Mqtt client linux gui


MQTTX is an open-source, cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client initially developed by EMQ, which can run on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

The user interface (UI) of MQTTX adopts a chat-based layout, simplifying operational logic. It enables users to establish multiple MQTT connections, thereby facilitating swift testing of MQTT/MQTTS connections, as well as message subscription and publication.

Before installing, we encourage you to visit our website or GitHub to acquaint yourself with the latest version information. The latest updates are aimed at enhancing the user experience. If you’re familiar with this project, you also have the option to directly clone the source code of MQTTX, and build and use it on your own terms. During usage, if you encounter any issues, please navigate to GitHub issues to pose queries or share your thoughts. Alternatively, you can fork our project and submit your modifications as a Pull Request. We promise a thoughtful review and timely response.


Main Features

  • User-friendly, chat box for sending/receiving MQTT messages
  • Cross-platform, compatibility, runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Fully compliant with MQTT 5.0, 3.1.1 and 3.1
  • Customizable color schemes for different MQTT subscriptions
  • Supports one-way and two-way SSL/TLS authentication
  • Supports MQTT over WebSockets
  • Payload Format Conversion with support for Hex, Base64, JSON, and Plaintext
  • Custom scripts for MQTT Pub/Sub simulation
  • Comprehensive logging capabilities
  • Language support for English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Turkish, and Hungarian 🇨🇳 🇯🇵 🇺🇸 🇹🇷 🇭🇺
  • Toggle between Light/Dark/Night mode freely


MQTT Explorer

An all-round MQTT client that provides a structured topic overview

Version 0.4.0-beta1

MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client that provides a structured overview of your MQTT topics and makes working with devices/services on your broker dead-simple.


  • Visualize topics and topic activity
  • Delete retained topics
  • Search/filter topics
  • Delete topics recursively
  • Diff view of current and previous received messages
  • Publish topics
  • Plot numeric topics
  • Retain a history of each topic
  • Dark/Light Themes
  • … See Changelog to see all features

The hierarchical view makes this tool so easy to use and differentiates the MQTT Explorer from other great MQTT clients like MQTTLens, MQTTBox and MQTT.fx.
This MQTT Client strives to be a MQTT swiss-army-knife, the perfect tool to integrate new services and IoT devices on your network.


Developing this tool takes a lot of effort, sweat and time, please consider rating the App on the Windows or Mac app store .
If you feel like a feature is missing or you found a bug, please leave me a comment / issue and I’ll see what I can do.

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Platform Downloads
windows Windows
portable, installer
mac Mac dmg
ubuntu Ubuntu
debian, mint, neon, fedora, etc…
snap install mqtt-explorer
Ubuntu Store
linux Linux
almost every linux
Run AppImage:
Make it executable and double-click it.


Your All-in-One
MQTT Client Toolbox






MQTTX makes developing and testing MQTT applications faster and easier.


Offers three convenient versions — Desktop, CLI, and Web — designed to adapt to your preferred work environment, with cross-platform compatibility (macOS, Linux, Windows).

Rich Developer Features

Beyond basic MQTT operations, MQTTX comes ready with features such as Scripts, Benchmarks, and IoT Data Simulation, providing a comprehensive MQTT solution.

MQTT Compatibility

MQTTX is 100% compliant with MQTT 5.0, 3.1.1, and 3.1. We consistently keep up with the latest MQTT standards, ensuring testing features fully meet and comply with the protocol’s requirements.

Getting Started with MQTTX

Discover how MQTTX simplifies the journey— from connecting with an MQTT broker to publishing and subscribing to topics. Whether you’re on a Desktop, CLI, or Web, MQTTX streamlines every step.


Quickly connect to your MQTT broker with MQTTX. Simply set up your connection details and get connected, whether you’re using a GUI or a command line.



Easily publish messages in various formats like JSON, Base64, and Hex with MQTTX. Whether you are on GUI or command line, MQTTX adapts to your workflow.


Effortlessly subscribe to multiple topics with MQTTX. Enjoy the convenience of color-coded topics in the GUI for easy identification and management.


7 Best MQTT Client Tools Worth Trying in 2023

7 Best MQTT Client Tools Worth Trying in 2023

With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), the MQTT protocol is being widely used by many companies and developers. MQTT client tools are used to connect to MQTT brokers for publishing, subscribing, sending and receiving messages.

The right tool can help developers explore MQTT features and debug IoT applications, shortening the development cycle. Given the variety of MQTT client tools available with different functional focuses, choosing a suitable MQTT client tool is challenging for beginners and MQTT experts alike.

We have selected seven of the most useful MQTT client tools in 2023 and listed them by Desktop, Browser, Command Line, and Mobile categories. We hope this article will help you quickly find a suitable tool for your MQTT development.

How to Choose an MQTT Client?

A good MQTT client tool should possess the following key features.

  • Support for one-way and two-way SSL authentication.
  • Support for MQTT 5 features.
  • Maintain ease of use on a full-featured basis.
  • Support for multiple clients online at the same time.
  • Cross-platform, available under different operating systems.
  • Support MQTT over WebSocket.
  • Advanced features: Customized script, logging, payload format conversion, etc.

Free Public MQTT Broker

Before diving into the MQTT desktop tools, we need an MQTT broker to communicate and test. We choose the free public MQTT broker available on .

  • Server:
  • TCP Port: 1883
  • WebSocket Port: 8083
  • SSL/TLS Port: 8883
  • Secure WebSocket Port: 8084
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For more information, please check out: Free Public MQTT Broker.

MQTT Desktop Client Tools


MQTTX is an elegant cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client that runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Its user-friendly chat-style interface enables users to easily create multiple MQTT/MQTTS connections and subscribe/publish MQTT messages.

MQTTX fully supports MQTT versions 5.0 and 3.1.1, MQTT over TLS, MQTT over WebSocket, and one-way and two-way SSL authentication. In addition to these essential features, MQTTX offers advanced functionality, such as customizable scripts for MQTT Pub/Sub simulation and support for codecs like Hex, Base64, and JSON payloads.

MQTTX is an open-source project developed with Electron and maintained by the EMQX team. The latest release is version 1.9.2 by the end of April 2023.


  • User-friendly and easy-to-use UX design
  • Chatbox for sending/receiving MQTT messages
  • Fully support for MQTT versions 5.0 and 3.1.1
  • Support MQTT over TLS, and MQTT over WebSocket
  • Support for one-way and two-way SSL authentication
  • Hex, Base64, JSON, and Plaintext payload codec
  • Customized colors for different MQTT subscriptions
  • Customized script for MQTT Pub/Sub scenario simulation
  • Cross-platform, running on Windows, macOS, and Linux


MQTT Explorer

MQTT Explorer is an open-source MQTT client tool that provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) with a structured topic overview. It adopts a hierarchical main view and supports a visual chart display of received payload messages.

MQTT Explorer supports MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.1 protocols and allows developers to simultaneously create one MQTT/MQTTS connection.

MQTT Explorer is written in Typescript and developed by Thomas Nordquist. It’s cross-platform and can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It’s a pity that the project has been out of development since the last release of version 0.4.0-beta1 on April 28, 2020.


  • Visualize topics and a dynamic preview of the change of topic
  • Delete the retained topics
  • Search/filter topics
  • Recursive delete topics
  • Difference view of current and previously received messages
  • Publish topics
  • Draw digital topics
  • Retain the historic record of every topic
  • Dark/Light topic


MQTT Online Client Tools


MQTTX Web is a user-friendly, browser-based tool for online debugging, developing, and testing MQTT applications. It connects to an MQTT broker via a WebSocket client and offers an intuitive interface.

Developed by the EMQX team, MQTTX Web is an open-source tool that supports MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 protocols and WebSocket transports. It is licensed under Apache Version 2.0.

Additionally, MQTTX Web supports private deployment using Docker, which is beneficial when only a browser is available, or for testing in restricted intranet environments. Deploy from Docker Image:

docker pull emqx/mqttx-web docker run -d --name mqttx-web -p 80:80 emqx/mqttx-web 


MQTT.Cool Test Client

MQTT.Cool Test Client is a very simple and linear GUI (based on the MQTT.Cool API) through which you can test the interaction between the MQTT.Cool server and MQTT brokers. It supports connecting to the broker via MQTT TCP in the browser.

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MQTTX CLI is a lightweight and easy-to-use MQTT 5.0 command line tool. With various commands for MQTT publishing, subscribing, benchmarking, and IoT data simulation, it is one of the most powerful tools for MQTT development.

MQTTX CLI is an open-source project written in Node.js and developed by the EMQX team. It’s cross-platform and can work on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


  • Full support for both MQTT v3.1.1 and MQTT v5.0
  • Cross-platform compatibility with Windows, MacOS, and Linux
  • Dependency-free setup allowing for quick installation without prerequisites
  • Supports CA, self-signed certificates, and one-way and two-way SSL authentication
  • Performance testing capabilities for quickly evaluating MQTT service performance.


MQTTX CLI is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. For additional installation options, please consult the documentation.

docker pull emqx/mqttx-cli docker run -it --rm emqx/mqttx-cli 
brew install emqx/mqttx/mqttx-cli 

Usage Example

mqttx conn -h '' -p 1883 -u 'test' -P 'test' 
mqttx sub -t 'topic/#' -h '' -p 1883 
mqttx pub -t 'topic' -q 1 -h '' -p 1883 -m 'Hello from MQTTX CLI' 

Mosquitto CLI

Mosquitto is a widely used open-source MQTT broker with the popular mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub command line clients. This CLI tool offers a wide range of options to connect, subscribe to, and publish messages to an MQTT broker.

The Mosquitto project is written in C/C++ and maintained by the Eclipse Foundation. Mosquitto is highly portable and can be deployed on various platforms, including Linux, Mac, Windows, and Raspberry Pi.


  • Lightweight and easy to use
  • Support for MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 protocols
  • Extensive command-line parameters
  • Support for SSL/TLS encryption/authentication
  • MQTT v5.0 request/response functionality


docker pull eclipse-mosquitto 

Usage Example

mosquitto_pub -t 'topic' -q 1 -h '' -p 1883 -m 'Hello from Mosquitto CLI' 
mosquitto_sub -t 'topic/#' -h '' -p 1883 
mosquitto_rr -t 'req-topic' -e 'rep-topic' -m 'request message' -h '' mosquitto_pub -t 'rep-topic' -m 'response message' -h '' 

MQTT Mobile Client Tools


EasyMQTT is an MQTT client for iPhone, iPad, and macOS, allowing you to interact with any MQTT Broker. Use it to manage your own setup at home, control things like Zigbee2MQTT or monitor a remote broker. It features a simple, user friendly interface, supporting both light and dark modes.


In conclusion, we have provided a detailed introduction to MQTT client tools in different categories.

Among these, the MQTTX open-source project stands out as a fast-growing client tool that offers a modern chat-style interface, full MQTT 5.0 support, and a rich set of features providing a great user experience. With three versions available — Desktop, Command Line, and Browser — MQTTX can fulfill your MQTT testing requirements in diverse scenarios. Undoubtedly, MQTTX is among the top MQTT client tools of 2023.



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