Мой ip адрес linux mint

How to Find Your IP Address in Linux

Find your current IP Address in Linux

Find your current IP Address in Linux

Many times it happens that you feel the need to know the IP address of your device. Internet Protocol address or IP address is a set of numeric digits that are needed to identify your device and enable network communication because all the devices that are connected through a network know each other only through their IP addresses. Moreover, the IP address also specifies the location of a device. So it becomes necessary for you at times to know what is the IP address of whichever device you are using. Now how to find this IP address is the real question. In the article below, we will tell you all the ways through which you can find the IP address of your device while working in a Linux environment, in our case, Ubuntu 22.04. The same commands will work on the new Ubuntu 22.04 version too.

This tutorial will show you how to check your IP address on Linux systems like Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian using the command line. I will also explain the differences between private and public IP addresses, discuss the various network interfaces, and explain the ip route command and its role in network address translation.

The first step is to understand the two types of IP addresses: private and public. Private IP addresses are used within a local network or internet connection and cannot be reached from outside of that connection. Public IP addresses, however, can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

If you’re using an Ubuntu system, you can get your personal IP address by using this command: ifconfig . This will list all of your active network interfaces along with their associated private or public IP addresses.

Another way to get your public/private IPs is by entering ip route in the terminal window. This command shows all currently active routes along with their corresponding source/destination networks. You can then use these routes to trace out which devices are connected to your computer’s network interfaces – this includes public/private IPs allocated by DHCP servers such as routers.

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Finally, if you’re connected to a router via an ethernet cable or Wi-Fi (wireless) connection, then it’s likely that Network Address Translation (NAT) is being used – this means that requests sent from one machine inside the same local area network are being translated so that they appear as if they came from one single device with a single IPS address when viewed from outside of the LAN. To check if NAT is enabled in your current setup, use tracroute followed by any website domain name (e.g., google.com). The result should show whether or not packets are routed through NAT before reaching their destination web server – if so then NAT is enabled and working correctly!

Four ways to find your current IP Address in Linux

Following are the four methods through which you can find the IP address of your device:

Method # 1: On the Desktop

The first method of finding the IP address of your device is through the Linux desktop interface. For this, you need to proceed as follows:

Click on your network connection icon (Wi-Fi icon) at the top right of the title bar on which Ubuntu Desktop is written. A cascading menu will appear, which is shown below:

From the menu shown above, click on Connection Information. A new Connection Information window will appear, which is shown below:

Network connection Details

In the window shown above, the red highlighted rectangle shows the IP address of your device written in front of IP Address field.

Method #2: On the Shell with ip command

The second method of finding the IP address of your device is through a terminal command. To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

First, open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+ T or you can click on the terminal icon directly if it is shown on your taskbar. You can also click on the search icon located on the taskbar and then type Terminal and press enter to open it. The newly opened terminal window is shown below:

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Open the Linux Terminal

Type the command ip addr show in the terminal and press enter.

This command is shown below:

Show IP address

As soon as you press enter, some information will be displayed on the terminal window. From the information shown below in the terminal screen, the highlighted rectangle shows the IP address of your device besides the inet field.

Ip address shown beside the inet fiel in ip addr show command output.

Method # 3: On the Shell with ifconfig command

The third method of finding the IP address of your device is through another terminal command. For this, you need to follow the steps mentioned below:

Launch the terminal by pressing Ctrl+ T or clicking on the terminal icon, or searching for terminal in the search window shown below and pressing enter.

in the newly opened terminal window and press enter.

Run ifconfig command

As soon as you press enter, a lot of information will be displayed on the terminal screen. From the displayed information below, the highlighted rectangle shows the IP address of your device beside the field of inet addr.

Ifconfig command result

The ifconfig command works in the same way for finding the IP address of a device using terminal in Linux as ipconfig command works for finding the IP address of a device using command prompt in Windows.

Method # 4: On the Shell by using the hostname command

Method four for finding the IP address of your device makes use of yet another terminal command. For this method, you need to follow the following steps:

Launch the terminal by pressing Ctrl+ T or clicking on the terminal icon located on the taskbar or search for terminal in the search window and press enter.

When the terminal window appears, type the command:

and press enter. This command is shown in the following window:

Run hostname -I command

As soon as you will press enter, the IP address of your device will be displayed on the terminal right below your entered command. This is shown below:

Hostna,e -I command returns the current IP address of the Linux system


By using any of the methods listed above, you can find the IP address of your device very quickly and enable a very safe and secure network communication through it. IP address gives an identity to your device so that you can recognize it whenever you want to. Once you know the IP address of your device, you are free to interact with any other device that is connected to the same network to which you are connected. I hope that this article will help you a lot in the future.

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Как узнать IP адрес, используя командную строку Linux

Определить IP адрес в Linux

Раньше для просмотра текущих сетевых интерфейсов и их параметров (включая IP-адреса), использовалась команда ifconfig. Но она уже несколько лет как устарела, и в современных дистрибутивах Linux не поддерживается.

Вместо ifconfig рекомендуется использовать команду ip

Определяем IP-адрес командой ip

Чтобы определить IP-адрес вашего сетевого интерфейса можно использовать команду ip address (или эквивалентный вызов ip addr или просто ip a ).

ip address 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp2s0: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 00:24:1d:83:da:25 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp2s0 valid_lft 76434sec preferred_lft 76434sec inet6 fe80::1f6e:e0e4:27d1:e643/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 

Команда ip address Linux

В результате выполнения команды на экран будет выведен список текущих сетевых интерфейсов и их параметры. Первый интерфейс в списке обычно lo — это loopback интерфейс (нас он сейчас не интересует). Нас интересует Ethernet-интерфейс или WiFi-интерфейс (в зависимости от того, какое у вас подключение).

Ethernet интерфейсы обычно имеют имена вида enp2s0 или eth0, а WiFi-интерфейсы имеют имена вида wlp2s0 или wlan0 (цифры в названии могут отличаться).

Найдите интересующий вас интерфейс в списке. Его IP-адрес выводится на строке inet ..

В нашем примере это inet . — это IP-адрес. 24 — это маска подсети, соответствующая маске

Определяем IP-адрес командой hostname

Воспользуемся командой hostname , чтобы вывести IP-адрес. Используем ключ -I

Команда выводит все сетевые адреса хоста (системы), кроме loopback интерфейса. Если у вас всего одно сетевое соединение, то, скорее всего, будет выведен один IP-адрес.

Через графическую утилиту

Хотя эта заметка рассматривает способы определения IP-адреса через командную строку, иногда проще посмотреть текущий IP-адрес через графические программы. В Ubuntu Linux это можно сделать в Параметрах системы в разделе Сеть .


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