Настройка роутера dasan h660rm

Reset the Dasan H660RM

This article covers how to reset the Dasan H660RM router back to factory default settings. A router reset is a much bigger deal than a router reboot. Rebooting a router is simply turning it off and back on again. A Router Reset completely erases the router and returns it to factory settings.

Warning: Before you proceed, there are a few things you need to know. When you reset your router, the following will happen.

  • The router’s username and password are reset.
  • Your WiFi login, password, and network name are reset.
  • If your router has any ISP settings they will be removed, and you will have to contact your ISP.
  • All port forwards, firewall settings, and parental controls that you have configured will be removed.

Since a router reset is such a drastic step, it should only be done as a last resort when you cannot recover your router’s password using any other methods. Make sure that you have tried to recover your router password using our Router Password Finder first.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

Recover Password in Dasan H660RM

Before you resort to doing a full router reset, you may want to try running our Router Password Finder first.

Our Router Password Finder can recover your lost or forgotten router password without doing a full router reset, which can save you lots of time.

Router Password Finder — Automatically Recover Lost or Forgotten Router Passwords

Only after you have tried to recover your missing router username and password should you perform a full router reset.

Reset the Dasan H660RM

On most routers you can find a small button on the back or the bottom labeled reset. This is what a typical reset button looks like:

Router Reset Button

Even though yours may look slightly different, you need to look for a tiny button. Sometimes the reset button is under a pinhole on the back of the router, and you need a paper clip to push it.

Hold the reset button down for about 10 seconds while watching the lights on the front of your router. The lights on the front of the router should do something different when the reset happens. Do not be concerned about holding the reset button down too long. It will not hurt anything.

Just don’t forget that this will totally reset your Dasan H660RM router.

Only do this once you have exhausted all other troubleshooting options, such as running our Router Password Finder software, which can recover a lost router password for you.

Login to the Dasan H660RM

After you are finished resetting your router, you need to login in using the original factory username and password. Just follow our H660RM Login Guide to find all of the information that you need.

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Change Your Password

Do not forget to change your router’s default password when you log back into it. Since factory passwords are well known, it’s a huge security risk to leave your router set to the default. Our Choosing a Strong Password guide talks about choosing a strong password for your router.

Tip: After creating this new password, we highly recommend writing this down on a post-it note and attaching it to the bottom of your router for future reference.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

We have collected a lot of information about the Dasan H660RM router. You can find some of our additional content here.


Login to the Dasan H660RM

This page shows you how to login to the Dasan H660RM router.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

Find Your Dasan H660RM Router IP Address

We need to find your Dasan H660RM router’s internal IP address before we can log in to it.

Known H660RM IP Addresses

Start with the first IP address in the list and then follow the rest of this guide.

If the IP address you picked does not seem to work, then simply try a different one. It is harmless to try different IP addresses.

If, after trying all of the above IP addresses, you still cannot find your router, then you have the following options:

Once you have the internal IP Address of your router, you can log in to it.

Login to the Dasan H660RM Router

Your Dasan H660RM router has a web interface. You need to use a web browser to manage it, such as Chrome, Edge, or Firefox.

Enter Dasan H660RM Internal IP Address

Either copy/paste or type the internal IP address of your Dasan H660RM router into the address bar of your web browser. The address bar looks like this:

Press the Enter key on your keyboard. You should see a window pop up asking you for your Dasan H660RM password.

Dasan H660RM Default Username and Password

You must know your Dasan H660RM username and password in order to log in. If you are not sure what the username and password are, then perhaps they are still set to the factory defaults. Below is a list of all known Dasan H660RM default usernames and passwords.

Dasan H660RM Default Usernames and Passwords
Username Password
user 1234

Put your username and password in the appropriate boxes. You can try them all.


Dasan H660RM Home Screen

When you get logged in you should be at the Dasan H660RM home screen, which looks similar to this:


If you see this screen, then congratulations, you are now logged in to your Dasan H660RM. You are now ready to follow one of our other guides.

Solutions To Dasan H660RM Login Problems

If you cannot get logged in to your router, here a few possible solutions you can try.

Dasan H660RM Password Doesn’t Work

Your router’s factory default password might be different than what we have listed here. Start by trying all of the other known Dasan passwords. Here is our list of all Dasan Passwords.

Читайте также:  Скрипт перезагрузки роутера tp link

Forgot Password to Dasan H660RM Router

If you are using an ISP provided router, then you may need to call their support desk and ask for your login information. Most of the time they will have it on file for you.

How to Reset the Dasan H660RM Router To Default Settings

As a last resort, you can reset your router to factory defaults. As a last resort, you can reset your router to factory defaults.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

Here are some of our other Dasan H660RM info that you might be interested in.


Настройка роутера dasan h660rm

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wifi dasan

Подключите Ваш компьютер к абонентскому терминалу проводом

или через беспроводную сеть WiFi

( по умолчанию WiFi сеть называется DASAN_GONT, пароль 1234567890a )

Ваш компьютер должен быть настроен на автоматическое получение IPадреса.

Откройте браузер ( IE, Opera, GoogleChrome, Firefox… )

в адресной строке введите адрес:

В соответствующих полях введите:

Password: user

Перед Вами интерфейс пользователя абонентского терминала GPON.

Перейдите в раздел Basic Settings -> Wireless LAN -> SSID Settings.

Для изменения имени беспроводной сети нажмите кнопку Modify.

В открывшемся окне Вы можете самостоятельно изменить название сети и пароль для подключения к беспроводной сети с Ваших устройств.

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем изменить название сети и пароль .

Так как стандартные параметры используются на всех абонентских терминалах, установленных у абонентов нашей компании.

Информация о материале Опубликовано: 23 января 2016 Создано: 23 января 2016 Обновлено: 23 января 2016

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  • Настройки
  • Настрйка WiFi на терминалах DASAN


dasan h660rw инструкция на русском

Перед Вами интерфейс пользователя абонентского терминала GPON.

Перейдите в раздел Basic Settings -> Wireless LAN -> SSID Settings.

Для изменения имени беспроводной сети нажмите кнопку Modify.

В открывшемся окне Вы можете самостоятельно изменить название сети и пароль для подключения к беспроводной сети с Ваших устройств.

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем изменить название сети и пароль .

Так как стандартные параметры используются на всех абонентских терминалах, установленных у абонентов нашей компании.

Wi-Fi в любой комнате от прихожей до балкона

Раздаёт интернет на скорости до 300 Мбит/с

Вы будете знать, что происходит дома. Даже если вы далеко.

Изображения товара Абонентский терминал ONT GPON с 4 портами 10/100/1000-Base-T, 2 портами POTS, 1 RF-выходом, WiFi

Устройствa, относящиеся к группе ONT – это терминальное абонентское оборудование Optical Network Terminal, работающее по технологии Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) и обеспечивающее сервис для абонентов по оптическому волокну. Устройства устанавливаются внутри помещения и могут монтироваться на стене или размещаться на столе. Терминальное оборудование предназначено для предоставления широкополосных услуг для частных пользователей.

Уважаемые покупатели.
Обращаем Ваше внимание, что размещенная на данном сайте справочная информация о товарах не является офертой, наличие и стоимость оборудования необходимо уточнить у менеджеров ООО «НАГ», которые с удовольствием помогут Вам в выборе оборудования и оформлении на него заказа.

Производитель оставляет за собой право изменять внешний вид, технические характеристики и комплектацию без уведомления.

Уважаемые покупатели.
Обращаем Ваше внимание, что размещенная на данном сайте справочная информация о товарах не является офертой, наличие и стоимость оборудования необходимо уточнить у менеджеров ООО «НАГ», которые с удовольствием помогут Вам в выборе оборудования и оформлении на него заказа.

Производитель оставляет за собой право изменять внешний вид, технические характеристики и комплектацию без уведомления.


Reset the Dasan H660RM

This article covers how to reset the Dasan H660RM router back to factory default settings. A router reset is a much bigger deal than a router reboot. Rebooting a router is simply turning it off and back on again. A Router Reset completely erases the router and returns it to factory settings.

Читайте также:  Скорость wifi роутера мгтс

Warning: Before you proceed, there are a few things you need to know. When you reset your router, the following will happen.

  • The router’s username and password are reset.
  • Your WiFi login, password, and network name are reset.
  • If your router has any ISP settings they will be removed, and you will have to contact your ISP.
  • All port forwards, firewall settings, and parental controls that you have configured will be removed.

Since a router reset is such a drastic step, it should only be done as a last resort when you cannot recover your router’s password using any other methods. Make sure that you have tried to recover your router password using our Router Password Finder first.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

Recover Password in Dasan H660RM

Before you resort to doing a full router reset, you may want to try running our Router Password Finder first.

Our Router Password Finder can recover your lost or forgotten router password without doing a full router reset, which can save you lots of time.

Router Password Finder — Automatically Recover Lost or Forgotten Router Passwords

Only after you have tried to recover your missing router username and password should you perform a full router reset.

Reset the Dasan H660RM

On most routers you can find a small button on the back or the bottom labeled reset. This is what a typical reset button looks like:

Router Reset Button

Even though yours may look slightly different, you need to look for a tiny button. Sometimes the reset button is under a pinhole on the back of the router, and you need a paper clip to push it.

Hold the reset button down for about 10 seconds while watching the lights on the front of your router. The lights on the front of the router should do something different when the reset happens. Do not be concerned about holding the reset button down too long. It will not hurt anything.

Just don’t forget that this will totally reset your Dasan H660RM router.

Only do this once you have exhausted all other troubleshooting options, such as running our Router Password Finder software, which can recover a lost router password for you.

Login to the Dasan H660RM

After you are finished resetting your router, you need to login in using the original factory username and password. Just follow our H660RM Login Guide to find all of the information that you need.

Change Your Password

Do not forget to change your router’s default password when you log back into it. Since factory passwords are well known, it’s a huge security risk to leave your router set to the default. Our Choosing a Strong Password guide talks about choosing a strong password for your router.

Tip: After creating this new password, we highly recommend writing this down on a post-it note and attaching it to the bottom of your router for future reference.

Other Dasan H660RM Guides

We have collected a lot of information about the Dasan H660RM router. You can find some of our additional content here.


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