Mozilla downloads for linux

Take a browse on the wild side.

Be among the first to explore future releases of Firefox for desktop, Android and iOS.


Test about-to-be-released features in the most stable pre-release build.

Firefox Beta — English (British)

Your system may not meet the requirements for Firefox, but you can try one of these versions:

Firefox Beta — English (British)

Firefox Beta is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Firefox Beta is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Beta is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Beta sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. Learn what is shared.

Give us feedback to help us put the final tweaks on performance and functionality in a stable environment.

Developer Edition

Build, test, scale and more with the only browser built just for developers.

Firefox Developer Edition — English (British)

Your system may not meet the requirements for Firefox, but you can try one of these versions:

Firefox Developer Edition — English (British)

Firefox Developer Edition is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Firefox Developer Edition is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Developer Edition is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Developer Edition sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. Learn what is shared.


Get a sneak peek at our next generation web browser, and help us make it the best browser it can be: try Firefox Nightly.

Firefox Nightly — English (British)

Your system may not meet the requirements for Firefox, but you can try one of these versions:

Firefox Nightly — English (British)

Firefox Nightly is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

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Firefox Nightly is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Nightly is an unstable testing and development platform. By default, Nightly sends data to Mozilla — and sometimes our partners — to help us handle problems and try ideas. Learn what is shared.

See something that isn’t working? Let us know.


If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us.


Install Firefox on Linux

Most Linux distributions already have Firefox installed from their distribution package manager, and configured as the default browser. This article explains other ways to download and install Firefox on a Linux.

This article only applies to Linux. For instructions to install Firefox on Mac, see How to download and install Firefox on Mac. For instructions to install Firefox on Windows, see How to install Firefox on Windows.

Table of Contents

Install from your distribution package manager (Recommended)

To install Firefox using your distribution package manager, please refer to your Linux distribution’s documentation.

This method is recommended because it ensures Firefox and all the required libraries are installed and configured optimally for your distribution. However, there may be a small delay between the official release of a new version of Firefox and the moment when your distribution updates the version it distributes. Your distribution may also distribute it without the Firefox branding, or only distribute the ESR version.

Install from Flatpak

To install Firefox from Flatpak, install and configure Flatpak on your computer. Once Flatpak is installed, go to the Firefox Flathub’s page and click the Install button. Alternatively, you can type the following command in a terminal:

flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox

By default, Flatpak installs Firefox in the same locale as your operating system. To use a different language, please follow the instructions on how to use Firefox in another language.

Install from Snap

To install Firefox from Snap, install Snap on your computer. Once Snap is installed, go to the Firefox Snapcraft’s Store page, click the Install button and follow the instructions.

If available, Snap installs Firefox in the same locale as your operating system. To use a different language, please follow the instructions on how to use Firefox in another language.

Install Firefox from Mozilla builds

Before you install Firefox from a Mozilla build, make sure that your computer has the required libraries installed. Missing or incompatible libraries may cause Firefox to be inoperable.

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System Firefox installation (for advanced users)

To install Firefox with this method, you must be able to log in as root or execute sudo commands.

This installation will have priority over the Firefox version installed through your package manager. To run the version installed with your package manager, you will need to execute the binary from a terminal. To do so in most distributions, open a terminal and type:

  1. Go to the Firefox download page and click the Download Now button.
  2. Open a terminal and go to the folder where your download has been saved. For example: cd ~/Downloads Extract the contents of the downloaded file by typing: tar xjf firefox-*.tar.bz2
    The following commands must be executed as root, or preceded by sudo .
  3. Move the uncompressed Firefox folder to /opt : mv firefox /opt
  4. Create a symlink to the Firefox executable: ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox
  5. Download a copy of the desktop file: wget -P /usr/local/share/applications

Alternatively, if wget is not installed on your computer, go to the URL mentioned above, right-click on the page to open the contextual menu and select Save Page As . After you downloaded the file, move it to /usr/local/share/applications .

To verify that the installation was successful, you can open the Troubleshooting Information page. In the Application Basics section, the value of Application Binary should be /opt/firefox/firefox-bin .

Local Firefox installation in user’s account

If you don’t have access to login as root or execute sudo commands, or just prefer to use a local Firefox in your account, you can make a local installation. You can also do this to have multiple Firefox installations for different builds.

  1. Go to the Firefox download page and click the Download Now button.
    • You can also click the Download a different platform or language link below that button to choose another build: Nightly, Beta, Developer, or ESR.
  2. Open a terminal and go to the folder where your download has been saved. For example: cd ~/Downloads
  3. Extract the downloaded file contents. This will create a folder named firefox . After that, you can delete the archive: tar xjf firefox-*.tar.bz2
    rm firefox-*.tar.bz2
  4. If you downloaded a specific build, you may want to rename the uncompressed folder accordingly. For example: mv firefox firefox-nightly
  5. You can leave the uncompressed folder into your download folder, or move it to another place in your account. For example: mv firefox ~/firefox
  6. Firefox is now ready to be used. You can run it directly from the terminal: ~/firefox/firefox &
  7. Create a desktop shortcut. (It may be different in your Linux distribution.)
    • Right-click on the desktop and choose Create launcher from the context menu.
    • You can also type this on the terminal: ln -s ~/firefox/firefox ~/Desktop/
    • An icon for the desktop shortcut will be found in ~/firefox/browser/chrome/icons/default/
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Note: This method doesn’t change file types binding on the system, so links from other applications will not open in the local installation. You will need to copy the link and paste in the Firefox address bar.

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Скачать Mozilla Firefox для Linux

Firefox Linux – истинный долгожитель в мире обозревателей, у пользователей складывается впечатление, будто он существовал всегда. Миллионы юзеров успели скачать Мозилу Файрфокс на свои устройства. Стоит узнать, чем он так хорош.

Простота пользования и скорость работы

Файрфокс крайне прост в использовании. В этом ему помогает «умная адресная строка», позволяющая открывать самые посещаемые сайты на высокой скорости. Оформление обозревателя также переработано для обеспечения максимального комфорта.

  • Вы сможете легко работать, открывая множество вкладок. Функция «Панорама» позволяет еще быстрее организовать все имеющиеся вкладки и избежать нагромождения.
  • Интерфейс не вызывает вопросов, поскольку все элементы переведены на русский язык.
  • Настольная версия позволяет синхронизироваться с другими устройствами и переносить информацию с браузера на ваш смартфон.
  • Имеет удобные менеджеры закладок и загрузок, а также надежно сохраняет любые пароли и данные форм.

Установка Mozilla Firefox в Linux занимает совсем мало времени. Загрузив новый Файрфокс на русском языке, вы поймете, что работать в глобальной сети стало проще. В единственном окне можно использовать различные движки, а это удобно – просто кликните и выберите из перечня нужное ядро.

Достоинства MF

  • Для разработчиков предусмотрены уникальные инструменты.
  • Каждая страничка загружается мгновенно.
  • Менеджер ключей удобен и прост.
  • Файрфокс будет доступен на различных устройствах с одного профиля благодаря синхронизации.
  • Возможность кастомизации оформления.
  • Интерфейс выполнен в приятном для глаза стиле.
  • Можно менять масштабирование страниц по своему усмотрению.
  • Парой кликов очищается информация из веб-форм, файлы «куки», пароли и история.
  • Парой кликов очищается информация из веб-форм, файлы «куки», пароли и история.
  • Доступно аппаратное ускорение для работ с видео-элементами.
  • Встроен менеджер загрузок.
  • Вкладками можно управлять, сохранять их или реорганизовывать.
  • Настроен инструмент для создания отдельных скриншотов.
  • С помощью приватного просмотра скрывается информация о сеансе.
  • В адресной строке установлена функция авто-заполнения.
  • Огромное количество плагинов.
  • Браузер обновляется самостоятельно, как и сторонние дополнения, языковые пакеты.
  • Внедрена система RSS.
  • Поддерживаются веб-технологии последнего поколения.
  • Имеется адаптивная панель с закладками, метки веб-проектов и библиотека.

Характеристики Mozilla Firefox

  • Создатель: Организация Мозилла.
  • Операционные системы: Виндовс Виста, 7, 8, 10, XP.
  • Русский язык: присутствует.


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