, it’s 1.18.1. Make sure it’s the one you want to install. You can use the left menu to use another version.

Once the correct version is selected, click on “Installer” to download the Java installer on your PC:

You’ll be redirected to an ad page that you can skip after 5 seconds. Wait a few seconds to get the installer on your computer, and move to the next step once ready.

Minecraft Forge Installation

Once the Minecraft Forge installer is downloaded, you’ll probably need to add the execution permission before running it. Go to your downloads folder, right-click on the files and open the properties tab.
Check the execution box in the permissions tab:

After doing this, you can just double-click on the file to start the installation process. The Minecraft Forge installation wizard will show up, and ask if you want to install the client or the server version:

I suppose that most of you reading this are here to get the client, so keep the default value. If you want to install both, you will need to run the installer twice. The installer will automatically locate your Minecraft installation folder. Just make sure to change it if you have several installations on your computer, and it didn’t locate the one you would like to use with Forge.

The installation will start when you click on “OK”. There is nothing much to do during the installation, just wait for the success message:

First game with Minecraft Forge

The last step, once Minecraft Forge is installed, is to tell the Minecraft Launcher to use it. During the installation, the Minecraft Forge installer should have added a new profile in your Minecraft Launcher. Start your Minecraft launcher and check the profile list on the left:

As you can see, in my case, Forge is selected by default with the version I just installed. I now just need to click on “Play” to start Minecraft with Forge. You may get a warning message, explaining that the game has been modified, just check the box to accept it.

Your launcher may download files again, and start Minecraft as usual. The main screen might be slightly different, with mentions of Forge being used:

How To Use Minecraft Forge On Linux

Installing Forge on your Linux system is nice, but it doesn’t do anything if you are not adding any mods after that. If you are not used to this, I’ll now explain where to find mods and how to install them.

Each mod will have a specific goal, for example adding a new feature to the game or enhancing your gameplay in some way. For example, the mod “Just Enough Items”, will allow you to view a list of items and recipes in your inventory.

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Let’s see how to install it.

Downloads mods

The next step once Minecraft Forge is installed and tested is to download the mods you were interested in in the first place. You’ll find them online everywhere, it can be on a developer website, on “best mods” articles, etc.

The easiest way to find and download mods for Minecraft Forge is to visit CurseForge. They have an inventory of the most popular mods, where you can filter by game version, popularity, and more.

  • Open Curseforge in your web browser.
  • Use the filter the pick a specific game version (1.18.1 in my case).
  • Click on Download to get the corresponding file to your computer.

Beware though, Minecraft Forge is not the only option, and some mods are not available for it. Another way to find compatible mods is to use “Forge” in the game version list. And then, before downloading a mod, check if the game version you want is available (the last update date can help for this).

On this page, I can see that the mod is available for the game version 1.18.1, and when hovering the “+1” icon, it’s a Forge mod. I get it, it’s not very intuitive, but that’s the best we have :-).

Install a new mod

Once the file is on your PC, you need to copy the mod file under your Minecraft installation folder, in the “mods” directory.

The Minecraft default installation is under a “.minecraft” folder in your home directory. You may need to use “CTRL+H” to display the hidden files. Open it and paste the downloaded file in the “mods” folder:

Restart your Minecraft Launcher and click on “Play” (making sure Minecraft Forge is still selected as your default profile). The main menu will slightly change, showing one more mod loaded, and you can click on the “Mods” button to make sure the new mod is installed:

Obviously, you’ll also see the difference in your game. For example, Just Enough Items adds new things to the user interface, so you can’t really miss it while playing. Some mods have additional options in the configuration menu, others can be more discreet if they just add something in your games that can’t really be configured (like new ores or whatever).

Update an existing mod

There is no magical procedure to update existing mods on a Minecraft Forge installation. You need to follow the same process as for the installation. Download the new version from CurseForge or from the developer website and put it under the mods folder, replacing the old version.

Minecraft Forge may notify you when a new version is available, but you’ll generally update them when a new Minecraft version is released, I think.

Make sure to back up your save games and mods list before doing this. You can’t really know beforehand if the update will break your game, or change too many things in it, especially with mods altering the world generation.

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